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Posts posted by coma

  1. US renews vow to help Iraq combat terror

    " The United States has vowed to help Iraq combat terror groups as mounting attacks claimed more lives ahead of talks between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President Barack Obama". http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/10/31/13/48/us-renews-vow-to-help-iraq-combat-terror

    It is just going to continue to worsen with the ongoing western support of terrorists against the Syrian regime. The entire Syrian/ Iraqi border is starting to be not that unlike that of the border shared between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

  2. If you insist in using พบ it should be ดีใจที่เราพบกัน you can also use ได้ as in ดีใจที่เราได้พบกัน but it's really not necessary it's already understood it happened.

    แล้ว is also unnecessary for the same reason. In fact, if you use แล้ว the meaning would be more like "I'm glad we eventually met."

    Why don't you look up the word เจอะ....


    I am a native Thai, so thanks for the lessons...

    Coma probably hasn't noticed that there are alternative spellings

    On the other site a Thai native said that ได้เจอกัน meant to get the opportunity to meet. Let's face it, if it is there one has to, either ignore it, or try to give some meaning to it. In English I ignore all those extra words. Lovely to (get to )meet you at last. I feel that when translating from English Thai puts in a lot of extra words from English and they stick.

    I presume to agree with you Mole, that in ดีใจทีเจอกัน เจอ has to have past; you can not be speaking to someone unless you have met them, but few of us belong to the "keep it simple; stupid!" school of thought.

    I am not sure about " Goodbye it was nice knowing you" even in English! ได้รูจัก is in an old phrasebook which I took to mean 'opportunity' also, because there is practically no past tense of รถจัก to me.

    โชกดีครับยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก ? Would you understand such an utterance?

    No two people will understand every nuance in the same way, I would like to think that Thai doesn't try.

    By your way of thinking, it is the word เจอ and not the context of the sentence.Therefore in this sentece [เจอกันใหม่ ] then I guess เจอ is past tense also? Or..

  3. I would have said ผมดีใจมากที่เราเจอะกัน or ผมดีใจมากที่เราได้เจอะกัน but it would be redundant to use ได้ because เจอะ already implies it happened already.

    You can also cut out มาก. ผมดีใจที่เราเจอะกัน

    The word is เจอ not เจอะ. And it means to meet, to see. And เจอ doesn't imply the past tense. The context of the entire sentence does.

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  4. The only thing I can see the general is guilty of is sending either, ill prepared, ill disciplined, poorly trained or all of the above, soldiers into a very complex situation where it was always going to end badly.

    Police and soldiers were also shot. That places hostile forces within the protesting crowd. The way these people are making it out is that the soldiers just opened up on the crowd, indiscriminately killing innocent civilians. What a load of BS ???????

    OK I get what you are saying and agree with most of it, BUT, in my post I asked the question, WHO gave the order to use LIVE ROUNDS on the people???

    also how do you explain the shooting of nurse,(first aid ) giving help to people and shot and killed while doing so??? tell me what crime did she do to take a bullet? and then justifie that to her family, would you accept it if it was your daughter??? I think not.


    I wonder about your thinking, The key word is accountability,,, If the highest in command of any government,t military, or privet (unit, company, or even a civilian working group) were sent into a volatile situation, being as you say poorly trained, is now what??? did he do his job as instructed? or would you think again? it's ok we'll just blame the people, they asked for it by protesting?

    Accountability can only go so far - otherwise every government in the world would topple every time a government employee broke the law. In the first Gulf War American pilots lit up a British convoy even though it had transponders, was on a pre-arranged and cleared route and clearly marked (flags painted on roof) - the USA would not even allow the British authorities to question the pilots and refused to give names to allow for extradition - yet did Bush end up in gaol? Responsibility goes down to Mens Rea, and the misadventure of some protectors - as well as individual responsibility to those soldiers that strayed from their standing orders (and lost it). It has been said over and over, with plenty of evidence at the time, some "protesters" went past the barricades to the outer live fire zones and engaged the army - at a minimum this is misadventure, more it is incitement and at worse it is treason.

    Did he do his job as instructed? It seems so on the surface of it - set up barricades, set up external life fire zones, put a standing order to only shoot in defence and at armed assailants. If there were other orders, that countermanded the orders of his superiors or the laws of the state (given the state of emergency), then not. The evidence of hindsight suggests this was not the case unless a strange policy of letting some soldiers kill indiscriminately while other were to sit back and act as extra sandbags was employed. If there were order by his superiors that were within the laws of the state (given state of emergency) then the buck does not stop with him whatever. There may be evidence we don't know to take in to account, but with the world's press on the scene, it seems unlikely to be anything major.

    Well said ! thumbsup.gif

  5. The only thing I can see the general is guilty of is sending either, ill prepared, ill disciplined, poorly trained or all of the above, soldiers into a very complex situation where it was always going to end badly.

    Police and soldiers were also shot. That places hostile forces within the protesting crowd. The way these people are making it out is that the soldiers just opened up on the crowd, indiscriminately killing innocent civilians. What a load of BS ???????

    OK I get what you are saying and agree with most of it, BUT, in my post I asked the question, WHO gave the order to use LIVE ROUNDS on the people???

    also how do you explain the shooting of nurse,(first aid ) giving help to people and shot and killed while doing so??? tell me what crime did she do to take a bullet? and then justifie that to her family, would you accept it if it was your daughter??? I think not.

    All militarys around the world work by a set of Rules Of Engagement[ ROE'S]. All unique to a particular operation / theatre / war. These are recommended by the top brass and are usually scrutinized,decided upon, [with possible amendments] and then signed off by the PM/ President after consulting his / her War Committe which is usually made up of top top ministers in the cabinet. It is the soldier's and their commander's that are bound by these ROE's. This is where I am saying ill prepared, ill disciplined, poorly trained soldiers are more to blame. And maybe some gungho types.

    Taking this into consideration, one can hardly think that Mark or his number 2 picked up a phone personally and gave individual orders to individual soldier at individual incidents across the city to open fire at armed or unarmed people in the crowd. By the time troops were deployed, they had their ROE's and mission, and from then on politicians have no influence on the situation at a tactical level. Troops reacted to the situations as they seen it. And without a doubt I believe that there were many rules of engagement broken during the crisis. Whether it was from troops panicking, poor shooting, itchy trigger fingers or not fluent in their ROE's we may never know.

  6. Odds 1000 to 1 ,that in 7 days still no one charged with anything,

    with the Thai police its always one of 3 motives,drugs,love triangle,

    and money.

    So these 4 airmen were on bodyguard duty ,while still serving in

    the air force,

    regards Worgeordie

    Can I get a 1000 baht on at those odds ??

    It is common practice for military and police force pers to work a second job doing security to supplement their dismal wages.

  7. The only thing I can see the general is guilty of is sending either, ill prepared, ill disciplined, poorly trained or all of the above, soldiers into a very complex situation where it was always going to end badly.

    Police and soldiers were also shot. That places hostile forces within the protesting crowd. The way these people are making it out is that the soldiers just opened up on the crowd, indiscriminately killing innocent civilians. What a load of BS ???????

  8. I always wonder what would happen if Thaksin were to return home at some point in the future. It's not as if all the factions against him are going to just say "Fair enough we lost" and let him peacefully wander around Gaysorn or Emporium to his hearts content.

    His personal protection detail would need to be on their toes.

  9. While it's always a sad tragedy to see senseless and pointless death of young soldiers

    while defusing bombs it's become apparent that maybe those bomb's disposal guys

    are not up to scratch on the latest technology of IED and bobby traps in general safe


    time to seek better knowledge, equipment's and trainings from countries that are more versed

    and experienced in dealing with those godless and heartless TERRORIST once and for all as

    this is not going to go away as more and more needless blood will be spilled again and again...

    What are you talking about ? There are numerous foreign experts , including from the US and Australia, helping the Thai police and military combat the southern insurgency both in counter- insurgency techniques and bomb disposal.


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  10. Well if the Thai police already know this much about the weapon used in this murder, why would theey advertise this. If the weapon is not at the bottom of a river, lake, or sewer system at this press release, it should be shortly. Its a wonder they did not give out the serial number and caliber while giving the latest 'its a tough case' press release.

    It's said to be a 9mm, but there's more than one type of 9mm.

    The OP says that "the gun used in the shooting..." so do they have it? How else would they know it needed to be modified to fire the bullets?

    I believe that all 9mm guns are semi-automatic. More accurately I should say I don't know of any. If true the gun ejects the spent rounds and they should be found on the ground, unlike say a revolver.

    So if they have a gun thereby knowing it had to be modified because they also have some cartridges in the gun and/or spent casings, then I see nothing wrong with saying it. It might lead to a tip about who had such a gun.

    Some Thais are incredibly violent, and life seems so cheap.

    Of course it could be a case of someone using 9mm but with full or half moon clips which means that there would be no empty cases littering the ground. To clarify the issue, 9mm can be shot out of .38, .38 special, .38 plus p, .357 and 9mm revolvers...all you need are the metal/plastic/cardboard clips that hold the rounds in the cylinder!

    What a waste of a champion shooter!

    But why would you want to ? It wouldn't be finacially viable. You would just buy a 9mm to start with and be done with it. However in this case the 7.65mm used has a very expensive price tag when it comes to buying ammunition for it. Hence the reason for changing it to 9mm which is much more readily available here in Thailand. Alot of people like exotic firearms but cannot afford to feed them in LOS.

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