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Posts posted by coma

  1. Due to the apparent severity of the weather at the time the accident occured. Me thinks that that aircraft had no business being anywhere near attempting a landing at the airfield in Pakse or even be in its airspace. We see it way to often in SEA. Pilots attempting to land when they should not be due to extreme weather condition at the destination.

    Just a couple of bad weather related examples off the top of my head.

    Thai Flight 261 carrying 146 people on board took off from Don Mueang International Airport at 11:40 UST on a two hour flight to Surat Thani. When the aircraft began to descend to Surat Thani Airport, the weather was bad with heavy rain and poor visibility, and the pilot executed a missed approach two times. On a third attempt to land, the aircraft stalled and crashed two miles southwest of the airport, killing 101 people and injuring 45 people. 90 passengers and 11 crew members died.[1]

    One-Two-GO Airlines Flight 269 (OG269), a McDonnell Douglas MD-82, crashed into a non-frangible embankment beside runway 27 at Phuket International Airport (HKT) bursting into flames upon impact on September 16, 2007, at about 15:41 ICT during an attempted go-around after an aborted landing, killing 89 of the 130 persons on board.

  2. Seen the fish and chips motorbike cart at 3pm today 100m down past black canyon inside Tha Phae gate. 50 baht for a serve. I wouldn't touch it with barge pole. What with old oil and cholesterol and the like.

  3. You will struggle to find a Thai word that ends with ซ ซอ unless it is aa borrowed word from a foriegn language such as แก๊ซ or กาซ [ as previously mentioned] for gas.

    1 จ ตำรวจ bib

    2 ช ประโยชน์ benefit

    3 see above

    4 ฎ กบฎ coupe

    5 ฏ ปรากฏ appear

    6 ฐ อิฐ brick

    7 ฑ there are none to the best of my knowledge

    8 ฒ วุฒิ qualification

    9 ด lots

    10 ต จิต mind

    11 ถ ขบถ rebel

    12 ท ปราสาท Castle, palace

    13 ธ โกรธ angry

    14 ศ เพศ sex m/f

    15 ษพิษ poison

    16 ส ทาส slave

    Have a look here. I found this with a quick go-gun search.

  4. What is the point of imposing a death sentence that they have no intention of carrying out. He deserves it.post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

    I think they will carry the sentence out on this guy. Due to the fact that he fled from Thailand and the charges , then had the audacity to continue on with his drug trafficking ways, importing drugs into Thailand from outside the country. Then fought extradition. There isn't much more a person could do to infuriated Thai authorities. Had he played ball with the police from the start he would most definately had his sentence commuted to life. This guy is 100% gone IMO. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

  5. I am all for what these protesters stand for and what they are trying to achieve. However it is ludicrous that they be allowed to shutdown and already choked up Bangkok traffic system.

    Unfortunately this is allowed to occour all over the country. Parades, markets and protests are held on main streets, in towns and cities, that back up traffic something shocking. I can see why people get P,d off with it. But I sure don't condone using violence on people to correct the faults of the clowns that give permission for these events to be conducted in such places. facepalm.gif

  6. I got robbed in the Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok while I was admitted in March 2013 for 4 days. I had a couple of kidney stones and was in lots of pain. I never knew that I was robbed till I was released. I was missing my wallet containing my passport, driving license, credit cards and some cash.

    It must have happened on the first day that I was admitted because the robber or someone else spend over 400,000.- THB on purchases that day on my credit cards in several shops in Bangkok (daily limit). I had to lend money to pay my hospital bill of 122,000.-. When I was admitted I paid 50,000 THB prepaiment with one of my credit cards. (total cost 172k)

    When I reported the theft at the police (together with my girlfriend), she was told that my insurrance would pay anyway and it wasn't a big crime, they had more serious claims from farangs at the Bangkok Hospital. Well up to now, my insurrance hasn't paid a dime while it didn't cover theft. Next to this I have a bad record at the credit card companies for the moment. (The only card I have now is a debit Visa card from Bangkok Bank.)

    Due to the theft of my passport, I had to apply a new passport at my embassy (Dutch) what took them over 2 months, overstaying my visa by 45 days (20,000 THB). This was a very expensive trick they have played on me. I still think that staff of Bangkok Hospital is involved.

    Disgraceful. This lot has no shame whatsoever.

  7. I am afraid that Thailand has all but lost the three southern provinces of Narithiwat, Yala and Songkhla. Speaking to people from that region they say that Buddist Thais are moving out of the region en mass. Those that are left are living in small hamlets close to thier houses. If / when the UN gets involved, which is the insurgents aim, there would be a vote for independance similar to the 1999 vote in ET. With the Buddist Thais fleeing there would be a majority Islamic electorate left to vote,

    This 'bomb control center' is nothing more that a token gesture and way too little way too late. The Thai government has been soft on the southern problem for way too many years. Failing to shut down outside influences and support. Which seems to be growing ever stronger the longer the conflict goes on.

  8. I don't have a problem with involvement in this little conflict if it has a goal. The goal should be to find and take out or neutralize those chemical weapons. Once done, they should be out of there. If the goal is punishment, then drop a few strategically placed bombs and be out of there.

    Syria is not going to become a democracy and it is too fractured to be easily repaired by anyone.

    No Islamic state is ever going to become a democracy!! Have we in the west not learnt that simple fact yet? Any intervention by the West simply opens a route for the radicals to exploit. The Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns have almost bankrupted the USA & the UK and caused the death and/or maiming of so many of their young soldiers. Chem weapons or not, the West has to stay out of this one!

    What about Indonesia and Malaysia? Technically they are democratic and Indonesia is the world's most populous muslim country.

    Only technically as you put it.

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