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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. The local mafia who have been dumping bodies in oil drums are getting a little worried I'd wager.
  2. How on Earth are they acting like spoilt brats? Read their manifesto, they won an election on well advertised policies that address all of your points.
  3. In latest news the driver announced he's suing the road for being wet. In a counter suit the road is suing the driver for defamation.
  4. Do those human rights extend to Thai political activists who have disappeared since 2014 after criticising the military Govt?
  5. One wonders why the colleagues who inserted the cards of their absent friends to cover for their failure to attend appear to have escaped any punishment at all.
  6. 'diplomatic means', 'sweet talking' and 'olive branch'.......all sound like euphemisms for something, I wonder what?
  7. "Together, this coalition would command 310 seats in parliament, a big majority in the lower house that ordinarily would easily allow Pita to become prime minister." Proof if ever needed that the system is rigged against the opposition. Imagine if Prayut et al had 310 mp's. With 250 Senators they'd be in no problem.
  8. "I personally believe that it is enough for him in the political arena,” said Thanakorn" Which is the polite way of saying "<deleted> it, I backed the wrong horse."
  9. Wifey says that they were his father's shares that were transferred to Pita when his father died as he is executor of his father's will. I guess they are his in name only until his father's estate is settled.
  10. Wasn't corrupt? In 2014 Thailand sat at 85 in the World Corruption Index. This year it is wallowing down with the filth at 108 so 9 years after Prayut said corruption was his #1 priority it has worsened considerably.
  11. Still paying the price for teaming up with the coup makers at the last election. Never has 'som nom naa' been so apt a Thai phrase.
  12. I don't think it's Anutin that did well rather than BJT did well. My wife dislikes Anutin but says the local BJT candidate here in Kanchanaburi is good and works hard.
  13. Early results suggest PT and MF are running away with it. Prayut and Prawit seem to be getting hammered. One can only hope these early figures hold up.
  14. The problem with <deleted> such as this guy is that they have absolutely no understanding of how big a <deleted> they are.
  15. Funny how the Thai Military can own several TV channels to continually push their agenda but anyone else with a political interest banned for owning a few shares.
  16. "...allowing them to resell diamonds to the shop at a higher price than the purchase amount or providing a free diamond worth 700,000 baht if they topped up the shop’s electric wallet with 50,000 baht." Seems perfectly legit to me.
  17. Gave back democracy? Laughable conclusion. How many of the 250 senators who unanamously voted to appoint Prayut PM were elected? Here's a clue.......none.
  18. I really hope they get a substantial number of MPs so they may have some influence on future policies. It's heartening that they seem to be ruling out any coalition with the military backed parties at least. The pragmatist in me though see's the only real hope of achieving regime change, considering the nailed down 250 Senator military votes, is some form of alliance with PT.
  19. We live not far from the training school and often have trainers flying over our house. On Saturday one of them passed over heading in the direction of the airfield with a badly misfiring engine, wonder if that had anything to do with the accident?
  20. Thanks, I just looked at my last online 90 day printout and the fine has gone up to a maximum of 5000 bht......crikey!
  21. I thought it was a 2000 bht fine for missing your 90 day report?
  22. 376 seats out of the 500 up for grabs is unlikely but not impossible and will require several coalition partners. It's only a realistic prospect if PT and Move Forward are in the same coalition.
  23. His Constitutional Court appointees have already ruled that he can serve up to another 2 years.
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