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Posts posted by coma

  1. My Thai doctor told me if I have Dengue fever once this has an innoculation effect if I catch the disease again.

    The second time is not so bad.

    But I read a journal that said the second time is worse and you can be seriously ill.

    So who do I believe?

    As I have said in other threads on Dengue. I have had it twice in the past three years. For me the second time was not as bad as the first. I don't know why but that was how it was for me.

  2. He may have been saying ม่เติมก็ได้ [ ma dterm gadai ]. Which means he doesn't need a refill.

    If so and depending on the situation and context that it was said in , he may have been telling you he doesn't need to fill up with gas. ?????

  3. " The rising number of rape cases in India has been a cause of concern, "

    Is this statement correct ? Are there any figures to support the claim that rape cases are on the rise ? Or is it that there are more cases being reported.

    I think it is more the later and it is a positive thing to see Indian society realising that rape is a crime that need not be tolerated by anyone, as has clearly been the case in the past.

  4. I hope they feel the full brunt of Thai law. These sort of people are the lowest of lows.

    What makes them any lower than paedophiles, rapists, or the sl..me-bag pointing his finger at them ?

    One needs to look at the bigger picture. If those drugs hit the streets, then how many lives do they destroy ? How many people will die as a result of OD's ? How much extra crime is commited to feed an addicts habit ? Such as armed robbery and murder .How many mothers and fathers see their lives and savings going down the drain when one of their children is addicted ? It doesn't discriminate. Men, women, children. Not to mention the drain on resources and funds to deal with such problems. The list is never ending.

    Sure, paedophiles, rapists etc etc are very unsavoury grubs but the sheer volume of people that these drugs effect is astonishing and can never be understated.

    • Like 1
  5. I have had it twice in the last 3 years in Chiang Mai. How much worse can it get ??

    there are 4 strains and it is suggested that it gets worse each time - so be careful.

    I have been told that also. However I found that the second time was not quite as horrendous as the first. Maybe it depends on the strain ???? It might be that if you get the same strain again it is worse but I am not sure. Bloody horrible no matter how you look at it. And thanks for the advice. I will try to be more careful that is for sure. Mosquitos seem to enjoy my blood for some reason. sad.png
    Do you remember getting the actual bites that resulted in these two infections and was it during the daytime?

    I am like you. A virtual magnet for these things. In my case I drink milk and they say they are attractive to people with the smell of lactic acid. Do you drink milk?

    I am not too much of a milk drinker. I don't remember the actual bites that caused the infection but obvioulsy I do notice getting bitten. It would have been in the daytime as only daytime Mossies carry the virus. I have my suspicions on where I came in contact with the culprits but I have no evidence.

  6. Some countries need to grow some balls when dealing with such situations. These sort of kiddnappings in Africa are only going to increase in frequency in todays current climate. Had the victims been Israeli they would probably be back at home safe and sound with the family by now as was the case after Operation Entebbe.ph34r.png

    Yeah, or let the Germans deal with it. Last time Palestinians took Israeli hostages during the Munich olympics, all terrorists and hostages ended up dead.

    Hahaha. What a <deleted> fight of an attempted rescue that one was. When I did some CT training a few years back they showed a documentary about that as a 'how not to do' business.

    Maybe there was still a little Nazi influence in Germany when that Op went down.

  7. A truly developing nation. Well done. Beheadings these days are a little pre-historic.

    I don't get it... why do essentially civilised countries deal with such things as Arabians. I know America leads the charge, but how come there is no moral outrage at a group of objects, walking upright, wearing towels on their heads, acting a lot like proper human beings, (after a lot of education in the west, I grant you). Why aren't they held up as some alternative form of plant life, or an upright walking animal of some kind, instead of being treated as if they were proper human beings?

    Civilised countries don't use state approved murder. They usually have a lower crime rate too but deal with Saudis because their over-bloated arms industries can sell their guns/planes/bombs/missiles

    Are you serious ? http://www.ranker.com/list/countries-with-the-highest-crime-rates/web-infoguy

  8. Either way they are DEAD.coffee1.gif

    True. But I think it would be a bit better for the executioner to live with for the rest of his life.

    Apparently not as he seems to be proud of his job.

    Saudi executioner tells all

    Saudi Arabia's leading executioner says he is "very proud to do God's

    work" and does not lose sleep over beheading several people in one day.

    In a rare interview, Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, 42, told the Saudi daily

    Arab News that he had executed numerous women, as well as men.

    "Despite the fact that I hate violence against women, when it comes to God's will, I have to carry it out."

    He expressed indifference about the number of beheadings he was required to carry out.

    "It doesn't matter to me: two, four, 10 - as long as I'm doing God's will, it doesn't matter how many people I execute".

    I sleep very well... I live a normal life like everyone else

    BBC News

    I don't know the guy personally but I will go out on a limb and say he is full of <deleted>.

  9. Tourist ??? He sure did well to P somebody off well and good in the 3 weeks he was in Pattaya. From the dicription of the crime seen and injuries to the victim it doesn't fit into a local's MO. Can I have an eachway bet that the assailant is one of his own ?

    you know local MO? is that from being TV expert or special school training?

    Yes I do know local MO'S. And no to your other two questions . It just seems that I know a little more about this than you currently do.

    That's interesting. I guess you must be the murderer, given that you know so much. Quick, someone call the police.

    I have a solid alibi for when the crime was committed. Ask my armchair. I was sitting in it all night.

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