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Posts posted by coma

  1. I have had it twice in the last 3 years in Chiang Mai. How much worse can it get ??

    Hey man you need to be careful. There are 5 strains of dengue and catching one brings immunity TO THAT ONE. However there is a cumulative effect and it makes catching the next one more serious. The third often kills...........

    Thanks for your concern. Where did you get your info from ? I know that there are 4 strains and as for the cumulative effect. I have never heard that one.

    If you want to find out about the link to accumulative effects, try searching for information on the vaccines as this is connected to inoculation problems.

    Thanks Wilcopops. I will indeed have a look at that. Cheers.

  2. I have had it twice in the last 3 years in Chiang Mai. How much worse can it get ??

    there are 4 strains and it is suggested that it gets worse each time - so be careful.

    I have been told that also. However I found that the second time was not quite as horrendous as the first. Maybe it depends on the strain ???? It might be that if you get the same strain again it is worse but I am not sure. Bloody horrible no matter how you look at it. And thanks for the advice. I will try to be more careful that is for sure. Mosquitos seem to enjoy my blood for some reason. sad.png

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  3. I have had it twice in the last 3 years in Chiang Mai. How much worse can it get ??

    Hey man you need to be careful. There are 5 strains of dengue and catching one brings immunity TO THAT ONE. However there is a cumulative effect and it makes catching the next one more serious. The third often kills...........

    Thanks for your concern. Where did you get your info from ? I know that there are 4 strains and as for the cumulative effect. I have never heard that one.

  4. Yeah guys. The mossy situation has been very bad since mid last year. Fog them you say ?? It doesn't seem to have any effect on them. Except for maybe just pissing them off even more.

    I see that even northern Australia is having an outbreak of the disease which I believe is quite rare for the area.


  5. Anyone that eats processed foods, particularily processed meats like the Thai trusty and much loved Luk Chin [ meatball] , is basically just rolling the dice. Everybody knows that it is not your prime New York cut that gets minced up into a meatball. Those on a halal diet need to be even more careful. Pork, chicken,beef, buffalo, dog, fish and horse mostly look the same when minced up together. Who knows what one is eating when you bite down on that " minced burger patty, meatball or meat pie?

  6. What ? Do the Finns want to pay twice as much for the same product or what ?

    What a stupid comment. Finnwatch critized child labour at the factories, harassment, discrimination, and that the employees are cheated out of their health insurance. To remedy all of it wouldn't change the price of a can of Tuna in Finnland by a cent, let alone double it. But thanks for asking, yes most people in Europe don't mind to pay a little more for a product if a worker on the other end of the world is treated fairly. We are proud not to be Americans, and not to have to use this sort of polemics.

    Would you care to explain how it would not cost a cent more ? Do you think it will come out of the company's pocket ? No ! I understand that you are proud not to be an American. Well done. But I am mystified as to what Americans have to do with it. Did the US State department threaten sanctions agaist the company if they didn't hold back the employee's health benefits ? Or are you just venting some anger online after a late night drink ?

  7. The sign says " candlelight procession to the temple" . Does anyone know which temple and what time please ?

    Wat Pra Singh within the city walls will have most people and the most atmosphere to do your Wiang Thian. Wat Jet Yod is a lot more peaceful and pretty. In the evenings is the best as it involves circling the Pagoda 3 times with a candle and incense sticks.

    I thought Wat Chedi Luang was the place to go.

    You maybe right. I think I may have them both ball about face.

  8. The sign says " candlelight procession to the temple" . Does anyone know which temple and what time please ?

    it involves circling the Pagoda 3 times with a candle and incense sticks.


    Can be quite romantic if that is one's thing.

  9. The sign says " candlelight procession to the temple" . Does anyone know which temple and what time please ?

    Wat Pra Singh within the city walls will have most people and the most atmosphere to do your Wiang Thian. Wat Jet Yod is a lot more peaceful and pretty. In the evenings is the best as it involves circling the Pagoda 3 times with a candle and incense sticks.

  10. แม้แต่กะเทยที่เห็นควยสำคัญที่สุด

    ควย Is a very rude way of addressing one's penis. Extensively used [vocab wise] by Ladyboys [ กระเทย ].

    In this case it is implying that even the lowest people in society, the ladyboys, can see that these two [husband and wife] are bad people.

    In English one may use the idiom " Even blind Freddy could see that .........."

  11. Are you reading in Thai script ? IMO This is a must for correct sound/ tone pronunciation. If so my advice is to slow your speech down to help ensure correct sound/tone. In time, with experience and self confidence you will get it. That is all it is. Time, time, time. Practice, practice, practice. Which equals dedication. One needs alot of these things to get fluent in most foriegn languages. wai2.gif

  12. I believe you'll find both sides have been condemned repeatedly, but as long as the Russians keep arming and protecting Assad's regime, there will be no end to the conflict.

    Sadly, Russia wants its Mediterranean sea port and its military customers; the rest of the West wants the Shi'a limited to Iran, Iraq, the 'stans and Lebanon (where they will be emasculated if Syria falls).

    Far from condemning the car bomb attack, it would appear that the US actually blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the attack! They obviously don't want their tame Al Qaeda terrorists to be officially criticized. As i said, sickening hypocrisy.


    Actually both the U.S and Russia should keep out of Syria and let the Sunni and Shia factions fight each other to a standstill - that's essentially what will happen anyway, so the less arms supplied to both sides the better.

    Russia isn't really doing anything new in Syria. They are just doing what they have always done. Support the Syrian government. Now the west has changed the status quo backing and arming the rebels that are now using their new found military might to conduct terror operations right across the country on both civilian and government target. And seem to be even more willing than ever to use it against Russian targets. A percieved enemy of the insurgent group. I am not expecting any noise out of the western camp on the matter as they have their hands well dirty

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