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Posts posted by coma

  1. It may seem that way but pray tell, do you know of any multinational company that will allow someone to use a counterfeit copy of their corporate logo like that if they could help it? And it's not as if they didn't give the fella a chance to remove the logo with no penalties. This guy is just stubborn and now is going to get sued for it. I have no pity for this person. He had a chance to get out of this situation without any problem but decided to fight a battle he just can't win.

    Starbucks needs to take a look at themselves. This guy is hardly stealing their market at the moment. They [ starbucks ] are actling like the playground bully.

    I agree with what you're saying but it is just one store isn't it ? Why would starbucks bother with it ? If he opened up a chain then sure but this just seems like overkill to me.

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  2. As the club owner of such a big establishment I doubt he was aware of every little thing going on in there. Sure he would be liable in a civil court but to bring criminal charges against him are a little much. And the appeals court has reacted accordingly. The pyro experts on the other hand are " experts" and it is their fault what happened that night. They should do time and have their license revoked.

    The place had no licence and was paying bribes. The buck stops somewhere.

    "The buck stops somewhere". You are right. With the people taking the bribes.

  3. There are guns all over the place here in Thailand. And dirt cheap so that just about anybody can afford to buy one on the black market. This coupled with uneducated people is the perfect recipe for gun crime and meaningless, spare of the moment murders.

    Thailand comes in at number three after South Africa and Colombia , two notoriously dangerous places in the world , for highest rates of gun homicides per capita in the world.


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  4. As the club owner of such a big establishment I doubt he was aware of every little thing going on in there. Sure he would be liable in a civil court but to bring criminal charges against him are a little much. And the appeals court has reacted accordingly. The pyro experts on the other hand are " experts" and it is their fault what happened that night. They should do time and have their license revoked.

  5. People who outstaying their visas in Thailand sure is a problem. And those in this group are mostly undesirable types that should be turfed out, never to return. But there aint' no way a 500 baht entry is going to fix that. I know that Thai Immagration has had a ' dob in an illegal alien ' for sometime but it mustn't be all that effective.

    As for the 500 baht fee. What a sham? But this place sure fits the bill as an amusment park so why not charge an entry fee ?

  6. Sounds to me like the assailant has been eating too many magic mushrooms on da island.

    The same comment could be applied to some of the posters on this forum. Threats directed at anyone who might try to abduct kids (huh? threaten away, if you must, but to the perps not your keyboard--who cares what you would do to such people?), assumptions that a man of 71 could be the father of the two children (don't you even look at the caption or the story itself? probably not), and this wild-eyed frothing reaction to any story involving Thai police.

    Why are you venting your disatisfaction with me ? blink.png

  7. All this modern technology, everyone with cameras and social sites connected 24/7.... it really is all nasty stuff portraying Thailand as something other than the beautiful, Zen Buddhist nation that Thailand is.

    Nasty sites such youtube, facebook, etc. such be banned (again, remember that youtube was banned up until 2-3 years ago) for tarnishing Thailand's reputation.

    The only thing tarnishing Thailands image is people like the 2 clowns in the clip and the clown that filmed it.

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  8. It is a strange story, and probably unlikely that the BIB got anywhere with investigating it. Thankfully nothing happened, but it is worrying.

    Worrying would be an understatement but TIT and the realm is not a safe family tourist destination any longer.

    Isn't that a fact. I have stopped encouraging family to visit me here for a few years now. Just not safe.

    Are you joking. Sure, stuff happens but I still rate Thailand as a very safe destination. There are Millions of families that visit Thailand without any mishap.

    No I am not. I am dead serious. And if physical harm isn't the issue then robbery, being scammed by both sides of the law is well on the rise here. However it isn't just happening to foriegn nationals. Thais are well effected too. Read a Thai newspaper everyday and you will see the point I am trying to make.

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