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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. One hopes the Govt will be asking their website designers why all of the webpages they have presumably paid alot of money for appear to be so vulnerable to online hackers.
  2. Somebody doesn't like Jap food.
  3. Couple of years ago wifey and I were in the local bus station and a Thai lady asked my wife where the bus to Bangkok left from as her English husband needed to get to the airport for a flight back to the UK. Wifey and the lady got on well and they swapped phone numbers. Three days later my wife got a call from the lady who was worried about her husband as he'd promised to call as soon as he got back home and she'd heard nothing. She asked me to try his UK number to find out if he was ok. So I give, let's call him Ian, a call and ask if I can talk with Ian as his Thai wife is worried and wants to talk. The lady on the line says, 'what do you mean Thai wife?' and before I can answer she shouts out 'MUM!!!!' I listened to a family arguing for about a minute before the phone line went dead. Never heard from Ian or his wife again.
  4. 'Irresponsible' is world's away from saying the allegation is 'totally false'.
  5. Where we live sometimes it's next to impossible to get a cutting team without agreeing to burn the crop so they can get it done quickly and so move on to the next job. A couple of wifeys friends grow cane and don't want to burn because they make more money that way. An easy solution is to ban the processing factories from buying burnt cane. To make cane burning illegal but ok the buying of burnt cane is madness.
  6. Laughing my <deleted> donkey off! Nobody with the ability to change things gives a <deleted>. I was woken up at 4 am this morning by one of the adjacent sugarcane fields going up in flames. In the distance the sky was glowing orange in several places. Too difficult to catch say the police. Will never change with that attitude.
  7. I'm sure they'd be much happier to be enjoying Malaysian electricity, water, roads and healthcare but that choice was taken from the ethnic Malays a century ago.
  8. Some of the storms this time of year can carry very destructive strong winds that will do alot of damage.
  9. EVA was 24k. Flights on Thai for myself, wife and daughter were just over 60k. Cancelled beginning of 2020. Cheapest direct I can find for the three of us now is just under 100k. Economy prices.
  10. Price of a trip back to the UK for my family is about 50% higher than it was pre covid when I thought of booking this week.
  11. Burning is illegal, buying burnt cane is not, go figure that out. The problem will disappear if it were illegal for factories to buy burnt cane as suggested. As an aside one of wifeys friends grows sugarcane. Last year she didn't want to burn the cane as the mill pays more for unburnt. The night before it was due to be cut the whole lot went up in flames. The labourers burnt it as it makes it alot easier to cut, quicker so they can rapidly move on to the next cutting job. This year she arranged for a mechanical cutter.
  12. We've reported burning in our area in the past, the police were totally disinterested in doing anything.
  13. They already do this. Sugarcane growers get a higher price for unburnt cane. It's burnt to make it easier to cut by the manual labour. A simple solution would be for the Govt to make it illegal for the factories to buy burnt cane...the problem would end overnight.
  14. Here in Kanchanaburi I only know a few Hmong and they're friendly and very hard working.
  15. I wonder how easy it will be for a Russian aircraft to obtain Boeing spare parts in Thailand?
  16. Maybe the illegal coup makers along with Taksin will come up with a blanket amnesty proposal in the name of national reconciliation along with a promise from the military of no more coups.
  17. Not surprised to see that huge brown blob west of Bangkok. The air quality in Kanchanaburi has been absolutely appalling lately. Just read our local air monitoring station here in Kan.... it's reading 247!!!!
  18. Not surprised to see that huge brown blob west of Bangkok. The air quality in Kanchanaburi has been absolutely appalling lately.
  19. '...man fined 4,000 baht for having an illegal weapon and related offences.' Which begs the question did he really expect to be able to retrieve an illegally held weapon?
  20. I'd wager that many postmen simply dump much of their delivery mail because they're too lazy to be bothered to deliver it. We have received ONE letter since last April 2022 despite knowing we've been sent much more. Complaints are met with nothing more than an acknowledgement of the problem.
  21. I'm sure they have all worked very hard and honestly for their vast wealth and justly reward all those in their employment.
  22. Always only hear about Bangkok. No mention that air quality in the provinces is appalling right now. There is a huge amount of burning going on in Kanchanaburi right now both rice stubble and clearing the sugarcane for cutting. There is absolutely no will to do anything about the problem by anyone with the power to solve it.
  23. Definition of skill.....'an ability to do a job or activity well' If Thais are skilled drivers why do they have one of the highest death rates in the world?
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