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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Its ok, I am sure she is hiding at her mothers house with her brother ( though hes not yet wanted by the police but just in case) 5555!
  2. I heard they are secretly gathering in their 1,000's deep in the jungle, hoarding weapons and horses as rumours spread of Charleton Heston's return. ????
  3. and dont forget the BMW Smart cars, theres no escaping them.????
  4. True Spirit (2023) The story of Australian teenager, Jessica Watson, the youngest person ever to sail solo, non-stop around the world. She was 16 years old. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2353868/
  5. Its plainly obvious you need to meditate more deeply so the weed doesnt bother you. You desire to not be bothered by the smoke. Remember the Buddhist principle: Desire is the root of all suffering. Remove the desire and you remove the suffering. Oh and add a couple of Hail Marys to be sure and you got it all well and truly covered. Easy peasy!
  6. Why when they could just sit around doing nothing all day and still get paid??
  7. You can fool some of the people some of the time but Liverpool Lou all of the time (it seems) ????
  8. Wow the RTP is better than Vaudeville Theatre, goes on and on and never closes. Hahaha! (check the dude on the right, his pose, he wants you to know he is really serious hahaha!)
  9. I got a tip to buy rubber stocks as the govt will soon be buying all it can get to build the giant rubber bands to power the rocket.
  10. According to the Yellow Bellied Snapping Turtle Association of Little Rock, Arizona.....................................
  11. "Police work for the public not financial gain" Well well, this is a fresh new approach.
  12. Same as Vegemite?? What?? Yeah you stick with your butter and chip sammy....you dont deserve Vegemite!
  13. My dad hammered out one of mum's best silver serving spoons to make a cement trowel once. She wasnt impressed by his resourcefulness lol!
  14. Ive laughed at every one of your comments havnt I? LOL!
  15. You love to circle the arguement dont you haha!
  16. I think for those kinds of people its all a bit hard to comprehend lol!
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