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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Same reason combustion engines are only guaranteed a few years although with looking after they'll last longer.
  2. My Mitsubishi Triton worked out at 2.5 bht for diesel per km. My Neta V came in at about 0.4 bht per km using off-peak PEA. For the last 6 weeks I have been charging my Neta V using solar cells for zero cost on my electric bill.
  3. After 50,000 kms in my Neta V routine maintenance is alot cheaper than that of my Mitsubishi Triton.
  4. After years of happily using the Agoda app to book hotels within Thailand I am shocked at just how bad the updated app is. Results bear little relation to perameters set in my filter and displayed prices are way below that on the final bill. Navigating the results is much worse than before and what is all this 'cashback' nonsense? Now I have to claim my 'reward' after receiving an email about 9 weeks after completing my booking....presuming I notice their email amongst all the junk. Wondering what are other people's go-to Hotel apps besides Agoda. Thanks for reading.
  5. Glorious weather here in Kanchanaburi this morning but yesterday evening we had a huge storm for three hours. Our large irrigation pond went up about a foot which is much appreciated.
  6. The farce that just keeps on running, now into it's eighth year of hilarious entertainment.
  7. Simple, nobody's got any spare cash and the banks don't want to lend anyone.
  8. I'd think having a production line in Thailand is a way of getting around the 'Made in China' tariffs.
  9. "Secretary-General of the Council of State Pakorn Nilprapunt announced that Charn Puangphet had been suspended from duties in 2012. The suspension stemmed from allegations dating back to 2011, accusing Charn of embezzling state funds." "The Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases Area 1 accepted the case, suspending Charn from duty until the trial’s conclusion. The next court hearing is scheduled for mid-July." The Justice system here certainly knows how to drag it's feet when it wants to.
  10. Thanks very much for the replies, I'll give them a try.
  11. Hi, just wondering if any of you have sourced good quality d-mannose within Thailand. I've bought from Lazada/Shopee for a few years but the last lot has been vastly different from what I've received in the past and makes me suspicious it's not genuine. Thanks for reading.
  12. I used to work for the Police back in the UK. We had a career burglar show us how to get over walls like that in less than 30 seconds by running a digging spade along the top and then throwing some heavy duty sacking on top. It means nothing to a professional thief.
  13. Not clear from your post but are you adding that million bht to other income because the tax on a million is about 115k bht, less if you're retired.
  14. Not totally rotten as he seems to have steered clear of heroin trafficking.
  15. "...using a temporary electrical setup." Well there's your problem.
  16. "It is suspected that the driver may have dozed off as the truck approached the curve, causing it to lose control and overturn." Nah, looking at the video he was just going way too fast for the curve.
  17. Does this mean all previous unauthorised deductions will be refunded in full?
  18. "...revealed the deer darting out from an alley beside the convenience store before being struck by the vehicle" "...and then attempted to cross again, only to be hit by the refrigerated Toyota pickup." "The deer made another attempt, leading to a third fatal collision." Pretty sure the Police will rule this one a suicide.
  19. "The developers have yet to respond to the allegations" Defamation suit coming up.
  20. They're all busy on their market stalls.
  21. "17-year-old mother allowed her 19-month-old son to vape" "The 31-year-old father" "Despite multiple warnings from the 30-year-old grandmother" I think that family is <deleted>.
  22. I'm sure the organisers public liability insurance will ensure the best medical care for all those injured during their event.
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