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Posts posted by coma

  1. Having sen what is NOT taught in a majority of thai schools... Athletics and sports in general are not very high on the list... My daughter has one lesson a week for physical education... and that consists of Swimming....and erm....erm.....erm basketball... At least in the UK you get at least 2 PE classes per week.... one in the gym and one outside(football/rugby).. How can the Thais ever be a true sporting nation until they start participating at grass routes

    I think they should stick to Math and Thai for beginners. Try to get the national I.Q average above 100 before worrying about sports too much.


  2. What are Thai blogs saying about this? Are average Thais aghast, or is it just another helping of mai pen rai with watery starch rice? Has the judge who made the call - been named and shamed?

    I bought the subject up with a well to do, educated Thai that I know well and respect. And voiced my amazement at the way these guys were turned loose on bail and her response was..you guest it. jai yen yen. blink.png
  3. I praise this decision by the Thai government. Extending a hand of friendship, peace and support to the Palestinian people. And I am sure that all Palestinian people appreciate such recognition.

    Here is a map depicting those that have gone before Thailand in giving recognition to the Palestinian State. Good to see Thailand is up with modern times. Unlike some.


    International recognition of the State of Palestine


    Modern times. Haha, looks like Thailand just joined a delegation of all third world and communist countries going by that map. Not sure what is to be gained, but does show Yingluck out there working on something.

    It is indeed modern times.

    Guess your are from one of the few countries that are still grey on that map, like Myanmar for example. Countries of the other side of history. Some say they are the past.

    I too am originally from one of those grey countries and I am ashamed of our governments policy on Palestine and their support for Israel for what I believe to be based purely on finacial benefit and following the their own kind like a lost sheep. Alot of people say Thailand is slow but it appeares that they are moving in the right direction quicker than the so called 'modern, world leading countries' by acknowledging Palestine as a state. In time the rest of the world [ except Israel] will follow Thailand by making the same acknowledgment. God willing. إن شاء الله

  4. Hope he chokes on a rack ribs there. Or maybe he is there to personally deliver a donation to Mr Obama's re-election campaign.

    That seems unlikely. He has much more in common with Obama's opponent Mitt Romney after all. They are both extremely rich businessmen who like to avoid paying taxes.

    Romney has been traveling around and talking like the third anti christ. If he gets elected bad thing will happen. And they will be way out of the leage of small fry like Thaksin. Let the forces above help us all. Cause these two idiots surely won't.

  5. Amen to that. 25 years on death row is too long. Not just for the prisoner but it must also be an ordeal for the families of the victims to bring it all to a head so long after the crime was committed. Not to mention they costs to the State for housing condemned inmates for such a long period of time. There has got to be a way to experdite these things.

    I wonder how much of the eggplant lasagna, garlic cheese mashed potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts, broiled asparagus, root beer soda, and ice cream. He was actually able to stomach.wink.png

  6. This Surin character should just fess up to what he did. The way I see it he knew that they were going to rob the victim. And then he was an accessory after the fact in regards to the assault and " murder". I honestly don't think he thought the other guy was willing to kill, so had no proir knowlegde or any intent. A flat out denial makes him look bad and therefore a target for the prosecution. Admit guilt to the robbery and accessory after the fact and the sentence should be minimal.

    As for this other guy. He is a grub and should never see the light of day ever again. IMO. wai.gif

    So you know that the guy on the get-away bike had no knowledge of his oppo's possession of a knife or intent to commit the crime before the robbery?

    Send me tonight's euromillion's numberes when you get a mo please?

    Read my post again. I believe he knew that the robbery was going down. Do doubt. Did he know that there was going to be a knife attack ? NO!!!. Knives are carried by this like to cut handbags away from victims shoulders so its presence would not have rang alarm bells to the rider.

    Find your own numbers for the lottery you jerk.gif .

  7. I praise this decision by the Thai government. Extending a hand of friendship, peace and support to the Palestinian people. And I am sure that all Palestinian people appreciate such recognition.

    Here is a map depicting those that have gone before Thailand in giving recognition to the Palestinian State. Good to see Thailand is up with modern times. Unlike some.


    International recognition of the State of Palestine


    Modern times. Haha, looks like Thailand just joined a delegation of all third world and communist countries going by that map. Not sure what is to be gained, but does show Yingluck out there working on something.

    The world is more then just a couple of nations run by Caucasian's that have been long known in starting wars. (Germany, US, the UK etc.). Those countries just make a small percentage of the total population worldwide and third world countries have now even been ask to bailout the European.


  8. Good, though he should have defected months ago. For the past ten months or so, he's playing both sides of the street, seeing which side would prevail. It sounds more like 'saving his ass' than a moral decision.

    I couldn't agree more. He is a rat jumping what he believes to be a sinking ship. I wonder if Mr Farid Hijab has met with the US ambassador yet ?

  9. At this early stage it is safe to say that he was a racist. That is for sure. Anything else is pure speculation. I mean the suspect is dead. He can't give information as to what his objective were, if indeed he had any, outside of killing as many people in the gurdwara as he could.

  10. I think that certain memebers of the police who attended, dealt with and then eventually brought an end to the massacre were caught, maybe off guard, immediately after the incident by the media and were on the record and quoted as calling it a domestic terrorist act. That therefore caught on and spread fast. At such an early stage I doubt that they really could have or should have been making such statements to the media at that particular time on calls of that magnitude.

  11. Yes. I agree that the prospects of lowering the ammount of firearm of all types,shapes and sizes is probabley an impossibilty. At the end of the day I firmly believe that guns do not kill. It is the people using them that kill therefore what needs to be addressed more so is what is going on with these individual that go out on rampages like those that we have seen recently. And infact look at the broader society within the states to look for and try to address problems that are obvioulsy prevelant within it.

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