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Posts posted by coma

  1. It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


    Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

    Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

    To avoid skewing the argument I think it necessary to consider what the likely outcome would be should Assad be removed. Would those formerly bowing their heads set out on the path of an all inclusive democracy or would Islamic extremists try to destabilize any consensus government endorsed by outside influences until said influences lose interest leading to the Islamists gaining control.

    I'm not by the way excusing the Russian or Chinese stance, which by supposedly letting the Syrian people choose for themselves means in effect letting Assad the tyrant prevail due to superior force.

    P.S Of the two million civilians affected per the OP an estimated 140,000 of them are Christians who have fled their homes with nothing. Iraq is a blueprint of what to expect there, as at least 50% of the Iraqi Christian population has fled post 'liberation'.

    How does your post avoid "skewing the argument"?

    I am not up for an argument. Just making an observation and posting it .So if you want to argue then can you please find somebody else or argue with yourself. coffee1.gif

  2. This is a really sad story. The Sikh communities around the world are a peaceful peoples and their men are extremely brave and have made huge sacrifices for world peace in the past.

    2 massacres in two weeks. What ? Does the government need to deploy the national guard to guard religious gatherings, schools and ,apparently, picture theatres to protect people going about their business ?

    2 massacres in two weeks.

    " It's perhaps too easy to forget how many times this has happened. "


    It sure is hard to find 'sincere goodness' in all walks of life these days. Just seems to be on the rise alot in the develope would. I wonder what the boffins put the reason down to ? Graphic computer games, increased occurance of drug & alcohol abuse, the everyday pressures of today,s society ? Or have these sorts of attacks / incidents infact not increased but are simply more heard of due to the ability and coverage of today's vast media apparatus ?

    P.S Very interesting article. Most informative. wai.gif

    This is a particulary alarming stat. Legal gun owners committing gun crime.

    Of the 132 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally.

  3. This is a really sad story. The Sikh communities around the world are a peaceful peoples and their men are extremely brave and have made huge sacrifices for world peace in the past.

    2 massacres in two weeks. What ? Does the government need to deploy the national guard to guard religious gatherings, schools and ,apparently, picture theatres to protect people going about their business ?

    • Like 1
  4. This Surin character should just fess up to what he did. The way I see it he knew that they were going to rob the victim. And then he was an accessory after the fact in regards to the assault and " murder". I honestly don't think he thought the other guy was willing to kill, so had no proir knowlegde or any intent. A flat out denial makes him look bad and therefore a target for the prosecution. Admit guilt to the robbery and accessory after the fact and the sentence should be minimal.

    As for this other guy. He is a grub and should never see the light of day ever again. IMO. wai.gif

  5. It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


    Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

    Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

    The point of the VDO is when does a civilian lose the rights of a civilian ? And are these jokers, and the tens of thousands of jokers just like them running amok in Syria today, part of the UN estimates? I believe there count, particularily the casualty count of civilians to be inaccurate. Because IMO civilians taking up arms are no longer civilian. But are indeed enemies of the state in this instance. Combatants. Trained or not. How many innocent people may this mortar crew have injured prior to the VDO being taken ? I don't think they could lay a target to save themselves.

    People like this, if they were captured in Iraq or Afghan, would be label terrorists and /or insurgents and would be locked up. Some may find themselves in foriegn prisons including GITMO. See how the shoe never quite fits onto the other foot when it comes to western interests over the best of the rest.

  6. It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


    Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

    Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

    To avoid skewing the argument I think it necessary to consider what the likely outcome would be should Assad be removed. Would those formerly bowing their heads set out on the path of an all inclusive democracy or would Islamic extremists try to destabilize any consensus government endorsed by outside influences until said influences lose interest leading to the Islamists gaining control.

    I'm not by the way excusing the Russian or Chinese stance, which by supposedly letting the Syrian people choose for themselves means in effect letting Assad the tyrant prevail due to superior force.

    P.S Of the two million civilians affected per the OP an estimated 140,000 of them are Christians who have fled their homes with nothing. Iraq is a blueprint of what to expect there, as at least 50% of the Iraqi Christian population has fled post 'liberation'.

    I think you know the answer to that one Dan.

  7. You can take a Thai girl out of Thailand but you can not take the Thai out of a Thai girl. Interested to know who grabbed the knife first!!!

    Irrespective of who grabbed the knife first, the killer is guilty.

    There is no question about it.

    Guilty of? Was it self defence..? According to the gf..

    "But when they arrived at Mr. Jonis’ room, Mr. Wasan hurried to enter the room and locked the door, and didn’t allow Ms. Jeeranan to enter the room. Ms. Jeeranan heard the noise of quarrelling for approximately 5 minutes. Then Mr. Wasan opened the door with blood all over his body and ran from the room to die in front of the hotel."

    Why did the Thai guy do that....indeed more to the story....and although it ended up with one of them dead, there is obviously a lot we don't know.

    don't you see ! thai enters foreigners room, argument ensues, thai pulls knife (normal), scuffle, foreigner wins fight, thai dies.

    verdict : if foreigner wasn't there then thai would be alive. make sense ?

    the fact that this girl arranged to meet thai guy is an indication of her quality as a person. she will ofcourse deny all as she doesnt want to lose face. foreigner defended himself as any of you would do. thai law cheesy.gif states that you can kill someone if they come into your home. the same rules should apply to this foreigner. as usual money will talk and the fine bib have another pay day. sick.gif

    Where did you get this from ??

  8. Thai men in court over Australian's death

    Two Thai men charged with the murder and robbery of Australian woman Michelle Smith will face a provincial court on Monday.

    Smith, 60, from Joondulup in Perth, died on June 20 during an attempted robbery on the Thai resort island of Phuket.

    Facing the Phuket provincial court is Surasak Suwannachot, 26, who is a accused of stabbing Smith in the chest during the attack as a group of Australian travel agents, on a familiarisation trip to Thailand, were returning to their resort.

    Surasak then rode off on a motorbike with accomplice Surin Toptong, 37, leaving Smith fatally wounded.

    Ms Smith' s travelling companion, Tammee Lynn, 42, also injured in the attack, desperately tried to save Smith, a mother of three.

    Ms Lynn, who provided a detailed statement to the police, has not been called to provide further evidence to the court.

    An intense investigation and reward of 300,000 baht ($A9600) led to the arrest of the suspects, following a tip-off from a restaurant owner.

    Police were also aided by closed circuit television (CCTV) near the scene of the crime close to the group's resort hotel.

    Surasak could face the death penalty, but Thai officials say a guilty plea is expected to result instead in a lengthy prison sentence.

    The murder led to stepped-up security around Phuket, which is heavily dependent on the 400,000 Australians who visit the island each year.


  9. I just bought it from my local mom and pop shop. No one could give a monkeys.

    It's the law? Excuse people if they don't have much respect for the law when people get away with killing police in front of several witnesses, or police officers are to be executed and the following day they are bailed because they are not seen to be a flight risk.

    If the rich and powerful can flout absolutely serious crimes, then why can't the poor buy a beer on a so called religious holiday? Oh, yea. It's the law.

    Set examples and then respect might be earned. Until then, stop trying to have your cake and eat it.

    Right on ! thumbsup.gif

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