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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Same as the motivation for joining any group be it freemasonry or , say , judo or jogging or Rotary or Toastmasters or...
  2. So at least they won't defecate there.????
  3. There sorted that.???? What employers want is someone who can do the job. So after uni take any job that will give you experience in the chosen field.
  4. Could be: -Aliens -Buddha - Et al. At least one other organization asks if participant believe in a supreme being. There is no further questioning of what or who that supreme being is. One can always give affirmative answers to AA questions without actually believing. Just tell them what they want to hear.
  5. Don't lobbyists pay money to house members for possible support. ????
  6. Does the free bus scheme of the past still exist. ???? To answer the Op's question. He should ask a local near him.
  7. Agreed but she also doesn't look very Egyptian or Middle Eastern/North African???? I believe that is the objection
  8. I think 98.8% of cars sold in the US have auto transmissions. Maybe the key is the "trans" in the mission????
  9. I have a ZoomerX. It rides fine two up. But then I don't ride more than about 65kph for hours two up as it tends to get a bit hot. I am working on the heat thing. I had a cursory look at the 160 owner's manual and don't see any reference to load adjustment on the rear shock.
  10. I have a real life picture like that but it is too explicit to post here.
  11. Some of those used to be magnetic. I used to hang my motorcycle tank bag over the switch.
  12. I believe once the seller has "packed" the item, it is in the system and cannot be cancelled. However when ordering it is like being angry. metaphorically count to ten before ordering by leaving the item in your basket for a day.
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