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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Thailand is currently negotiating a trade deal with the UK and will almost certainly get a more advantageous deal than with the EU simply because the UK are desperate for any deal after the Brexit debacle.
  2. Dammit, all of our post has gone missing since last April.
  3. 223mm, 308mm or 243mm? Are you using artillary?
  4. My commission is a very reasonable 10%, thanks in advance.
  5. After gazing at the miracle rock for the last 30 minutes, 071......thank me later.
  6. Thailand allows dual nationality nothing uncertain about it at all.
  7. Ears are a dead ringer but the comb over needs some work.
  8. Slogan should have been "Led a coup, benefited from the coup, may stage another coup"
  9. Only another 20 years before we can actually get on a high speed train then.....if the project ever gets started.
  10. Currently in Kanchanaburi Govt Hospital where according to one of the nurses there are many people with respiratory problems. Not surprising considering the air quality right now.
  11. Bit harsh to call most idiots. In Thailand if you're on minimum wage or a 600 bht per month pension I doubt there is much opportunity to save.
  12. In a functioning democracy there would be no packing of Parliament with 250 unelected senators whose only intention on any vote is to support a military installed Govt.
  13. It will not pass for the 30 thousand people who die annually from the effects of Thailand's air pollution.
  14. It's an evasive manoeuvre designed to test how a car reacts to something suddenly appearing on the road in front. Should be called a Buffalo Test in Thailand.
  15. Key army personnel driving in a war zone in a pick-up. When will the Thai Army give them proper armoured vehicles that will give them a chance of surviving such an attack?
  16. It would be interesting to learn just how many people are prosecuted for illegal burning of crops over the last year.
  17. So two convictions of riding a motorbike without a helmet can get you deported and blacklisted?
  18. 200,000 fake parts worth 10 million baht. That's 50 baht for each part. Even a headlight bulb costs more than that.
  19. If you are granted bail it is perfectly possible one of the conditions maybe the giving up of your passport so you cannot flee the country.
  20. No idea, just know that wifeys friend says that she gets a better price for unburnt sugarcane when she sells to the factory. I believe factory costs are higher for burnt cane as it needs more cleaning before processing.
  21. Where we live almost everything is burnt as it's standing.
  22. It's not cheaper. My wife's friend makes more money selling an unburnt crop. It's the cutting teams who want to burn as it's quicker to do the job so they move onto the next and make more money.
  23. Bit harsh on the growers who don't want to burn but have their crop torched by the cutting team who just want to do a quick job and move on to the next. Easiest solution is to make it illegal to buy burnt cane. The problem would disappear overnight.
  24. We had our water meter stolen several years ago. I asked the same question at our local police station. The officer replied the going rate was one yabaa tablet for one meter.
  25. If Samsung don't honour the warranty contact your local Office of Consumer Protection. They offer good advice and may even contact Samsung direct on your behalf.
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