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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Mind boggling is correct. Its hard to imagine something like this happening anywhere but then again it is the "land of the free" lol.
  2. I normally like your posts but with this one you have no idea what you are talking about. I doubt you have ever had a dog except to put your pajamas in on the end of your bed.
  3. Crossbreeding. You may have something there. Dont know about dogs in this regard, but I know in the cattle industry if you take two purebreds of different breeds you get a thing called "hybrid vigor". The result is bigger stronger animals but when it comes to bulls you need to keep right out of the way...they are crazy mad. Something else that stands out in this case is that the victim was 'different", he had "some minor mental health issues". Dogs notice things like this and it makes them uneasy. I had a workmate who had a limp and the soi dogs gave him hell going to work everyday but ignored the rest of us. We have 2 mentally challenged guys in our village and you can always tell when they are out and about because all the dogs go berzerk barking. Im not excusing the dogs but its just another reason why powerful dogs should not be allowed to roam free. The dogs' owner should have the book thrown at him. There is an old saying. "One dog is one dog, two dogs is five". Three dogs allowed to run free together is a disaster waiting to happen. They become a marauding pack who edge each other on and are super difficult to control. He knew that in fact he all but admitted it. And dont forget the very recent publicity over dog attacks. He should be held responsible and knows it but tries to play the benevolent victim. I agree that breed specific legislation is useless. Any dog large enough is a menace in the wrong owners hands. Years ago in Australia when Dobermans, Rottweilers and German Shepherds were a status symbol there was a spate of attacks and there were calls to ban those breeds.....until the head surgeon of the local Childrens' hospital released data showing the biggest culprit was the lowly Labrador.... believe it or not! Lastly I have a very strong belief, after having dogs all my life, that there arent any bad dogs.....only bad owners!
  4. I bet he has a yellow book and pink card that came free in a cornflakes packet!
  5. Just pack a lot of condoms for her....problem solved. Its not like a gang of co-workers is going to wear her out or break her, good for teambuilding too. ????
  6. One needs to ignore half of what politicians here say and disregard the rest otherwise you would be believing that Thailand is soon going to the moon, that they have invented a cure for AIDS and Ebola and that all Thai politicians are born super-rich or borrowed it from dead friends.
  7. You know thats funny Mr Chalerm, You see weed as a narcotic and I see Thai politicians as being kindergarten children. Greedy little children with their hands full of cookies but still screaming and stamping for more.
  8. An excellent and justified retort! What the <deleted> is wrong with these people? Why is it so damn difficult to wear a mask.
  9. A journalists life is worth nothing compared to billion dollar oil deals.
  10. Indeed I in fact am looking for the body (casing) for a Lenovo Ideapad S400. The laptop works fine but the broken case interferes with the cooling fan. One mans rubbish................
  11. I am at present suffering the covid after safely avoiding it for over two years. I am now wishing I had worn a mask around my wife's family let alone a bank. If you dont give a sh#t about your own health at least think of others!
  12. My apologies re the title, I was miles out, however I did say it had been a while. I watched it again and thoroughly enjoyed it. I may just watch Apocalypse Now again as I am bedded down with the covid right now. "Allegory" , Ive just learnt a new word and yes, very fitting too. Dennis Hopper...555555! What more could you really say about the man. Reminds me of years ago Salvadore Dali was asked in an interview had he even partaken in LSD, to which he replied "Taken LSD? I am LSD!" The film was total insanity like the war and the politics it was trying in reflect.
  13. If you are into Apocalypse Now you should keep an eye out for The Making of Apocalypse Now by Elenore? Ford Coppola (Francis' Wife). It is amazing what they had to go through to make that movie which nearly killed Francis and sent Martin Sheen into a nervous breakdown. The scene where Sheen is in the hotel room attacking the mirror is actual footage of his breakdown where they kept the cameras rolling. I saw it many years ago and have never seen it since so it may be hard to procure.
  14. Many areas? I'm not in Bangkok but I imagine this is a gross exaggeration......am I correct?
  15. "Right, now that we have all that out the way lets all go have a soapy....and the hospitals paying, we'll call it a committee meeting"!
  16. Lawrence Of Arabia is one of my all time favourites. I'm one of these queer folk who can watch a movie many times over the years and enjoy it every time. Among them is the two Zulu movies, Moby Dick, Apocalypse Now, The Deer Hunter, and the Australian (and NZ) TV series Underbelly. All excellent stuff.
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