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Posts posted by coma

  1. "while others wanted a royally appointed government and the banning of all politicians from politics for a few years.

    "There should be no more elections from now on," declared 63-year-old Somboon Salobon from Suphan Buri province. "We should do away with [elections] for a while in order to launch reform."

    Ah the voices of sanity, the voices of reason, the true children of a democratic and free society. We bow down and salute you and your wondrous words of freedom supporting the rights of people to choose their own leaders and government.

    He does have one good point though. All current politicians should be sidelined for 5 years. What happens when they oust the PTP ? Who will fill the breach ? Some of the same old, same old ? It goes around in circles here in Thailand and has been for decades. Some countries are just not meant to be a democracy or are simply not ready for it. Unfortunately Thailand seems to fall in line with such countries.

  2. Divorce?? No let us do it the Thai way, hire a hitman!!w00t.gif

    So the shooter, stupid Somchai, is going to spend the rest of his life in jail. And those two lovely ladies walk!

    Makes me wanna puke!

    Makes ME wanna puke how he beat her up to the point of having a miscarriage. And abusing his own children. Divorce?? You obviously know nothing about how how complicated an abusive relationship is.

    One shouldn't forget that It is easy to listen to the accused's side of the story when the deceased is no longer here to defend himself. wai.gif

  3. for god sake is there anyone here, who can tell me who is Worraphanphooree?

    This story become more complicated than any thai tv soap.

    And by the way, so far we have a death champion, a doctor, a crooked lawyer, a hysterical mother-in-law, a daft hit man, but why there is no gardener?

    So where is the gardener, there is always one around the house, i told you so!

    Worraphanphooree is a client at Dr Nim's [ deceased's wife ] beauty clinic. They along with Dr Nim's mother have been friends for 7 years. Worraphanphooree was enlisted by these two to find a hitman to kill Jakkrit. Worraphanphooree therefore hired Mr Santi, who is her lawyer to organise the hit. Santi inturn then went out and hired the gunmen and the guy that was riding the bike for the gunmen.

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  4. Other way this guy deserved what he is got, hope comes back soon as PIIIIIIIIIIIIIII shock1.gifshock1.gifshock1.gif , and Tv and Newspaper companies can sale more advertises with it.

    It is easy to listen to the accused's side of the story when the deceased is not here to defend himself against the accustations.

    Don't forget this is a women that sat down with her daughter and both inlaws whilst being interviewed in detail on channel 3 and told straight out lies to the entire nation. The very day she claimed she first found out that it was her " mother " that did it. It takes a certain kind of person with a certain skill set to do something like that so chillingly. Sociopath ??

    And she has continued to send police on wild goose chases with her continued lies over the past weeks. If it was as bad as she said it was then she should have fest up straight away with her story. Not go stealing stuff out of a guys safety deposit box a month before you have him killed. xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.Q3XOm0fuQs.png

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  5. The foriegn ministry of Thailand will be giving a live press conference at 18.40. Where they will be explaining in detail the courts findings.

    Was first scheduled for 18.00hr .... hmmm bet the hot line to Dubai is RED hot ! giggle.gif

    Maybe the plan is to mobilise the red shirts to the border pay them THB 500 and tell them to burn the temple down

    I think they under estimated how much detail is in the courts findings. Going to take them a lot longer to go throught it.

  6. The other paper has a completely contradictory statement in the "breaking news" section.

    From the other paper, it seems that not the whole 4.6kms is Cambodian. That's the way I read it anyway.

    This is my understanding also. The court rules d that the "promontory" belongs to Cambodia. I think the "disputed" 4.6 km includes some that is not on the promontory. What I am hearing is that 1-2 km of the 4.6 is affected by the ruling only.

    If that is the case, that is a very very elegant solution. That is what the other paper states, in that there is a hill inside the disputed bit, which will not be given to Cambodia.

    That is how I read it. The hill the court cannot rule on is called Phnom Trap.

  7. "We are now going after his two accomplices as well as the mastermind," he said. While he identified the names of the accomplices, he did not name the mastermind."

    In my years of following Thai news, masterminds are seldom pursued nor punished. This entire culture is set up for the benefit of powerful elites, criminal or otherwise, and they certainly will not allow themselves to face the wrath of " Thai justice" . :-) If the killer is in fact the greedy wife, then she certainly does not

    deserve the title of mastermind, and will face justice as she clearly is not a member of the elites..

    Will someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember when the murder was first reported a poster said the wife supposedly had a ' friend ' of several years standing who was a police officer.

    If i've got it right and the inital post is correct is there any chance this is why the mastermind hasn't been named ?

    I think that the reason the mastermind hasn't been named is because they have only the gunmen's word as to who it is. So they will have to gain other evidence to confirm or deny the the gunmens story. Particularly if said mastermind is a ' bigwig '. Which seems to be the case here.

  8. However, Mr. Pongsatorn believes the law will eventually benefit Thailand’s tourism industry in the long term as it terminated some long-overdue problems, such as the scamming of Chinese tourists by business owners and tour operations. cheesy.gif

    And how does Mr Pongsatorn plan on achieving this ? Tourists from all over the world have been coming to Thailand for a well long time and they still haven't been protected from scams. Is he saying that only chinese tourists will be protected from Thai scams ?

  9. Police have arrested the 2 gunmen that carried out the hit on Ekk. The two where caught in Chonburi over night. Both gunmen admitted their crime and said that they were paid 100,000 baht for the contract. They also went on to say the person that contracted them was " close to " Ekk's wife. More to come on that.........

    Police have also said that there are two more people involved in the shooting that are still at large but they believe they will have them in custody today.

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