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Posts posted by coma

  1. Good decision by China and the Russians. I bet the US and Europeans are half happy about it also as I don't think they are keen to go into this hornets nest. This isn't Libya. I guess they just need to be on the record for supporting thier version of human rights so they cannot be held accountable for what is/or maybe happening on the ground there now and in the future. Smart cricket for once.

  2. On the liberal gun laws thing. What would have been the odds that someone else other than the shooter was packing a firearm in the cinema at the time this shooting was going on ? I know it would be a big asked to expect someone to intervene with a short arm when a lunatic is off with an assalt rifle but isn't that what the liberal laws are for ? Protection.

    Shooting massacres happen all over the world. A lot of them in countries with very strict firearms laws. And in the wake of such attacks the question is often ask ,if the laws weren't so strict, and one of the victims or persons in or near the attack, was allowed to and was carrying a licenced firearm, would that person have been able to use force to stop, slow down such an assault and therefore save lives ?

  3. " Terrorism is in the eyes of the terrorised ".

    Of course the victims were terrorized. But if it turns out as it seems pretty clear at this point that there was no political agenda, then it doesn't fit under any widely accepted definition of terrorism. People who do public mass murders do them for different reasons. As this guy is alive, we will likely learn a lot more about him.

    Not sure how you can deduce this, crystal ball?

    They've got the shooter. He's talking. If had a political motive, why do you reckon he hasn't MENTIONED it (or even said something about it when he was killing people)?

    More crystal balling. How do you know what he has and has not said at this stage ? Do you have a live feed coming from the investigation room ?

    I am sure the answers to alot of our questions will come out. Just not 12 hours or so after the incident occured.

  4. I am very surprised by the directness of Ahmadinejad's statement.

    I'm not, Iran actually desires war due to the insane twelvers who are in charge there. As for what John Bolton said, I don't see why it should be controversial as he only spoke the glaringly obvious truth.

    P.S Golden tinfoil hat award for anyone still thinking Iran was not behind the bombing in light of Ahmadinejad's statement.

    Yes I agree Iran is involved but I don't see what they gain by being so open about it. Which makes me wonder if a more overt war may be coming soon.

    If this claim is true the he must certainly be looking for " a more overt war". Which makes the claim even that more incredible to believe. Iran has nothing to gain from all out open warfare with anyone.

  5. Hahahahahahah. cheesy.gif

    Who do you think was the organization behind this suicide bomber?

    In your previous post i like the use of the word If as it is not definitive. There is world full of 'individuals' that despise Israel and some are more than capable of carrying out such an attack on such a soft target in a low security environment like this. So I am saying that it may not be an organisation. It doesn't have to be an organisation. That is why I stated that it will be interesting to see if anyone claims responsibility.

  6. Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

    Speaking of ignoramuses. The US did not send the bomber. Most likely Iran did and they make no secret of being an enemy of Israel. rolleyes.gif

    Hahahahahahah. cheesy.gif

    No evidence. As usual. Come up with something new for once. Just once, Please. Isreal has pissed off a rather large portion of the world population. But the likes of yoursef keep on blaming a handful of governments and organisations just because they don't bend over and take it from the US. You and your like have NO evidence. Show me EVIDENCE. Not self opinion or hearsay. I am still waiting on Israel to provide evidence of the Iranian plot to assasinate a Saudi diplomate on US soil. And evidence that Iran was responsible for the bombings in BKK in Feb. Some people are so ignorant it defies belief.

  7. The Israelis were targeted in Bulgaria because there are lots of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and they are a soft target in a county with less than stellar security.

    The same reason Israeli tourists are under threat in Thailand.

    BTW, apparently the suicide bomber was named Medhi Ghezali, a Swedish national of Algerian descent, formerly in Guantanamo. Too bad they let him go. Hezbollah operatives (Iran proxy) can be of many different nationalities or races.

    Really ? Another ex- GITMO detainee back on the battlefield killing people.? Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

    Excuse me but it wasn't the US government that just blew up a bus filled with beach going tourists.

    It wasn't the Syrian or Iranian governments either.

  8. The Israelis were targeted in Bulgaria because there are lots of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and they are a soft target in a county with less than stellar security.

    The same reason Israeli tourists are under threat in Thailand.

    BTW, apparently the suicide bomber was named Medhi Ghezali, a Swedish national of Algerian descent, formerly in Guantanamo. Too bad they let him go. Hezbollah operatives (Iran proxy) can be of many different nationalities or races.

    Really ? Another ex- GITMO detainee back on the battlefield killing people.? Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

  9. Has anybody any legitimate ideas as to why Bulgaria is the place to conduct such an operation ?? Islamists are the minority of only 10% of the population?

    This is not an Syrian or Iranian MO.

    According to the BBC today the main suspect was a white, long haired Caucasian with a forged US driving licence. Of course this didn't stop Benjamin Netanyahu immediately blaming Iran. Desperately wishing it to be Iran and selling this to the World to further his agenda there, and it actually being Iran, are of course two entirely different things. Reminicent of the immediate aftermath of the atrocity in Sweden, where many people, including many of the usual suspects on here, immediately backed the wrong horse and ended up with egg on their faces when the perpetrator turned out to be a white skinned nutter with political views more in common with their own!

    IMO Benjamin Netanyahu shows the traits of a person suffering from obsesive compulsive disorder. He cannot be trusted. His whole MO is to kill as many muslims as possible to avenge his brothers death. He will listen to no reason if it comes from Arabs.

  10. Has anybody any legitimate ideas as to why Bulgaria is the place to conduct such an operation ?? Islamists are the minority of only 10% of the population?

    This is not an Syrian or Iranian MO.

    Unexpected location with a relatively low level of security.

    Now, more regular people in Bulgaria will be forced to submit to all kinds of crazy security measures for the foreseeable future thanks to some terrorist asshol_e.

    " Unexpected location with a relatively low level of security".

    You right about that ? Be interesting to see if any organisation claims responsibility ?

  11. Thaksin promises to come home only if reconciliation materializes in Thailand

    Only so I don't have to go to jail. Hahahahaha. Pathetic.

    You can face and talk Thai during your appeal, once you return to you country of birth and go to jail. How easy is that ? If you had balls you would have done this by now and more than likely been released from jail. Then the grudge holders get thier chance to deal with you. giggle.gif

  12. If you had the old box from true then you needed to take it in and have it exchange for a new HD box. Free of charge. The OP has bought a box that is not from True. So guess what ? OP needs to go buy another box that is compatible with thier new HD set up.

    Not in Samui. I live in both CM and Samui and here, even though I own the box and dish (their equipment), I had to pay for a new decoder box. True Acid Visions initially told me, via the person at the office and on the phone in Bangkok, that I would get my package of channels free for one month and six months of all HD channels free. Then when I go to get the new box, it's no deal. Pay for the box and pay for the package and nothing free.

    Welcome to the occupation....

    Mmmm. Why doesn't that surprise me ?

  13. If you had the old box from true then you needed to take it in and have it exchange for a new HD box. Free of charge. The OP has bought a box that is not from True. So guess what ? OP needs to go buy another box that is compatible with thier new HD set up.

    • Like 1
  14. Thailand uses it very sparingly these days. Mostly for major drug traffickers that do not admit thier guilt.

    Although a month or two back a man got sentence to death for conspiracy to murder and murder. He was the master mind. He denied involvement so they gave him the lot. The trigger men pleaded guilty and got thier death sentences commuted to life. I believe the victims were a family with 2 young children.

    I have no problem with it when it is premeditated and there is children involved. I think Thailand actually has the right balance.

  15. Just a quick question; what makes you think you have Dengue Fever? If you haven't been to a doctor, and are not experiencing (from what you post and from the fact that you CAN post) all the usual symptoms of Dengue, why do you suppose it IS Dengue?

    I don't know why I am even replying to you. Do you believe that every case must have the same symptoms as you and as severe as yours ? And if not then they don't have dengue fever ? I find it impossible as the way you post is that nobody has experience the pain of dengue as much as you did 25 years ago on Koh Tao. You did take pains to post this twice. I know your like. You are from the bred of "my cat is blacker than yours " Read other peoples posts and learn. I resent the implication of melingering. Get a life you jerk.gif

  16. Just a quick question; what makes you think you have Dengue Fever? If you haven't been to a doctor, and are not experiencing (from what you post and from the fact that you CAN post) all the usual symptoms of Dengue, why do you suppose it IS Dengue?

    double post

  17. I don't see how that will work. I would estimate that around half wouldn't even be registered in the correct names.

    Possibley a psychological operation [PSYOPS] maybe ?? An oldie but a goodie. If so. Very clever indeed. Make them think they can get busted by this method and they will start wearing one.

    They can start putting up more dummy BIB's like before....after all no-one can tell the difference.


  18. What makes me happy is this way the funds go to the Government and not in someones pocket for lunch ( or anything else they may want) money

    My friend, in Thailand 50 % of the amount of the tickets are returned to the issuer; the policeman.

    Are you sure about this? They get a fair share? No reason to be corrupt then.

    I too take photo's and I have a nice collection of it: policemen not wearing helmets on the way to extort money from others.

    Please, post them.... that's so funny! I guess it is o.k. to post them here if you make sure their faces or other identification is being made unrecognizable.

    A year ago I got busted. No helmet. And was at the police station to pay my fine and there, standing in the line with me was a policeman in full uniform, to pay his own fine for not wearing a helmet also. I couldn't believe it. But it was true.

    • Like 1
  19. I don't see how that will work. I would estimate that around half wouldn't even be registered in the correct names.

    Possibley a psychological operation [PSYOPS] maybe ?? An oldie but a goodie. If so. Very clever indeed. Make them think they can get busted by this method and they will start wearing one.

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