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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. I finally realised how bad things have got when wifeys friends are all posting pics of their electricity bills on Facebook instead of their lunchtime somtam.
  2. He also said, however, that he is ready to accept whatever the poll results turn out to be. “I will just go home. Where else could I go?” If you hadn't granted yourself an amnesty for past crimes you'd be being hauled off to jail.
  3. He's got all the inside info on all the rich and finest Thai's who used to frequent his massage parlours. I'd be surprised if that info didn't include plenty of video evidence either. Hopefully he has it all well hidden away for when the time comes to write his memoirs.
  4. If the opportunities available in the army to conscripts are so lucrative then why are civilians not beating down the doors of recruitment offices to enlist rather than be conscripted in?
  5. Thailand has bought hundreds of armoured vehicles but chooses to send it's police out on patrol in a war zone in pickups. Callous disregard of human life by those in charge for those serving their country.
  6. PT got 136 seats at the last election whilst Palang Pracharat came second with 116. PP got a slightly higher percentage of the popular vote because PT did not contest as many seats. The 250 army appointed Senators voted unanamously that Prayut be selected as Prime Minister......it happened once and could easily happen again.
  7. The way he has rigged the electoral process 13% of the vote plus the support of his hand picked, unelected 250 senators could see Prayut become the next PM.
  8. What are the chances that a Sodastream is installed in those concrete tanks?
  9. "He went on to sing and dance on the stage which is allegedly a violation of the electoral law." Don't worry he has an amnesty for that too.
  10. Yes, it's ridiculous how long this is taking as the route was started nearly 9 years ago. I drive under the completed intersection at the end of the route everytime I go into Kanchanaburi and bushes and trees started growing out of the concrete work several years ago.
  11. I guess we'll have to wait and see how the military react should the intention become reality if FF and PT win the coming election. I can't see those in charge of the armed forces giving up conscription without some sort of fight.
  12. I believe Future Forward and PT have both stated they intend to end conscription.
  13. Yeah we used to do that too until we saw somebody letting a soi dog get a drink from the filler hose......back to bottled.
  14. And what sort of experience did Prayut have to make himself Prime Minister except being somebody who can't be mentioned bodyguard?
  15. Hopefully Prayut, Prawit and all the other illegal coup makers will be in the adjacent call.
  16. Petrol cars have a 1% chance of catching fire? As I can't access the article I assume that is over the lifetime of the car.
  17. Maybe they have a conscience and want nothing to do with Putin's illegal genocide in Ukraine.
  18. Wifey and our 4 year old daughter both had covid in March of last year and despite normal family contact and sharing a long car journey I kept on testing negative. Wifey had no symptoms at all but tested +ve for about 10 days. Daughter ran a very high temperature for just over a day but it broke very quickly and she was back to normal after about 36 hours. Both wifey and I were fully vaccinated at the time. I've never had an antibody test so no idea if I had it and tested negative or if I escaped infection.
  19. "He was taken to hospital and given the all clear with doctors saying he was uninjured." The video and pics on CNN shows that he was definitely injured.
  20. Read the article again, it is pointing out that the mass killings in Thailand were widely reported by foreign media.
  21. Certainly has been going on that long. Russia annexed Crimea and has been arming pro Russia Ukrainian Paramilitaries since 2014.
  22. Shame that you think those with disabilities are moaners, complainers and whiners. They're people less fortunate than you and a little pre-planning could have ensured they have access along with anyone else.
  23. Yes and BYD will be locating their mega factory somewhere in Europe now. BYD are launching their range of vehicles in the UK right now, they could have been built and supplied with parts manufactured in the UK but that ain't happening now. Glad that you think that Aston Martin will be mass producing affordable electric vehicles for everyone, I'll pop into a showroom on my next trip back to blighty and look at my options.
  24. Having many 'entertainment' venues frequented by the elite in the past he has inside info on too many people to be disappeared.
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