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Posts posted by coma

  1. Probably no need to put the python down, what about a zoo? The python was only doing what comes natural.

    I don't agree. There was nothing 'natural' about this snake's behaviour in this instance. Pythons usually kill only what they intent to eat. Killing 2 boys without even attempting to eat is extremely unusual indeed. It is as if it did it at its pleasure. Almost like those killer lion brothers in africa 100 years ago.

  2. Typical.It is the Greens jumping up and down making this story a 'storm in a tea cup. Using the term " dropped bombs on reef " in an effort to put an image of exploding bombs detonating on the reef into the minds of thier blind followers. If the word jettisoned was used it would sound a lot more realistic.

    Do you have any idea how valuable the reef is? Was a bomb dropped? Yes.

    Misleading.. hardly.

    Yes. And I also know the difference between detonated and undetonated ordanace. " Storm in a tea cup ".

    • Like 2
  3. Bloomberg is just reporting another boat with 200 souls aboard has sunk of Java this morning. Only 25 survivors have been rescued so far. If this is true then, does the Australian Government have a secret policy on these boats we don't know about ? It sure seems to me that there are alot more of these boats sinking recently compared to a couple of years ago.

  4. I have noticed a definate rise in violent crime towards foriegners in my area in Northern Thailand. Especially since the GFC crisis. Mostly Thais robbing farangs and using force to do so. Sometimes extreme force. I never used to be a supporter of people carrying weapons around on thier person but now I have changed that view. Now I never go out at night on foot without my little life insurance policy by my side.Strictly for defensive purposes of course.

    I always carry my little life insurance attached to my belt when I am in the UK. But no need for it here in Thailand in my experience, but again, I have never been to the islands, mostly Bangkok, and I still say Thailand is a safe place for travelling if you stay sober and mind your own business.

    Tell that to Michelle Smith. And to many other sober people minding thier own business in Thailand that all of a sudden found themselves the victim of some Thai looking for a quick buck.

  5. I have noticed a definate rise in violent crime towards foriegners in my area in Northern Thailand. Especially since the GFC crisis. Mostly Thais robbing farangs and using force to do so. Sometimes extreme force. I never used to be a supporter of people carrying weapons around on thier person but now I have changed that view. Now I never go out at night on foot without my little life insurance policy by my side.Strictly for defensive purposes of course.

  6. " Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, claimed that on the night of February 26, 2012 an unarmed teenager knocked him to the ground, punched him, straddled him and slammed his head into the concrete. Zimmerman had licensed Kel Tec 9mm pistol and after the fight he shot Martin once in the heart, killing him. While prosecutors said that Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, wrongly suspected Martin of being a criminal because he was black."

    Very interesting point this. After the fight he pulls his gat and shoots him dead. Any threat to Zimmermans life would have ceased at the end of the fight. That sure does make it look clear to me that it was a hot headed revenge killing more than a case of self defense.

  7. Armed man chases unarmed teen down, catches / confronts him. Teen does what most people would do in that situation, turns on man and uses some self defense measures of his own. Man's pride is hurt so he shoost the teen dead. I feel Mr Zimmerman instigated the situation and therefore should have been found guilty.

    That is definitely one way of viewing the circumstances, except George did not chase anyone down, or catch him. He did confront him. You make it sound all so simple and clear with your logic. You have tried him and convicted him because you feel. That is exactly what the defense said for the jury not to do when they deliberated; to feel. Thankfully they did not feel, and instead viewed the evidence (and clearly the lack thereof) brought forward by the prosecution.

    Well he followed him in his car and then on foot and confronted him. His reason for doing this? Pretty obvious but not justifiable (IMO). Why wouldn't the person being followed react?

    No. You are way off on so many levels like a lot of these other bleeding hearts. Even if he is what you imply, then you are essentially saying in reverse that it is acceptable to beat a racist so bad and with such fury that the racist cannot possibly know if the attacker is going to cease and desist until the racist is damaged or dead.

    You are saying that aren't you?

    You are saying that the racist should simply lay there and take it and not defend himself, or herself because they are racist, and anything they do to get the attacker off of them will land them in a lawsuit?

    So, what are you saying?

    Take the racial element out of this for just one minute and what would the jury have decided then ?

  8. I have seen the like of this " George " guy all too many times before. The world is full of wannabees. And this guy sure fits the bill. A Gungho cop want-to-be that lacks the metal to actually be a real law enforcement officer. So he arms himself and declares himself a vigilant neighbourhood watch volunteer. Just waiting and praying for a day to come when he gets to use deadly force. Sad but true.

    • Like 1
  9. Green light or not. I ALWAYS look left, right, straight ahead then repeat the process continuously until I get safely through any intersection here in Thailand. Assuming you are safe to proceed through a green light can be fatal as is the case here.

    RIP to the deceased. And to the criminal that ran the red light, I hope you get the book thrown at you from a great height. bah.gif

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  10. A 56 year old grand mother ? She should know better. And saying that she did it to protect her grand children. That is a cheap lie. Take your medicine as the court has prescibed. They are protecting the grand children of people that this women planned to sell drugs to and potentially destroy their lives.

    Exactly! A 56 year old grandmother. Doesn't strike you that as very unusual??? Also, how do you know it's a lie???

    If someone would tell me that they will kill my grandchildren if I don't go and do that drug run for them, and I would think that these guy are serious about it, then I'd probably do the drug run, too. But I would definitely expect the court to take that into account and give me 25 years, a life sentence, or whatever the alternative is for a commuted death penalty sentence because I wouldn't have done that drug run to profit from it but to protect my grandchildren.

    If one finds one's self in such a scenerio then the best thing to do would be to contact the appropriate authorities. I don't see any excuse as a good one to commit such a crime. Or to get one's self into such a situation.wai.gif

  11. The world community is always on the Iranians about their nuclear program but what about NK ? The kind of rhetoric and threats coming out of Pyongyang along with the deployment of these missiles dwarfs anything Iran has ever done. Had they done so it would be raining bombs over Tehran. So why not NK? I think the Korean leasership have clearly made an case for any one or coalition country to conduct a pre emptive stike. And about time I say. A little softening up from the air may well be enough to change the status quo amoungst the Korean people.

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