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Posts posted by coma

  1. Thanks for all the replies and words of wisdom. It seems most of us are well informed and on the same sheet of paper.

    Day 3. Another day stuck at home drinking water, eating paracetamol and sleeping. So far have avoided a hospital admittance.

  2. I'm amazed that you can type and even care to start your computer. When I had Dengue, I was so sick I just wanted to die. I hurt so badly I was actually in tears for days, and could do nothing but lay in bed and moan for almost a week. I was on an island in the south of Thailand that didn't have a hospital at the time, not even a doctor. The only help was the nurse-practitioner in the drug store. I hope yours ends quickly and smoothly.

    I know what you are saying. 2 years ago when I had it I was left feeling totally destroyed and ended up in hospital for 3 days with tubes hanging out of me. This time the symptoms are every bit as painful however there seems to be distinct ups and downs. I guess calling them 'lulls' would be a good word to describe them. Only day three now and last night was worse than the night before.

  3. Hi to all Chiang Mai residents.

    I live here in the city and have just come down with dengue fever. This is the second time for me. Last time I had it was here 2 years ago when, at that time there was a large outbreak of the disease. My current symptoms are high temperature [39 average before paracetamol] pain in my muscles and joints, spilting headache, sore eyes and the red rash has just starting to become quite appartent on my chest and neck.

    I guess I just want to firstly put the feelers out and see if anybody else has had it/got it so far this year or knows of anybody that has it /had it ? Both for my own knowledge and for that of any others who are interested. I did read a medical report last night that said there has been 200 cases so far in Chiang Mai this year.


    Secondly I just want to let fellow residents know that it is indeed here this year as I am going through the joys of it now and would like to remind you all that it really sux arse. Prevention is indeed the best thing to do.wai.gif

    My best friends now are water, paracetamol and my bed. sick.gif

  4. " The TAT Governor also stressed the need to elevate the quality of Thai tourist destinations to meet acceptable standards "

    So does this mean that they will be taking appropriate steps towards stopping foriegn tourists from being poisoned to death or bashed and robbed ,stabbed and robbed ,murdered and robbed by the local population ? Or would that fall outside TAT's criteria of acceptable standards. giggle.gif

    If they cut all that out how would they meet the target of 2 trillion, do you think the tourists will simply just hand it over. All these proceeds of crime end up following into the Thai economy.thumbsup.gif

    What ? Like the 2 blokes that stabbed the Australian lady to death so he could pay for his 300 baht meal tab ?? thumbsup.gif

  5. " The TAT Governor also stressed the need to elevate the quality of Thai tourist destinations to meet acceptable standards "

    So does this mean that they will be taking appropriate steps towards stopping foriegn tourists from being poisoned to death or bashed and robbed ,stabbed and robbed ,murdered and robbed by the local population ? Or would that fall outside TAT's criteria of acceptable standards. giggle.gif

    Reading your post, if stupid enough, one might actually believe tourists get killed or robbed every minute.rolleyes.gif

    Crime in Thailand is no different than in any other country in the world, unless of course you proposing they assign a body guard to each touristwhistling.gif

    Not you again. Troll!!! beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

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  6. " The TAT Governor also stressed the need to elevate the quality of Thai tourist destinations to meet acceptable standards "

    So does this mean that they will be taking appropriate steps towards stopping foriegn tourists from being poisoned to death or bashed and robbed ,stabbed and robbed ,murdered and robbed by the local population ? Or would that fall outside TAT's criteria of acceptable standards. giggle.gif

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  7. Somebody help me !!! Is it just me or is this the most ridiculous statement and course of action to take? blink.png

    “The unexplained deaths of the Norwegian and American tourists in 2009 were good case studies for us. [in the Belanger case] We followed the exact same procedure that we conducted in 2009,” Col Boontawee said.

    These previous deaths were left unsolved and unexplained yet Col Boontawee states that they "were good case studies for us". And that therefore " we followed the exact same procedure" [in the Belanger case]. laugh.png

    If one doesn't get to the bottom of previous cases by using a particular procedure then how is that "good" ? And why would one be content in using the same procedure for this present or any future cases if it has already proven to be ineffective in determining the cause of numerous deaths. This guy is a comedian. Forget the cover up theories ladies and gentlemen cuz this guy wouldn't have the aptitude to do so.

    Ending on a possible positive is that they are still waiting on results. I thought that they had closed the case already.

  8. Police cracks call-centre scam, 15 arrested

    The Nation


    BANGKOK: -- Police have arrested 15 foreigners, most of them hailing from Europe, for allegedly running a call-centre scam and duping several people into wiring more than Bt320 million into their accounts.

    Of the suspects, six are British, two American, two Romanians, three from the Philippines, one German and one South African national. The suspects were arrested recently at a flat in Sukhumvit Soi 13, where they ran the scam based on bogus stock-market trade. The suspects usually worked from 1pm to midnight - the period most stock exchanges overseas operated.

    Police said that most of the victims were Westerners, who were advised by the suspects - posing as independent brokers - that they could make 95 per cent profit from their investment in exchange for a 25-per-cent cut. The suspects had allegedly opened a bank account in Switzerland, which they used to transfer money to Malaysia-based accounts and then on to Thailand.

    Meanwhile, police arrested a Liberian national and a Guinea national for duping an American into buying a magic potion for Bt147,000, which could allegedly turn US dollar bills of a lower denomination into $100 bills. The victim notified police after the suspects demanded another Bt1 million in exchange for the key to a safe deposit where the remainder of the potion was kept.


    -- The Nation 2012-07-07

    This is about the 3rd story in recent weeks of an "International Gang" operating in Thailand. I can't remember the details of one of them but another as I recall was a gang of jewel thieves traveling around the world following jewelery shows. They stole millions of USD/Euros worth of precious stones. Any one know what happened to them? What's with the International gang thing? Is this a new MO in the Internet age? As I recall, the jewel thieves met in a chat room or something. As I recall, in all 3 gangs there were a German, a South African, and an American, and Asian gang members - Malaysian or Filipino, and Eastern Europeans. No surprise this gang has Romanian members. Romanians are some of the best cyber crooks in the world. They are very clever; much more so than the Russians. I wonder whose bank account was located in Switzerland? Should not be difficult to trace the trail of money transfers in this day and age. Why are people so gullible that they think they could possibly make 65-95% return on a short-term investment? Don't they research who they invest their money with???

    The magic potion thing is hilarious! Is it for real? Or is this a joke????laugh.png

    The guy was an American. It is not a joke. giggle.gif

  9. Yes I have had Dengue. 2 years ago in Chiang Mai where I spent 3 days in hospital hooked up to an IV. And yes I am well aware that is kills. It was just after I had it that I heard of world champion pro surfer Andy Irons dying from it in November 2010.

    But when you read of the extreme symptons that these two young ladies had , and one has an ounce of an idea about the disease, then one CANNOT possibley attribute them to dengue fever.

    http://www.medicinen...fever/page3.htm coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  10. any news from the forensic scientists in Canada?

    Of course not ...we are now July 7th going on 8th and nothing since July 5th ... TV members obviously do not have such long term memories....It's now been burried and forgotten till the next episode and then the previous Phiphi stories and this one and the Chiangmai ones will all be brought up once again in a memory flash ... Pfff!! So sickening to see 33 or more pages of TV people venting and criticizing and trying to prove the causes and verdicts and then Pouf!!! all are gone back to their bar stools somewhere to harrass each other about their egotiscal knowledge of everything ... as I said before when the next unfortunate events happens again they will all be back on the loop to show their bar stool skills ... Oye someone save us !!!

    He asked if there was any news from the forensic scientists in Canada.

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  11. So you are saying that if YOU haven't seen or heard anything then in must be false ? lol!! giggle.gif

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has, for the past few months, sought and received visa to enter the United States, his legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Friday

    read again what i said.

    There is no confirmation or evidence but just words of a puppet.

    I can make a statement that i have 3 brains, but it does not for certain mean i have 3 brains just because i said so, does it?rolleyes.gif

    PS. Have YOU seen the visa?

    I think I have made and will rest my case. thumbsup.gif

  12. All that time in the foriegn ministry and you don't know how the US operates ? WoW!! That surprises me more than it surprises you that the US would do such a thing. It is called " double standards " my friend. You should be used to this by now.

    Nothing to do with double standards,at the time when the military junta toppled thaksin,most free world countries did not accept the coup, the junta government or any sentences against thaksin after he got toppled,thaksin was free elected Pm of Thailand,junta government or democratic government not free elected.Thats also the reason why thaksin can travel almost anywhere he want to travel,seems like US government has a higher understanding of the situation in Thailand than many thaivisa members

    Nonsense. The high court of Thailand found Thaksin guilty. Not the government. The constitution is the high authority of any democracy and the courts can only make judgements consistant with the constitution. The US should know this as they are the self appointed "leaders of world democracy". However they prefer to practice hypocrisy.

    SO far i have not seen or heard anyone from US or anywhere else but Thaksin's puppet making a statement of receiving Visa, so i do not see how you have the right to start accusing US of doing anything hypocritical on the matter

    So you are saying that if YOU haven't seen or heard anything then in must be false ? lol!! giggle.gif

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has, for the past few months, sought and received visa to enter the United States, his legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Friday

  13. All that time in the foriegn ministry and you don't know how the US operates ? WoW!! That surprises me more than it surprises you that the US would do such a thing. It is called " double standards " my friend. You should be used to this by now.

    Nothing to do with double standards,at the time when the military junta toppled thaksin,most free world countries did not accept the coup, the junta government or any sentences against thaksin after he got toppled,thaksin was free elected Pm of Thailand,junta government or democratic government not free elected.Thats also the reason why thaksin can travel almost anywhere he want to travel,seems like US government has a higher understanding of the situation in Thailand than many thaivisa members

    Nonsense. The high court of Thailand found Thaksin guilty. Not the government. The constitution is the high authority of any democracy and the courts can only make judgements consistant with the constitution. The US should know this as they are the self appointed "leaders of world democracy". However they prefer to practice hypocrisy.

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