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Posts posted by coma

  1. Thai News is reporting a Foreigners body has been found in dense bushland close to a road in Saraburi province, Thailand today. It appears the victim was shot in the head and then dumped by a shallow ' grave'. The victim is discribed as a white male, 40-50 years old and approximatley 170 cm. Found wearing only a pair of blue underwear and a watch. No ID documents or other personal items were discovered therefore authorities are trying to determine who the deceased is.

    Just thought I would get this info out to all members. Does anybody else have any news or info on the above incident that is going to air now ?

  2. If he got caught driving under the influence in his home country with a minor in the car. What would happen to him?

    Where I come from, having a 16 year old girl in the car is not an offense. Why should it be? Do you have sex with everybody who are passengers in your car? I've been stopped by the police in this country with the car full of girls, many of them under 18. Never had a problem with that, except one policeman who insisted on going with us to wherever we were headed. Just envious cheesy.gif

    Can't blame him. tongue.png

    By the look of your avatar, you fit the bill perfectly. crazy.gif

    • Like 1
  3. If he got caught driving under the influence in his home country with a minor in the car. What would happen to him?

    Where I come from, having a 16 year old girl in the car is not an offense. Why should it be? Do you have sex with everybody who are passengers in your car? I've been stopped by the police in this country with the car full of girls, many of them under 18. Never had a problem with that, except one policeman who insisted on going with us to wherever we were headed. Just envious cheesy.gif

    I was talking about having a minor in the car whilst you are driving drunk. Do you have any idea ???

    • Like 1
  4. A child having a relationship with an old man can never be good for them, Mentally, life skill development, Intillectually,knowledge necessary for effective decision making, communication, negotiation, peer resistance, etc etc. And if a child 16 falls pregnant then it is a child mothering another child and a farrang with a passport does not have to hang around to support that child! So like i say, Why add to the problem?, I dont have a solution other than education and to put my point of veiw across to those who support old men having relations with children!..... And your solution is ??

    My solution is: Support the girl, teach her things she needs to know (most of them don't have a clue about anything whatsoever), prepare her for life, stay away from sex if she doesn't want, keep her away from the bars. Be as much a parent as a lover if needed.

    Problem is: If she doesn't sleep in your bed or at least in your home, you have no idea where she ends up or where the money goes. It can't be repeated too often: Most of these girls don't have a clue about anything, and what they learn, they learn on the streets of Pattaya. That will only teach them one thing: How to become a greedier hooker. After a few years in Pattaya, most of the girls are destroyed by too much alcohol, too many parties, too many broken relationships and sometimes too much drugs. It doesn't take long.

    And in the case of this OP. The foriegner has failed to do all of the above. He killed a minor in his " care " through his drunken stupidity.

    What he did can't be excused, but that had nothing to do with his or her age. People do idiotic things at all ages. If they had been in bed, they would both probably have been alive now.

    If he got caught driving under the influence in his home country with a minor in the car. What would happen to him?

  5. I think PNG is a fine place to determine whether boat people are true refugees or economic migrants as the indigenous culture might be even more primitive than that of the refugees.


    Sometimes you crack me up. Quality. A couple of days in PNG and they will be begging the authorities to send them back to Mogadishu, Baghdad and Kabul to re- open their fruit shops.

  6. A child having a relationship with an old man can never be good for them, Mentally, life skill development, Intillectually,knowledge necessary for effective decision making, communication, negotiation, peer resistance, etc etc. And if a child 16 falls pregnant then it is a child mothering another child and a farrang with a passport does not have to hang around to support that child! So like i say, Why add to the problem?, I dont have a solution other than education and to put my point of veiw across to those who support old men having relations with children!..... And your solution is ??

    My solution is: Support the girl, teach her things she needs to know (most of them don't have a clue about anything whatsoever), prepare her for life, stay away from sex if she doesn't want, keep her away from the bars. Be as much a parent as a lover if needed.

    Problem is: If she doesn't sleep in your bed or at least in your home, you have no idea where she ends up or where the money goes. It can't be repeated too often: Most of these girls don't have a clue about anything, and what they learn, they learn on the streets of Pattaya. That will only teach them one thing: How to become a greedier hooker. After a few years in Pattaya, most of the girls are destroyed by too much alcohol, too many parties, too many broken relationships and sometimes too much drugs. It doesn't take long.

    And in the case of this OP. The foriegner has failed to do all of the above. He killed a minor in his " care " through his drunken stupidity.

    • Like 2
  7. Reading through this thread, it is easy to see who came to Thailand to live out sick fanticies and defend their actions with children and who are the decent people. coffee1.gif

    So true. If old people with a gut full of this drunk.gif , that look like this crazy.gif with a personality like this licklips.gif started doing bit more of this jerk.gif instead of chasing young girls still doing this passifier.gif then we wouldn't be having this discussion. bah.gif . Wake up and get yourselves a nice 30 or 40 year old lady. Sick puppies you are.

  8. Who's not doing who's job? American police? Welcome to a semi-real democracy were freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully comes in to play.

    You screwed NASA and you think the US is gonna wipe up your political s--t storm? Put down the bottle of Leo.

    It was Thaksin's sister's government that " screwed NASA ". blink.png A more relevant course of action for a 'square up' would be to deny this clown a visa.

    End of story.thumbsup.gif

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  9. Perverted, sick, alcoholic <deleted> would maybe more appropriate.

    When listening to your over the top and assumed opinions of this man, I wonder how much better you are than people who put themselves into these situations.

    Let's just say I am a hell of alot better than this man. wink.png

    There you are again Mr HangemHigh who set you up as judge and jury????? Anybody who has a different view to you is inferior in your opinion - well you are a model of free speech

    No. Just your like. The ones who think taking advantage of young Thai girls is o.k. whistling.gif

  10. Thaksin is the one who got elected. He is only a criminal of the Govt who illegally overthrew the freely elected old Govt. I don't much care one way or the other, but that's the way I see it. I really don't know but I guess he is kind of a leftist, a populist, and we all know where that ends up, bankruptcy every time, and the US is on the same path if things don't change fast. However Thailand is not the US. Woman and older people simple will not get certain jobs. The barriers are higher to advance for most of the country. So it surprises me to hear myself say this, but for Thailand, some wealth re-distribution may be a good thing.

    I am sorry to be so blunt but this statement is wrong. No criminal in a democracy is found guilty by the government, legally elected or otherwise. They are found guilty by the high court of that country which in turn is bounded by the laws within the constitution. The constitution is what defines an individual as being a criminal once convicted by the court. Thaksin therefore, by definition of the law of the land and the constitution is a convicted felon. On the run.

    Was Mr Victor Booth convicted of any crime when the US demanded his extradition from Thailand to the US ??? NO!!

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  11. DazelToad, I do concede you have a fair point. If this gentleman was to survive and his "girlfriend" had passed away as a direct result of this 'accident', do you think he would be changed and convicted of causing the death of this young girl, or it would be just a accident? (Presuming he was not rich and bribed the cops and or judge of course)

    Actually it's an accident. Wikipedia definition... An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention ornecessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

    I think this is what the vast majority would count as an accident.

    You not think Granpa picking up a child prostitute was unavoidable?

    You not think Grandpa getting drunk and not making other arrangements to drive was not unavoidable?

    You not think getting on the bike drunk with out a saftey helmet (required by law for sober drivers) wasn't unavoidable?

    The description of him driving fast and erratic was not avoidable?

    The child who go on the bike, it is debatable if it was unavoidable as she was working and probily considered it pat of the job.

    I think you will find the insurance company if one is involved will fins that this "accident" if you call it that was avoidable,

    Sorry my good fellow, as long as they didnt plan to crash, I would say it was an accident. You are talking about conscious choices, it was not a conscious choice to crash and die, but merely a consequence of some ill made decisions on the part of both involved.

    " If this gentleman was to survive"

    Not wishing to be pedantic, but the use of the word "gentleman" really is inappropriate.

    Perverted, sick, alcoholic <deleted> would maybe be more appropriate.

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