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Posts posted by coma

  1. Have the rest of these defendants been remanded in custody ? If not we might find them all living in Dubai before 11 October.

    None of them have been remanded AFAIK.

    I'm interested in seeing when the one defendant that was dropped from the original case faces prosecution.

    A request was being made for public prosecutors from the Criminal Court to file the appropriate charges against Panthongtae Shinawatra for his involvement in the siphoning of billions of baht.

    He was dropped over jurisdictional concerns as he's not a political office holder.



    Surely he is still good for conducting fraudelant activities and can be tried separately ?

    Yes, he can be tried separately.

    That's why the effort to get him indicted and go to the Criminal Court instead of the Supreme Court.

    As his purported involvement is knee deep, it's appropriate for him to be tried, also.


    Well then. Let's hope they have revoked his passport. Actually. Maybe not. It would be an absolute pisscutter to see another Shinawatra on the run for fraud.

  2. Have the rest of these defendants been remanded in custody ? If not we might find them all living in Dubai before 11 October.

    None of them have been remanded AFAIK.

    I'm interested in seeing when the one defendant that was dropped from the original case faces prosecution.

    A request was being made for public prosecutors from the Criminal Court to file the appropriate charges against Panthongtae Shinawatra for his involvement in the siphoning of billions of baht.

    He was dropped over jurisdictional concerns as he's not a political office holder.



    Surely he is still good for conducting fraudelant activities and can be tried separately ?

  3. Good to see the western democracy model enforced upon these people is working well for them. bah.gif

    Perhaps the US should have found another hardline strongman with antifreeze coursing through his veins - to take the reins in that God-forsaken part of the world. He could execute 50 people a day, and things would be back to normal in Iraq.

    The psychology in that part of the world must be very troubled. Visitors from another planet would marvel at a species which systematically and violently destroyed each other for no apparent reason.

    They should have left things as they were.

  4. Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

    you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

    they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

    No way! Syrian rebels going after explicit MILITARY targets is most certainly NOT terrorism.

    Yes it is. Going by your own likes definition of the terms. Palestinians going after explicit military targets within their occupied land are branded terrorists and acts of terrorism all the time.

    • Like 1
  5. Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

    you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

    they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

    orangezeke. You are belting your head up against the wall trying to get this guy to see reason.

    • Like 1
  6. As already posted the Alawis sect comprises around 10% to 15% of the population and under Assad has had complete domination of internal politics, military & security forces and has until recently been able to suppress any opposition. That's more than likely why he has yet to be removed from power. it's got to be said the the so called Free Syrian Army leadership remains unclear on who are their sponsors and are doing a poor PR job.

    See this thread: Syrian Defense Minister among officials killed in Damascus suicide attack

    "attack was claimed by the Free Syrian Army "

    Is this the crew you are talking about as to it "remaining unclear on who are their sponsors" ? Some would say Al qaeda. I am not a fan of this word being thrown around willy nilly as I see it as an ideology, not and organisation. So I will say terrorists. This is what Assad and the Syrian people are fighting. Terrorists.

    What Syrian people would those be?

    Everyone that fights against the regime is a foreign terrorist?

    Asserting that there was no home-grown long standing resentment of the Syrian regime is ridiculous. Same goes for each one of the countries that faced an upheaval during the so-called "Arab Spring". That there were (and are) outside influences and aid is pretty obvious, but to disregard the local sentiment as a driving force goes over the top.

    I am definately not saying there is no home grown resentment of the Assad government. But the likes that carry out such calculated attacks on high profile individuals or detonate cars bombs that level entire city blocks killing and wound hundreds are NOT your everyday disgruntled Syrian citizens holding up signs demanding change.

    Military service in Syria is obligatory. Quite a few of those opposed to Assad had some sort of training. Reports of desertions are also frequent.

    If you read the link provided earlier, you'll realize there should be no shortage of people who had close family members massacred, executed or otherwise hurt by the Syrian regime - couple that with a religion that glorifies martyrdom and a culture that places some importance on family honor and revenge.

    I sure do understand this. However if they [ those opposed ] were in such great numbers [ the majority] then why have they not been able to overthrow the Assad government ? Even with covert foriegn government support and the support of various terrorist operaters and groups, they are still nowhere near their objective of ousting him. In fact Assad seems to be growing in strength in recent months. I believe it is because his supporters are in greater numbers than non - supporters and they also seem to have greater resolve.

    • Like 1
  7. As already posted the Alawis sect comprises around 10% to 15% of the population and under Assad has had complete domination of internal politics, military & security forces and has until recently been able to suppress any opposition. That's more than likely why he has yet to be removed from power. it's got to be said the the so called Free Syrian Army leadership remains unclear on who are their sponsors and are doing a poor PR job.

    See this thread: Syrian Defense Minister among officials killed in Damascus suicide attack

    "attack was claimed by the Free Syrian Army "

    Is this the crew you are talking about as to it "remaining unclear on who are their sponsors" ? Some would say Al qaeda. I am not a fan of this word being thrown around willy nilly as I see it as an ideology, not and organisation. So I will say terrorists. This is what Assad and the Syrian people are fighting. Terrorists.

    Personally I am unclear on your position. From your posts it appears that you are a supporter of Assad; have I misinterpreted your posts?. Regards Al Qaeda yes they have an ideology, but it's also an organisation that provides logistics and people for attacks, whether it be Al Qaeda active members or affiliated groups. It is interesting that one of the most effective counter terrorism campaigns against Al Qaeda was by the Saudi government when they were critised by the ideologues and attacked by Al Qaeda operatives.

    I am not for or against Assad. But, as I have posted on other threads in the past, I am of the strong belief that 'sadly' some races in this world need to be ruled with an iron fist. Especially Arabs. Therefore with regards to the Syrian situation I see any potential near term interim peace coming only in the form of Assad and his government. Without such control just breeds lawless enviroments which terror groups and other criminals thrive in.

  8. As already posted the Alawis sect comprises around 10% to 15% of the population and under Assad has had complete domination of internal politics, military & security forces and has until recently been able to suppress any opposition. That's more than likely why he has yet to be removed from power. it's got to be said the the so called Free Syrian Army leadership remains unclear on who are their sponsors and are doing a poor PR job.

    See this thread: Syrian Defense Minister among officials killed in Damascus suicide attack

    "attack was claimed by the Free Syrian Army "

    Is this the crew you are talking about as to it "remaining unclear on who are their sponsors" ? Some would say Al qaeda. I am not a fan of this word being thrown around willy nilly as I see it as an ideology, not and organisation. So I will say terrorists. This is what Assad and the Syrian people are fighting. Terrorists.

    What Syrian people would those be?

    Everyone that fights against the regime is a foreign terrorist?

    Asserting that there was no home-grown long standing resentment of the Syrian regime is ridiculous. Same goes for each one of the countries that faced an upheaval during the so-called "Arab Spring". That there were (and are) outside influences and aid is pretty obvious, but to disregard the local sentiment as a driving force goes over the top.

    I am definately not saying there is no home grown resentment of the Assad government. But the likes that carry out such calculated attacks on high profile individuals or detonate cars bombs that level entire city blocks killing and wound hundreds are NOT your everyday disgruntled Syrian citizens holding up signs demanding change.

  9. As already posted the Alawis sect comprises around 10% to 15% of the population and under Assad has had complete domination of internal politics, military & security forces and has until recently been able to suppress any opposition. That's more than likely why he has yet to be removed from power. it's got to be said the the so called Free Syrian Army leadership remains unclear on who are their sponsors and are doing a poor PR job.

    See this thread: Syrian Defense Minister among officials killed in Damascus suicide attack

    "attack was claimed by the Free Syrian Army "

    Is this the crew you are talking about as to it "remaining unclear on who are their sponsors" ? Some would say Al qaeda. I am not a fan of this word being thrown around willy nilly as I see it as an ideology, not and organisation. So I will say terrorists. This is what Assad and the Syrian people are fighting. Terrorists.

  10. why cant they make a peoples referendum in such cases...

    put up the ballots, supervice the vote by the UN, and ask the people what they want...

    if the majority wants a change to democracy, which should be supported by the world, then the current ruler has to step down - no discussion...

    What is going on in Syria right now is a referendum. And had the majority wanted change then change would have occured along time ago. It is just that some people cannot/do not want to come to terms with the fact that the majority of Syrians are Assad loyalists. FACT!!!

    How would you know it to be a fact? Does Syria hold free elections, poles, referendums, or practice freedom of speech and press?

    As for changing things, Asad senior gave them something to think about last time.

    I think even most Alawis wouldn't mourn Assad's late brother-in-law, Asef Shawkat.

    Because if it was not the case. Then Assad would have been overthrown a long time ago. You don't need democracy to have the majority rule.

  11. I'm an American and I don't consider that I am bashing the US. I happen to agree with Russia and China. I do wish that the US would stop trying to be the world's policeman. The politicians can't run their own country efficiently so why try to run other countries.

    This isn't about the US being the world's policemen. This is about the US working with the United Nations towards a shared goal. The US being the world's policeman would be sending in the Marines.

    What ? What a laughable statement. Like they worked with the UN on Iraq ? Or like the way they turn a UN endorsed no fly zone in Libya into a full blown man hunt for Gaddaffi ? Rubbish. The US would love to go into Syria all guns blazing but they know that firstly , they will get their <deleted> kicked. And secondly, there is no better alternative to the current governement considering the Syrian opposition have been infiltrated [ some may say blatantly made up of] by a large numbers of foriegn terrorists whom have their own ideas on the future of Syria. And that doesn't included being all chummy with the US and her allies.

    • Like 1
  12. Since cost is not a option. May I suggest the Four Seasons Hotel. It is without a doubt, second to none in Chiang Mai. The live band plays in a great atmosphere.

    Four Seasons Hotel Sunday Lunch: 1,300 Baht per person including free flow of juices and soft drinks 1,800 Baht per person including free flow of juices, soft drinks, beer, martinis and Prosecco. Live jazz all afternoon at the Terraces Restaurant from 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM. For more information or reservations, 053-298-181 or e-mail <removed>

    Are the Four Seasons shy with their free flow, or can you ram it for three solid hours?

    I walk out of there [if that is what you can call it] steaming drunk.gif . Just dress half decent, smile and they will keep'em coming.

  13. Since cost is not a option. May I suggest the Four Seasons Hotel. It is without a doubt, second to none in Chiang Mai. The live band plays in a great atmosphere.

    Four Seasons Hotel Sunday Lunch: 1,300 Baht per person including free flow of juices and soft drinks 1,800 Baht per person including free flow of juices, soft drinks, beer, martinis and Prosecco. Live jazz all afternoon at the Terraces Restaurant from 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM. For more information or reservations, 053-298-181 or e-mail <removed>

  14. why cant they make a peoples referendum in such cases...

    put up the ballots, supervice the vote by the UN, and ask the people what they want...

    if the majority wants a change to democracy, which should be supported by the world, then the current ruler has to step down - no discussion...

    What is going on in Syria right now is a referendum. And had the majority wanted change then change would have occured along time ago. It is just that some people cannot/do not want to come to terms with the fact that the majority of Syrians are Assad loyalists. FACT!!!

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