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Posts posted by coma

  1. Central Thai is the standard and most spoken language in Thailand. Followed by Isaan language spoken in the northeast, which dispite what some may think, is actually a dialect of the Loation language not Thai. Then the third most spoken langauge in Thailand is Yawi. A dialect of Malay spoken in the south.

  2. When this government took office, I announced a clear policy to bring about reconciliation under the rule of law. Recently, I pushed to form a political-reform venue where all differing sides could join hands to mend fences and foster unity.

    Do she run her election campaign on the back of this amnesty bill ? If not then I would hardly call her election into office a mandate, as she implies in her speech, to grant amnesty to individuals on behalf of the people of Thailand.

  3. It is illegal for people on short stay visas to open bank accounts in Thailand.

    And if the bank does so?

    You know how it is here Uptheos. Just cuz something is illegal doesn't make it impossible. Especailly when it comes to bank managers trying to meet their quota for that promotion.

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