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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I don't think we were getting 178hp per litre 100 years ago. ????
  2. Probably has to come back to secure any ill gotten gains.????
  3. ..British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Brits, in the weeks that followed, a team of American archaeologists dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York bulletin: "American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British". One week later, the Punch newspaper in Ibadan, Nigeria, reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in his backyard, Lucky Obuijsule a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Lucky has therefore concluded that more than 250 years ago, Africa had already gone wireless."
  4. ^^ No, sorry because we are talking about hard dense materials. Wood has been worked long before the Egyptians came along.
  5. Please tell us what you have made with hand tools then maybe we can discuss????
  6. I'm sure when man gets to Mars and they meet any Martians the first question they will ask is. Do you have any large stones you need lifting????
  7. Gammaglobulin's bread has started to taste like cheap supermarket cake. I think that is the yeast of his problems????
  8. ^ Yes. Exactly. We would do some calculations and decide one crane can't do it so we would add another crane. They just kept adding slaves until it moved.
  9. ...and lots and lots of time. Something oft forgotten. I smile at the "What if we built it today" TV programs. Their projects are not planned on a 25 year schedule
  10. Given the vastness of space and the technical/logistic achievement necessary to travel the unimaginable distances and add to that the fact that our sun is the wrong type to interest potential long distance space explorers. I am happy with my opinion that no one is coming.????
  11. Been there done that. But no T shirt unless someone makes me one???? Also been into a ditch when sober.
  12. Well at least this explains why EV's are silly expensive.???? We are told they are cheaper to manufacture, use less parts etc. but they don't seem any less expensive than conventional cars.
  13. I've managed without for this long, but just thinking about menus and the like.
  14. Looks straight forward enough.
  15. Is there a best one and what are guys using for translating text to Thai
  16. I'm not in the picture as I'm off doing something
  17. In these days of everyone being glued to their smartphones it is easy to think that all businesses have a dedicated person who is also glued. Some companies don't even list an email address. If the subject is worth your time you should phone. Most Thai businesses do not respond to emails etc. as they are used to chatting on Line.
  18. This will definitely work 24vdc input switched load 220v40A https://www.lazada.co.th/products/solid-state-relay-ssr-40dassr-60dassr-80da-40a-60a-80a-100a-ssr-40da-60da80da100da-i3965981256-s15339882837.html? 139 Baht It has been a slow day????
  19. No you need something that uses 24V to power and that will switch 220VAC at whatever your pump draws. Do you really need 30A? This will work @ 179Baht switches 10A https://shopee.co.th/Relay-ของแท้-รีเลย์-MK2P-I-24V-220V-12V-48V-110-AC-DC-ซ็อกเก็ต-i.75734101.8033237404?sp_atk=0545d935-91d2-4a0d-8f1c-a276fef1d71b&xptdk=0545d935-91d2-4a0d-8f1c-a276fef1d71b Select 24v and xxx+xxxx Your pump is 8A but I don't know what the inrush will be our friend above will know.
  20. That's like always driving around with 3 adults passengers and a child in the vehicle. I guess it all down to personal preference. As long as we all know that we are not going to save the planet by driving an electric car.
  21. Just a 24V relay with enough capacity to run the pump. We just need to know the amp rating of your pump.
  22. ^ of course the extra weight is relevant. Like say going uphill. No point in having twice the power if the vehicle weights twice as much.
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