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Posts posted by coma

  1. Music to my ears. Been waiting for the cards to fall down on these thugs. Once one crew gets done, they get sqeezed a little, then start rolling over on all the other crews. " Let it roll baby roll ". Nothing better than getting rid of this filth out of our society. clap2.gif

    I would not be so confident. Are they wearing surgical masks (1) because there is an outbreak of something at the police station ? Or is it because (2) they are coming back on the next plane. I may have been a bit prematurely optimistic myself. But looks more like opportunitism from where I am standing.

    I think that they are wearing masks to hide their identities as they have not admitted to any crime and therefore are, wait for it as I know it is hard to believe, they are innocent until proven guilty.

    Even if they do get turned loose by Thai authorities [which I doubt ] they will be picked up by other, international authorities, such as FBI, AFP, NZPol etc etc which I know are now and have been for some 12 months now working alongside Thai authorities, at the request of several foriegn governments, in a special taskforce set up to takedown these gangs in Thailand.

    There was a time when these gangs operated here without having to worry too much about being dusted up by Thai authorities but that has changed. So all that are out there doing just this should rightfully be pissing their pants right now. As IMO this is just the beginning. Busting these thugs is like peeling an onion. Once you get the first layer off the others just keep coming.

  2. Yes. I just read the article in the Thai Daily Newspaper and they have a witness that reported that several foriegners approached the driver and insist that he slow down but the driver refused to listen to them. Massive D'head.

    They are also reporting financial compensation of 700000 baht to the families of each of the deceased. For what it is worth.

    700k baht. That is pitiful. Those not deceased also deserve way more as they may likely be unable to work, have on going medical needs, rehabilitation and be unable to enjoy life for a while depending on nature of injuries. I guess this is what to expect when injured in a third world dump, but one could be hopeful Thailand is some what better.

    From what I remember the report stated that the injured were given an immediate initial payment of 10,000 baht.

  3. From the photo, the bus looks like it ran into a solid wall with those incredible damages. Yet it just ran into an electric pole. Just unbelievable that they put such solid constructions (made of concrete) next to the roads. They should of course have poles like in other countries that fall over easy, thus saving the lives of the people in the cars that eventually collide into such items.

    Lives and concrete are cheap I guess...


    It first hit a tree, then spun, flipped and hit a power pole which cut the bus into 2 pieces.

    That's not what the pictures show.

    A front end bashed to hell and buckled frame pushed backl by the impact.

    Looks like head on with something very solid, and then maybe a spin.

    No "...cut in 2 pieces." is at all apparent.

    Just what I read in the Thai newspaper.

  4. From the photo, the bus looks like it ran into a solid wall with those incredible damages. Yet it just ran into an electric pole. Just unbelievable that they put such solid constructions (made of concrete) next to the roads. They should of course have poles like in other countries that fall over easy, thus saving the lives of the people in the cars that eventually collide into such items.

    Lives and concrete are cheap I guess...


    It first hit a tree, then spun, flipped and hit a power pole which cut the bus into 2 pieces.

  5. Out of money and living in Thailand. How many times have I heard this. How does one allow one's self to get into such a situation ? Losers. The lot of them.

    This sort of case makes one realise that visa regulations are far too lax, if they allow people of working age to stay for months or years without money or a legal job. That is an invitation to either work illegally or resort to crime like these morons.

    I think you may find that getting strict on the visas for these "morons " won't have much of an impact I am afraid. Most of them have long outstayed whatever visa, if any, that they arrived on. ie. They just come in on the normal 30 days stamp on arrival and that is it for them. These vermin are what give foriegners a bad name in Thailand amounst Thais.

    I think what is needed is harsh overstay laws and punishments. Especially for overstayers who are conducting illegal activities in Thailand, like these tossers and those in the call center scams. Put them all in Bang Khwang for 5 to 10 years. That should send a message.

    u can't go to Bangkwang for 5-10 years.

    Well make it a flat 20. Even better. wink.png

  6. Out of money and living in Thailand. How many times have I heard this. How does one allow one's self to get into such a situation ? Losers. The lot of them.

    This sort of case makes one realise that visa regulations are far too lax, if they allow people of working age to stay for months or years without money or a legal job. That is an invitation to either work illegally or resort to crime like these morons.

    I think you may find that getting strict on the visas for these "morons " won't have much of an impact I am afraid. Most of them have long outstayed whatever visa, if any, that they arrived on. ie. They just come in on the normal 30 days stamp on arrival and that is it for them. These vermin are what give foriegners a bad name in Thailand amounst Thais.

    I think what is needed is harsh overstay laws and punishments. Especially for overstayers who are conducting illegal activities in Thailand, like these tossers and those in the call center scams. Put them all in Bang Khwang for 5 to 10 years. That should send a message.

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  7. Yeah !!! What a real ridiculous idea this is ? Enlist already violent individuals into the army [99% of them will be unwilling participants], teach them how to become more aggressive, to kill, how to use knives and bayonets, use and fire automatic weapons and various other explosive ordnance.Then put them in amongst the army culture, where getting on the piss with the boys and then going out and belting someone's head in is close to the norm.

    Then once they have done thier time, turn them loose in society again . beatdeadhorse.gif

  8. This I found to be an interesting read on a study done on 100 Paedophile individuals volunteering for chemical castration. Basically it opens up a whole other can of worms [excuse the punt].

    "Sex offending is often not about sex at all, but about violence and domination. The drugs used will not affect those attitudes. Some men may inflict other types of deviant behaviour on victims if they are unable to perform sexually due to the drugs."


    Basically there can be severe, both physical and physcological side effects to the treament, that can turn real bad for both the offender and the public.

    As with everything in life. For every action there will be a reaction.

  9. I am sure the innocent people of Waziristan feel a little terrorised everytime they hear or see a predator drone over head. Not knowing when or where the next hellfire missile is going to strike. I know the feeling well everytime a US fast mover is flying overhead dumping ordance in and around and sometimes on one's position. There is only one way to describe it and that is " terrifying".

    terrifying [ˈtɛrɪˌfaɪɪŋ]


    causing great fear or dread; extremely frightening. Farkin right!!!

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