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Posts posted by coma

  1. Just seen enhance footage which show 2, maybe 3 guys with shorts firing from the intersection up into the back of the truck.

    Haven't seen that, but of the two videos I have seen:

    Shooter seems to be in white at 0:35 seconds on this. The anti-govt truck is seen on the top right.

    Put it together with this:

    Looks like he could've been shot from two directions. One gunman from the right and least one other approaching from behind.

    The second one i very similar to the footage I have seen. Just out of sequence a little. I still believe long rifles were used. Shorts getting head / neck shots at the range seen here on a moving target is preposterous.Some guys are guards reacting to the sound of gunfire coming from away. One can even be seen pulling his weapon after the initial firing starts.

  2. I thought pathologists could at least form a view of what kind of gun and ammunition was used from the type of wounds inflicted. A high velocity rifle bullet has a very different trajectory from a pistol round and is more likely to exit at sufficient velocity to be hard to find. An AK-47 bullet trajectory is also different from an M16's but less so at very close range when the difference in tumbling is not so distinct.

    I remember a lot of nonsense about this though in the to-ing nad fro-ing of pathologists with different agendas regarding the red shirt deaths in 2010 when a lot of effort went into trying to prove they were killed by M16s, as carried by the army, after the change of government, even though there were YouTube clips of MIB also firing M16s.

    Pornthip doesn't have quite the credibility she once had, since she endorsed the use of plastic dousing rods with nothing inside them for detecting explosives.

    Two entry and two exit wounds. Nobody has seen any gunman. It is safe to say he was killed from a high powered rifle/s from distance. Watching the footage with sound, there is a good delay between report and stike which adds weight to a sniper style attack.

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  3. But the US knows that it's all about a money grab in Thailand. So of course, the US wants the "Thai system" to continue. And for decades before, the US has been supporting various (all) corrupted governments in Thailand.

    Right on. thumbsup.gif Very similar to the way the US supported the corrupt governments in South Vietnam throughout the 1960's and early 70's. And look what happend there.

  4. 100,000 on the streets in a country of 50,000,000.

    A small minority trying to impose their will on a large majority.

    When will Bangkokians learn that Thailand is much bigger than just Bangkok?

    Bangkok is not Thailand. It's a part of Thailand.

    seperate isarn from Thailand or let people vote on basis of the tax they pay.. that would solve the problem.

    Also 100.000 protesting does not mean only 100.000 are not content.. remember the red Thugs that burned BKK down ? Seems it went a lot better this time.. far more civilized.

    Fookin' A. Bunch of freeloaders that wouldn't get 5% of the vote.

  5. 100,000 on the streets in a country of 50,000,000.

    A small minority trying to impose their will on a large majority.

    When will Bangkokians learn that Thailand is much bigger than just Bangkok?

    Bangkok is not Thailand. It's a part of Thailand.

    seperate isarn from Thailand or let people vote on basis of the tax they pay.. that would solve the problem.

    Also 100.000 protesting does not mean only 100.000 are not content.. remember the red Thugs that burned BKK down ? Seems it went a lot better this time.. far more civilized.

    Lets put the strength of this rabble into a perspective that we cant disagree with. Thailand has 60,000,000 people of which lets say 40,000,000 have the right to vote. The 100,000 on the street represents 0.25% of the electorate. Truly representative of the nation...think not

    Take your blinkers off. Do you think everybody that wants change is out protesting in Bangkok ? If so then why has such a small % of the population managed to force the government into calling for new elections ? Think about it.

  6. If the OP had been Thai and had been caught in the UK he would have been guilty of driving without a licence:

    £1000 fine, driving ban at the discretion of the court and 6 points on his licence (12 points gives you a ban)

    Also driving without valid insurance:

    £5000 fine, ban at the discretion of the court and 8 points on his licence.

    He really ought to stop whining.

    In this scenerio how could the 'Thai' lose 6 points of a licence they do not have ?? blink.png

  7. I think the referendum is a slam dunk.

    There was just an hour long program on that subject on Al Jazera last week.

    Narrator was a Scot born woman who was married to an English man and lived in England.

    She traveled back to Scotland and talked to many people there about their opinions on the referendum.

    Her conclusion was that there was a lot of uncertainty even among the Scots she talked to in Scotland .... it's not a "slam dunk" by any means.

    A lot of Scots want it with their 'heart", but in their "head" they are not sure it will work.

    To be clear, I have no opinion either way, I'm just telling you what the documentary said.

    Intersting indeed. thumbsup.gif But if Andy Murray has anything to do with it ..........

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