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Posts posted by coma

  1. Definition of freedom fighter v militant / terrorist are as follows so that there can be no misconstruing.

    Freedom fighter : Is an individual or group of individuals which conduct military styled operations for the benefit or percieved benefit of the USA ,its interests and its allies. [The west]

    Militant / Terrorist : Is an individual or group of individuals which conduct military styled operations against the USA, its interests and its allies.

    Therefore the "individuals" that are operating in and around the lawless region of northwest Pakistan today, fall into the militant / terrorist catagory by default. If one gets the opportunity to travel to this region and speak with the locals they call these so labelled terrorist, مجاهد [Mudjahid] which translates to... guess what ??? Freedom fighter. thumbsup.gif

    Personnally when it comes to this particular area of the world I am 100% behind the covert operations being conducted against these dangerous groups of individuals only for the fact that the Pakastani government seems to be either incapable, unwilling , compliant or all of the above to reign in these criminal groups. This is where our war should be. Not in Iraq, not in Iran, not in Afghanistan.But in Pakistan.IMO the most dangerous country in the world.

  2. gather the impression that there is a thai cover up is just terrible.

    Thai authorities need to get themselves into the modern world and provide full disclosure

    Your second statement it more correct than the first. The Thai authorities are just plan and simply incompetant and/ or don't give a F%#k. Therefore it can look as if there is a cover up because they don't have the professional know how to get to a decisive cause of death. I am sure there are thousands of cases like this involving Thais every year that don't even get a mention in any sort of media. The Thai family just sucks up what the authorities tell/feed them and off to the crematorium. Still very 19th century here unfortunately.

  3. typical thaivisa.. immediately assuming there are 'real killers' and that every arrest is some sort of conspiracy, and that the 2 arrested were tortured into confessing.. even though there hasn't been anything to suggest this is happening.. they always find these guys so fast because they have surveillance cameras everywhere and they put 100 cops on every hi-profile case, especially one that involves the killing of a foreign tourist..

    The like you are refering to are no life losers and have too much time on thier hands. So they sit around all day dreaming up conspiracy theories at every opportunity. i.e, there were no planes hitting buildings on 9/11 etc etc. Sad individuals really.

  4. Eating the wrong type of Mushroom could also lead to death. Magic mushrooms{ Psilocybin mushrooms } , a favorite for young traveller in Thai beach resort towns are safe. However the people who go out and get these things are not exactly experts and mistakingly picking the wrong species of mushrooms could be deadly and has been deadly here in Thailand in the past. Could it be possible that the girls didn't seek help for fear of being in trouble with the law for consuming illegal drugs ? I think it is plausable.

    Bed bug insecticide poisoning doesn't seem to fit with the symptoms. They would have needed to have ingested large amounts of the chemical to produce the severe symptoms the girls had. And how many nights had they been in that room before their deaths ? And yes. It would be reasonable to suspect that if they treated the room for bed bugs then they would not have only treated the one room.

    And a dodgy mushroom or 2 would cause these terrible symptoms?

    It's as reasonable to assume that only one room (mattress) was treated, as it is to assume that more were treated. Why do assert this?

    The victims were possibly paralysed and thus unable to raise an alarm.

    Read up on poisonous mushrooms in Thailand. Scarey stuff.

  5. Eating the wrong type of Mushroom could also lead to death. Magic mushrooms{ Psilocybin mushrooms } , a favorite for young traveller in Thai beach resort towns are safe. However the people who go out and get these things are not exactly experts and mistakingly picking the wrong species of mushrooms could be deadly and has been deadly here in Thailand in the past. Could it be possible that the girls didn't seek help for fear of being in trouble with the law for consuming illegal drugs ? I think it is plausable.

    Bed bug insecticide poisoning doesn't seem to fit with the symptoms. They would have needed to have ingested large amounts of the chemical to produce the severe symptoms the girls had. And how many nights had they been in that room before their deaths ? And yes. It would be reasonable to suspect that if they treated the room for bed bugs then they would not have only treated the one room.

  6. I'm a little confused. Maybe someone can shed some light on this.

    Is the footage from a 'fixed' CCTV camera? Or someone holding a

    video camera? I haven't read many replies so maybe this has

    already been discussed. If it is someone holding a video camera

    (which is what it looks like) then why are they just randomly

    filming an empty street. The camera is moving about so it doesn't

    look like it's fixed to a wall or pole etc.

    Read earlier posts and you will know dude. It is CCTV footage however it was copied with a hand held camera.thumbsup.gif

  7. <p>This video should be removed from TV and youtube. i'm not sure the family would want he whole world to see there mother,sister or aunt be stabbed in a alley way.its disgusting that TV let this be shown and then delete other minor things.disgusting if you ask me.showing this video can not help catch the killers in anyway %2

    I agree. The video is inappropriate for this forum.

    Totally agree 100%. I replied to an earlier question as to who put it up. A. the editor of a news source we cannot mention. Nuff said.

    Everyone does need to ask : what human benefit comes from watching the video ? And does anyone care about the feeling of the grieving relatives ?

    If you don't like it or have a weak stomach for such content then don't watch it. Simple. There is a warning.

  8. Quote:

    Deputy Premier Chalerm Yoobamrung said the case was important for Thailand's image (...)

    It says it all.

    Great priorities, man. You deserve your own image.

    For once this pickle [chalerm] has got things right. Even though it is a blatantly obvious statement. I mean the lady that was murdered was an Australian travel agent here touring Phuket to assess different angles aimed at promoting Thailand as a travel destination for Australian tourists. I don't think they had this in mind.

  9. What Thailand seems to fail to recognize is that the crime has already been committed. The horse has left the barn and is running in the field. Frantically closing the barn door does not alter the fact. If the police do indeed catch the killers it really does not remove the stigma that you may be killed on your tropical holiday. It will simply save a bit of face for the police dept.

    This latest bit of news about knowing who they are and threatening to shoot them is just more weird BIB police work. Sort of makes it look like they are going to shoot a couple of local bad boys, and then declare the case solved.

    As I posted in a previous post. The police seem to know who the offenders are. They just don't know where they are. Maybe they know that these offenders have a history of violence prior to this incident and are of the belief that they will not go quitely.We have all seen this type in Thailand before at one time or another. So I am thinking the warning is an attempt at self preservation. Nobody, no matter how hard one thinks they are, wants to go into any situation where they are risking getting themselves killed whilst trying to arrest armed thugs,possibley high on drugs and looking at life in prison. Bad situation for any law enforcement.

    They actually do state that they know their whereabouts. Presumably they are waiting on the warrant, though I am not aware they really need one to chase down suspects.

    They don't need a warrant to arrest suspects whom they believe pose a direct threat to the community. These guys would fit that bill. Getting an arrest warrant would take as long as it takes to get a magistate to sign one.This would have occured by now. This leads me to believe that while they say they know where they are, they really don't. Just my opinion of course and I am no expert on the case. But I honestly believe they will get these guys soon. Most people here will give up thier own mothers for 3oo,ooo baht. These assailants have no hope. They know it. The BIB know it and are hoping these guys come down and give themselves up peacefully.

  10. What Thailand seems to fail to recognize is that the crime has already been committed. The horse has left the barn and is running in the field. Frantically closing the barn door does not alter the fact. If the police do indeed catch the killers it really does not remove the stigma that you may be killed on your tropical holiday. It will simply save a bit of face for the police dept.

    This latest bit of news about knowing who they are and threatening to shoot them is just more weird BIB police work. Sort of makes it look like they are going to shoot a couple of local bad boys, and then declare the case solved.

    As I posted in a previous post. The police seem to know who the offenders are. They just don't know where they are. Maybe they know that these offenders have a history of violence prior to this incident and are of the belief that they will not go quitely.We have all seen this type in Thailand before at one time or another. So I am thinking the warning is an attempt at self preservation. Nobody, no matter how hard one thinks they are, wants to go into any situation where they are risking getting themselves killed whilst trying to arrest armed thugs,possibley high on drugs and looking at life in prison. Bad situation for any law enforcement.

  11. IT would seem Turkey is unsure on what to do. Other's are staying out of it for whatever reasons, so Turkey is left alone to make the decision and it seems they are either to scared of the consequences or ................i do not know smile.png

    ANKARA - Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Saturday it was not possible to ignore the fact that Syria had shot down a Turkish fighter jet and said everything that needed to be done following the incident would be done,


    What can Turkey do ? They are in the wrong by flying into Syrian air space. Especially at a time when they are experiencing conflict. What did the Turks think would happen ? The Syrain government would turn on the runway lights in Damascus and give the Turks a State welcome ?

    considering that Turkey and Syria are not at war, perhaps a friendly warning would have been appropriate rather than shooting down the plane

    You are right. No they are not at war. But try and look at it from Syria's perspective. They ARE in the middle of a war from within. Faced with numerous threats of military intervention from the international community,which could come from anyone at anytime without warning. That coupled with the fact they didn't know it was a Turkish aircraft, I dare say they had no choice but to treat it as a hostile aircraft [ and rightly so IMO ] and therefore had to shoot it down. These things happen fast and failure to act could end with 500lb 'ers landing in the middle of Damascus.

    And the Turks should have and probably new darn well before they launched that they would get lite up or shot down if they were detected. As,after all, they were flying inside a combat zone.

  12. IT would seem Turkey is unsure on what to do. Other's are staying out of it for whatever reasons, so Turkey is left alone to make the decision and it seems they are either to scared of the consequences or ................i do not know smile.png

    ANKARA - Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Saturday it was not possible to ignore the fact that Syria had shot down a Turkish fighter jet and said everything that needed to be done following the incident would be done,


    What can Turkey do ? They are in the wrong by flying into Syrian air space. Especially at a time when they are experiencing conflict. What did the Turks think would happen ? The Syrain government would turn on the runway lights in Damascus and give the Turks a State welcome ?

    • Like 2
  13. I'm not a policeman, however if I was I don't think I would advertise in the national press.........we know who you are, we know where you are, give yourself up or we'll shoot you.

    I would more inclined to just go get the guy........

    Thai police work in mysterious ways

    I would say they have a very good idea who they are but they have no idea where they are. Thai police actually have a very good human intelligence [HUMINT] network and most probabley would have a list of names of crims that operate in that area with that MO. Criminals are mostly creatures of habit which normally leads to their undoing. With this in mind, coupled with eye witness accounts and CCTV footage, that will narrow that list right down to a few individuals. And with a 300,000 Baht reward, I will put myself out on a limb and say they will have these guys arrested within the next 72 hours. shock1.gif

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