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Posts posted by coma

  1. Why bust the little mum and pop stores, they aren't exactly selling truckloads and what they do sell hardly provides enoungh income to feed the family for a day.

    Actually your wrong and let's be fair if the clubs ,bars , restaurants do it the everyone should after all it's their culture ....for me sell alcohol when you like but ...l

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    I asked a question, how is that wrong?

    By the letter of the law. The law sucks and hurts the people you are talking about financially everytime there is an election, religious holiday etc etc.

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  2. Right on. Yesterday I was riding my motorcycle down a back street in down town Chiang Mai, behind a temple of all places. And there was what I can only describe as a literal blackmarket of beer sales. I must have counted about 40 or 50 cartons of beer sitting there with a middle aged couple standing there selling it. Chang and Leo being sold by the bottle or box , right there on the side of the small soi in broad daylight. Quite funny to see.

  3. Am I missing something in this case of the 2 Thai guys killing the Australian ladies ? They have now withdrawn their confessions and are now in denial ? That could spell death sentences in found guilty and the evidence against them [CCTV footage], one would think, looked quite compelling


    The move by Dokset to deny all charges against him came on the same day, in the same court, that the confessed killers of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith denied all charges against them for the stabbing murder of Ms Smith in a botched bag-snatch on June 20.

    As for this other guy using accidentally” killing her in a fit of jealous rage as an excuse is a non - starter IMO.

    Well. If he really did kill her accidentally then it's a very good defence to the charge of Murder. The difference is pre-meditation, so it's quite possible that he's innocent of "Murder" but guilty of another offence such as unlawful killing or manslaughter.

    Murder is murder.

    the victim is dead.

    I am no lawyer or law guru. But from where I come from it is murder. And from what I seen on the CCTV footage I would,if I was on the jury, have no problems finding the guy that did the knifing guilty of murder.The rider guy I couldn't. The original defence of " he was using the knife to cut the handbag away " just doesn't cut it with me. If it does then may I please have a go at cutting a handbag of this dirtbag.

  4. <deleted>? I love this country but this is a f#$*ing disgrace. These guys ARE convicts and are supposed to be on death row.And any appeals process should be conducted whilst they are in custody. Of course they are a flight risk. Does the judge [or anybody with a brain] honestly believe they are going to hang around waiting to get their necks stretched ? Personally I would be off like blue cheese. I hope these guys do do a runner as they deserve it because of this laughable decision by a laughable 'figure of authority'. bah.gif I p$$$ on this decision.

    Wonder whether Thaksin has anything to do with influencing this decision ? I mean these events happened under his orders on his watch. If these government officials burn then he may well be in a spot of bother reference human rights abuses himself. More bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif .

  5. Indeed. All these big players around the world, getting rich, stuffing their faces with the blood, sweat and tears of the normal people by means of fraudelant activities are right up there with the worst of the worst in my opinion. And therefore should be dealt with accordingly. I wonder how many people have committed suicide because of the actions of Bernie Madoff and his like. Well done Iran. Well done indeed. Any spare execution witness seat left ???

  6. Am I missing something in this case of the 2 Thai guys killing the Australian ladies ? They have now withdrawn their confessions and are now in denial ? That could spell death sentences in found guilty and the evidence against them [CCTV footage], one would think, looked quite compelling

    blink.png They are probably denying the 'murder' charge, which denotes premeditation.

    The move by Dokset to deny all charges against him came on the same day, in the same court, that the confessed killers of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith denied all charges against them for the stabbing murder of Ms Smith in a botched bag-snatch on June 20.

    As for this other guy using accidentally” killing her in a fit of jealous rage as an excuse is a non - starter IMO.

    I thought that murder was killing with intent ? Not premeditated intent to kill. Still confused.

  7. Am I missing something in this case of the 2 Thai guys killing the Australian ladies ? They have now withdrawn their confessions and are now in denial ? That could spell death sentences in found guilty and the evidence against them [CCTV footage], one would think, looked quite compelling


    The move by Dokset to deny all charges against him came on the same day, in the same court, that the confessed killers of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith denied all charges against them for the stabbing murder of Ms Smith in a botched bag-snatch on June 20.

    As for this other guy using accidentally” killing her in a fit of jealous rage as an excuse is a non - starter IMO.

  8. Britons or 'Britiots' in their late fifties and sixties who marry girls in Thailand and throw their money around are more at danger than guys running around on bikes.

    How many Poms marry an Isan girl,move out to Isan,buy/build a house, and are never heard of again ? No stats on that .

    sawadee krup

    When living in a democratic country such as Thailand. Then one can exercise his /her right to be an idiot.

  9. Countries listed by chance of dying as a tourist: (Thailand doesn't appear in the top 20).

    e.g: Australia kicks in at 18 because:

    "When you visit Australia, you may find yourself facing one of the ten most poisonous snakes in the world, one of many different types of deadly spiders or even deadly sea creatures. In fact, most consider Australia to be the place where you are most likely to get attacked by wildlife in one way or another."

    What a load of hogs wash ? Here are some facts. And please consider that these are not figures for tourist fatalities alone. Truth of the matter is that most Australians will go there entire lives without seeing, let alone having an encounter or being attacked / bitten by snakes, spiders, Great Whites or Cape Crocs.

    Snakes :Since 1980 there have been 43 deaths (27 involving brownsnakes) Australia-wide attributed to snakes (the most recent, 42 year old woman on 2nd November 2011 in Queensland). Several of these could not be confirmed as resulting directly from snakebite.

    Sharks : Although Australia is ranked the second highest in terms of global shark attacks with 877 attacks, it is ranked the highest in terms of shark fatalities, with 217 fatalities total.

    Spiders : In Australia, only male Sydney Funnel Web Spiders and Redback Spiders have caused human deaths, but none have occurred since anti venoms were made available in 1981. Each year in Australia as many as 4,000 people are bitten. Of these 200 require anti venom treatment and one bite was fatal.

    • Like 1
  10. For anyone really interested in Iraq i recommend the book, 'Fiasco, the American adventure in Iraq'.by Thomas E Ricks. It lays bare the foolhardy decision to invade Iraq by G W Bush, and especially Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheyney, and Paul Wolfowitz, Chickenhawks to a man. Against all advice from the Military they went ahead, didn't have a clue, all based on lies.Of course the soldiers on the ground paid the price. All of these gung ho advocates for war were draft dodgers when they had their chance to show what they were made of during the Vietnam war. President Bush's Daddy got him a posting, where he spent his time drinking beer and making sure the skies over Texas were safe! No wonder he is held in such contempt.

    Hahahaha. That sums it right up in one single word. Fiasco.

    Michael Moore's movie Farenhiet 9/11 is another good example of how well Iraq was doing before the 2003 invasion and how fuc#$ed up it was and is post invasion.

    I don't believe the majority of Iraqis (comprised of Shiites, as well as Kurds) would agree on how well they were doing during Saddam Hussein's rule. Some reports say more than 600,000 Iraqis dies during his dictatorship, if you include the Iraq/Iran war that was initiated by him

    Being on the streets during the occuption there wasn't too many Iraqis I spoke to that would agree with that statement. Nor did they give two shits about the Kurds [sad]. All they wanted was the US out, followed by food,electricity and running water. None of which they had at that time. And for a very long time.

    Had the US retained the Iraqi army I believe the situation would have been and would now be a hell of a lot better with a lot less bloodshed then and now and in the future.Therefore having a much more peaceful and lasting Iraq. But NO.

  11. For anyone really interested in Iraq i recommend the book, 'Fiasco, the American adventure in Iraq'.by Thomas E Ricks. It lays bare the foolhardy decision to invade Iraq by G W Bush, and especially Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheyney, and Paul Wolfowitz, Chickenhawks to a man. Against all advice from the Military they went ahead, didn't have a clue, all based on lies.Of course the soldiers on the ground paid the price. All of these gung ho advocates for war were draft dodgers when they had their chance to show what they were made of during the Vietnam war. President Bush's Daddy got him a posting, where he spent his time drinking beer and making sure the skies over Texas were safe! No wonder he is held in such contempt.

    Hahahaha. That sums it right up in one single word. Fiasco.

    Michael Moore's movie Farenhiet 9/11 is another good example of how well Iraq was doing before the 2003 invasion and how fuc#$ed up it was and is post invasion.

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