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Posts posted by coma

  1. Thai new paper report a little extra info that the OP ommits.

    e.g Mr Komarov is a manager of an architect firm. In the room where the crime took place a soft drink bottle was found smashed, on the victims bed were lying several comdoms and collected as evidence. Some blood was found on the bed and pillows. Whilst the victim's moblie phone, credit cards and travel documentation where all found inside the room, the victims wallet was missing and no cash was found [standard procedure].

    The staff at the hotel described Mr. Komarov as a man that goes out doing the usual Pattaya thing. Gets drunk and brings Thai female company back to his room. The staff also state that they have observed Mr Komarov. Outside of this the victim was also observed with both Thai and Forieners in his room during his stay.

    Police believe the assailant to be a large individual at least as big as the victim. They have narrowed the motive for murder down to 3 possiblities. 1 : Fight/ argument with another party. 2 : robbery and 3 : Doing somebody's g/f.

    Link containing this additinal info below is in Thai.


    Thank you for the additional information and the link.

    It clearly says "Police believe the assailant to be a large individual at least as big as the victim."

    Does that imply that the deceased was large, as many Russians are? If so, then the killer might not have been a Thai? Unless there was more than one?

    If I'm in a struggle for my life like that and pumped full of adrenaline, the assailant is going to need some power to keep that belt around my neck and strangle me with it.

    Or, there was also a smashed soft drink bottle. Would that account for the blood? Could that knock a guy out? If so, why such a struggle that the belt buckle was torn from the belt?

    Maybe they will report the rest of the story.

    The only way it could have been a Thai is if there were about six of them.

    Right on dude. clap2.gif

  2. Tourist ??? He sure did well to P somebody off well and good in the 3 weeks he was in Pattaya. From the dicription of the crime seen and injuries to the victim it doesn't fit into a local's MO. Can I have an eachway bet that the assailant is one of his own ?

    You don't have to be long in the realm to p*ss someone off. It could easily happen within a few hour of touching down at the airport.

    You're right. Last year I came back from the US and arrived after midnight. I finally got up to the immigration officer and she took about five minutes to finish stamping my passport. After she finished I asked her in Thai "are you new at this job"? If looks could kill I would have been dead on the spot. She asked me in a very loud and impolite voice if I had a problem with her and of course I said no.

    Always a good idea to be intentionally rude to an immigration officer, did you think that she had to process you especially quickly?

    Your attitude probably wouldn't have helped the others in line behind you get through any quicker either, so well done.

    C'mon. You got to admit that they are a sour bunch at airport immigration. They don't exactly welcome you into their country with a big " Thai Smile". saai.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Tourist ??? He sure did well to P somebody off well and good in the 3 weeks he was in Pattaya. From the dicription of the crime seen and injuries to the victim it doesn't fit into a local's MO. Can I have an eachway bet that the assailant is one of his own ?

    You don't have to be long in the realm to p*ss someone off. It could easily happen within a few hour of touching down at the airport.

    Sure. I agree with that. But to the extent that they hunt you down and kill you in your hotel room. That is a little bit more than your average case of road rage.

  4. Another 'tourist' finding his demise in sin city. I guess it makes headlines... Lucky I suppose one of the bar fly's did not end up the same way. Who knows what went down, it's all speculation - could simply be he didn't pay for a girl and she returned with her Thai pimp/boyfriend who exacted revenge. Was there no balcony?

    may be there was a balcony, but he was not drunk to "jump"

    one thing in the OP i find little strange is that he was bleeding from eyes, strangled people do not bleed from eyes

    I have attended a few hanging suicides and you can bleed from the eyes. I am not saying all but I have seen a couple.

    What do you mean by 'I attended a few hanging suicides'? You watched it happening? Did it occur to you to sever the ropes? rolleyes.gif

    I think he means after the fact. Police see and clean up that <deleted> every otherday. rolleyes.gif

  5. Thai new paper report a little extra info that the OP ommits.

    e.g Mr Komarov is a manager of an architect firm. In the room where the crime took place a soft drink bottle was found smashed, on the victims bed were lying several comdoms and collected as evidence. Some blood was found on the bed and pillows. Whilst the victim's moblie phone, credit cards and travel documentation where all found inside the room, the victims wallet was missing and no cash was found [standard procedure].

    The staff at the hotel described Mr. Komarov as a man that goes out doing the usual Pattaya thing. Gets drunk and brings Thai female company back to his room. The staff also state that they have observed Mr Komarov. Outside of this the victim was also observed with both Thai and Forieners in his room during his stay.

    Police believe the assailant to be a large individual at least as big as the victim. They have narrowed the motive for murder down to 3 possiblities. 1 : Fight/ argument with another party. 2 : robbery and 3 : Doing somebody's g/f.

    Link containing this additinal info below is in Thai.


    Thank you for the additional information and the link.

    It clearly says "Police believe the assailant to be a large individual at least as big as the victim."

    Does that imply that the deceased was large, as many Russians are? If so, then the killer might not have been a Thai? Unless there was more than one?

    If I'm in a struggle for my life like that and pumped full of adrenaline, the assailant is going to need some power to keep that belt around my neck and strangle me with it.

    Or, there was also a smashed soft drink bottle. Would that account for the blood? Could that knock a guy out? If so, why such a struggle that the belt buckle was torn from the belt?

    Maybe they will report the rest of the story.

    Yes. I understand what you are saying. And some good points. As for the knocked out before hand theory. It is a good one but we will just have to wait and see. Some small pissed of Thai boyfriend wouldn't have what it takes to pull off a crime like this alone. I think the size matter the police are talking about is exactly that. Thai v Farang. One on one it just aint going to happen unless the Thai is some professional black ninja f%#k master And then that would open up another can of worms.

  6. "If the proposal is accepted, the breeding of some ornamental fishes will be affected," said Theerapat Prayurasiddhi, deputy chief of the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department.

    A farm-bred short-tail stingray can fetch up to Bt30,000.

    Fisheries Department director-general Wimol Jantrarotai said Thailand would oppose the measure on manta rays. "The protection will hurt us. We have imported breeder fishes from Latin America and exported our bred fishes to the Middle East," he said.

    Is the Fisheries Deparment director a complete imbecile or is he purposely misleading the public? How can a man in charge of fisheries not know the difference between a stingray, a farm bred species at that, and a manta ray?

    As for the sharks, yes, I guess Thailand is not a top "producer" of shark fins, it may be because they have been scoured clean off Thai seas already so THAT'S THE <deleted>**** REASON WHY THEY SHOULD BE PROTECTED.

    I hope Mr. Jantrarotai chokes on his next shark fin dish.

    cheesy.gif Love it ! cheesy.gif

  7. It is usually used only when the speaker believes that they will not see the listener for more than a short period of time. i.e Weeks, months or years. It is also used by a third person that is instructing the speaker that he/ she should go and บอกลาก่อน to the listener, whom is usually of a higher status than the speaker.


  8. Thai new paper report a little extra info that the OP ommits.

    e.g Mr Komarov is a manager of an architect firm. In the room where the crime took place a soft drink bottle was found smashed, on the victims bed were lying several comdoms and collected as evidence. Some blood was found on the bed and pillows. Whilst the victim's moblie phone, credit cards and travel documentation where all found inside the room, the victims wallet was missing and no cash was found [standard procedure].

    The staff at the hotel described Mr. Komarov as a man that goes out doing the usual Pattaya thing. Gets drunk and brings Thai female company back to his room. The staff also state that they have observed Mr Komarov. Outside of this the victim was also observed with both Thai and Forieners in his room during his stay.

    Police believe the assailant to be a large individual at least as big as the victim. They have narrowed the motive for murder down to 3 possiblities. 1 : Fight/ argument with another party. 2 : robbery and 3 : Doing somebody's g/f.

    Link containing this additinal info below is in Thai.


  9. Tourist ??? He sure did well to P somebody off well and good in the 3 weeks he was in Pattaya. From the dicription of the crime seen and injuries to the victim it doesn't fit into a local's MO. Can I have an eachway bet that the assailant is one of his own ?

    you know local MO? is that from being TV expert or special school training?

    Yes I do know local MO'S. And no to your other two questions . It just seems that I know a little more about this than you currently do.

    Yep, yet another Thai Visa expertrolleyes.gif

    You know more about this? so you were present at the time of murder?blink.png

    Get over it man.

    • Like 1
  10. Another 'tourist' finding his demise in sin city. I guess it makes headlines... Lucky I suppose one of the bar fly's did not end up the same way. Who knows what went down, it's all speculation - could simply be he didn't pay for a girl and she returned with her Thai pimp/boyfriend who exacted revenge. Was there no balcony?

    one thing in the OP i find little strange is that he was bleeding from eyes, strangled people do not bleed from eyes

    Wrong. If you are not up to speed with what you are talking about then a quick google search will surfice and you will learn that bloodshot eyes [ subconjunctival hemorrhages ] is one of the main syptoms of strangulation.

    blood shot eyes not bleeding from the eyes. I guess you missed that class at special investigation school.

    Blooshot eyes is bleeding from the eyes.

  11. Tourist ??? He sure did well to P somebody off well and good in the 3 weeks he was in Pattaya. From the dicription of the crime seen and injuries to the victim it doesn't fit into a local's MO. Can I have an eachway bet that the assailant is one of his own ?

    you know local MO? is that from being TV expert or special school training?

    Yes I do know local MO'S. And no to your other two questions . It just seems that I know a little more about this than you currently do.

    • Like 1
  12. Maybe these two top diplomats can start thier " seek new Syria initiatives " by having a read of Mr Assad's latest statements in a recent interview with the Sunday times.

    "We can engage in dialogue with the opposition, but we cannot engage in dialogue with terrorists,"

    "How can we expect them to make the violence less while they want to send military supplies to the terrorists and don't try to ease the dialogue between the Syrians?"

    What a great question he asks ?? And my favourite one liner :

    Assad ruled out any mediation role for Britain, saying: "We don't expect an arsonist to be a firefighter."

    Surely the best way forward is for everybody to stop supplying arms to oposition / terrorist groups in order to provide for an enviroment in which to hold elections next year.


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