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Posts posted by transam

  1. Leather is NOT a factory option on the Fiesta hatchback, nor the lower sedan models. If you've been offered it, you've been offered an aftermarket retrimming job organized by the selling dealer, not something from Ford, and not covered under the Ford new car warranty.

    In Thailand, there are usually several grades of leather to choose from in the aftermarket, and for something like a Fiesta the prices would run something like this:

    Grade AAA, full leather: 35K

    Grade A, full leather: 25K

    Grade A, leather front, synthetic back: 18K

    Grade B, leather front, synthetic back: 13K

    Grade C, leather front, synthetic back: 9K

    The Ford dealership we went to 'offered' to fit leather seats (quote: the same as in the sedan) for 18,000 THB when we were considering a car for my wife. A different TV member also made this same statement (Fiesta vs Mazda 2) which I read with interest as those were the very 2 cars we were considering at the time. Given that neither I or the other member know each other and probably live 100's of kilometre apart it would appear that Ford Thailand are offering this and not one dealer in isolation.

    So in my vernacular it is a Ford option. Whether it's fitted in a factory or the seats are recovered prior to delivery is immateriel. Ford Thailand are offering a leather option. Seeing your post reminded me that the sales guy did actually refer to grade A and the prices are identical.

    It's standard practice for dealers to supply & fit non-genuine accesories pre-delivery in Thailand, all brands do it, all dealerships do it, but that doesn't make it a factory option. This is something a prudent new car buyer in Thailand needs to be very aware of - if you don't specify "genuine only", most dealerships will kit your new car with the cheapest possible option for accessories.

    The most common non-genuine accessories thrown-in with deals are windows tinting (film), weathershields, floor mats, exhaust tips, side mirror covers, and for pickups; tray liners, rear bumpers, side steps, nudge bars and roll bars.

    None of these non-genuine accessories are covered under the new car warranty. Your sellign dealer may help you out with warranty claims, but no way will any other dealership be able to help you out, as warranty is serviced by the 3rd party vendor responsible for the original supply & fit.

    In any case, At 18K Baht my guess is you'd be getting 13K worth of seat trimming, and a nice 5K commission for the sales rep. Even if they weren't making a comm (not very likely, heh) for this kind of money you'd be looking at much lower-grade Leather than what comes genuine on the top-model 4-door. It may look very similar now, but now way will it feel or last the same.

    My recommendation would be either organize the leather yourself, or go back to the dealerand ask them how much to have AAA grade leather instead.

    Must agree, and with my suspicious mind using a third party (the dealer) to get leather fitted, you could pay for AAA but actually get a lower grade giving the dealer some beer money. Much better finding a good company to do the up grade after purchase. Sure there are recommendations via our members. :)

  2. And they still haven't done something about that ludicrous slightly off centre, plonked on bonnet/hood scoop when all the other manufacturers have done a great job. :rolleyes:

    Just had to step outside and look at my truck. Had it three years and never noticed the scoop was off centre :wub:

    Yeh, petty l know on my part but when stuff on a ride is basically symmetrical to me it looks odd. If they made it wider to sit in the middle it would improve it but it still looks like an after thought ad on. Take a look at how Isuzu have dealt with the scoop :).

  3. I think its up to the two people in a relationship. I mean a relationship is just a term used to describe two people who habitually make fcuked up decisions together and the odd good one. Lets just leave them too it. At least in Thailand (maybe due to lack of social services) the kids tend to have a lot of care and attention from extended family so they will not be out on the street. And if Dad wants to put 22 inch chrome spinners on his zimmer frame for when he makes the school run (or limp) then so be it.

    Any baby that is wanted has a good start in life. :)

    :lol: Yes, but I somehow doubt that the child is impressed by the improvements to the zimmer frame!

    To be fair though, most fathers aren't old enough to require a zimmer frame - they're just in their 50s to 70s.

    The kids are v grateful that their fathers are so young...

    Whereas the kids from Thai relationships have to make do with the father being in their 20's, but having no money.

    AND deserted. :huh:

  4. Imagine the BiB arrest you for some reason, you are say Swedish, no BiB speaks Swedish to listen to your woes, so who do you call, no, not Ghost Busters but a Swedish speaking Tourist Policeman, who via perhaps his wife can help with the language barrier to help, or for a TP man to calm the farang down as we know getting angry here produces negative results.:)

  5. Lots of <deleted> spoken here. You could be twenty, father a kid and get run over by a bus :huh:, kid still has to get through life and it WILL. Talk about molly coddle. A century ago in the UK it was shit, didn't stop a kid being born, in fact my mum had car tyre tread nailed on her shoes again and again, shot up by the gerry's and STILL had 3 kids and eventually had a good job in UK government. Sheeeesh. ;) LIFE GOES ON who ever mum and dad is, and how ever old they are.:rolleyes:

    you forgot to mention your 12 mile walk to school in the snow, but perhaps that is another blessing in disguise.

    You may jest but yes, we did. Life went on. In the first world war young male lives were wiped out BUT life went on, nature has it's way.

    If man was supposed to stop recreating when young then nature WOULD have it's say, but it doesn't, if you can recreate what ever your years then do it. :)

    Recreate. Naturally. Repopulate the world so they may relive and regenerate more wars for their future off-spring.

    Perhaps, but in the life of man compared to the life of earth it really is minuscule. Earth will go on but man, hmmm, l don't know but in reproduction l do not see any difference to man, cow, chicken, what ever, if nature provides, you do it. :)

  6. Lots of <deleted> spoken here. You could be twenty, father a kid and get run over by a bus :huh:, kid still has to get through life and it WILL. Talk about molly coddle. A century ago in the UK it was shit, didn't stop a kid being born, in fact my mum had car tyre tread nailed on her shoes again and again, shot up by the gerry's and STILL had 3 kids and eventually had a good job in UK government. Sheeeesh. ;) LIFE GOES ON who ever mum and dad is, and how ever old they are.:rolleyes:

    you forgot to mention your 12 mile walk to school in the snow, but perhaps that is another blessing in disguise.

    You may jest but yes, we did. Life went on. In the first world war young male lives were wiped out BUT life went on, nature has it's way.

    If man was supposed to stop recreating when young then nature WOULD have it's say, but it doesn't, if you can recreate what ever your years then do it. :)

  7. Lots of <deleted> spoken here. You could be twenty, father a kid and get run over by a bus :huh:, kid still has to get through life and it WILL. Talk about molly coddle. A century ago in the UK it was shit, didn't stop a kid being born, in fact my mum had car tyre tread nailed on her shoes again and again, shot up by the gerry's and STILL had 3 kids and eventually had a good job in UK government. Sheeeesh. ;) LIFE GOES ON who ever mum and dad is, and how ever old they are.:rolleyes:

  8. Have you noticed here and in farang land that grand parents seem to cope better with their offspring's kids than the parents do.


    Yes but at the end of the day they give them back, it is not 24/7 365 days a year.

    In many cases they don't, those from '' the old school'' can keep it together and age has it's advantages. :)

  9. grandparents are usually better at handling their grandkids because they have the kind of 2nd generation detachment that parents do not. they are also, if they are lucky, able to hand them back to the parents at the end of the day too, something which also inspires greater levels of tolerance :)

    I've no problem with older men fathering kids with thai women, my only concern would be what financial protection they have put in place for their kids & wife should they pop their clog when the kids are still young. all nice & heartwarming to see an old codger tenderly attending his kids, not so much fun when they are left destitute when he isn't around. but then that should apply to alot of western parents raising kids in Thailand.

    If Mr Boo was to leave this plain (god forbid) I would have no issue supporting myself & my son, I have a very well paid job & a British passport to fall back on. A lot of thai women married to western men do not have that kind of security so forward planning for the kids future at least should be considered imo.

    I agree, age is not of real relevence as long as the points you state are met.

    However, when my balls stop my knees from getting sunburnt I think I'll dismiss the option of children. :D

    Or knee's rattling. :D

  10. About 3 years ago...I underwent an operation at Bumrangrad Hospital in BKK, to get sperm from my tubes, rather than testicles.

    IVF was in the wind..and a vasectomy a LONG time ago...was not likely to be reversible.


    60,000 baht.


    There are/were,to the best of my knowledge... 3 of my sperm in the fridge at the hospital.

    (Or in somebody's coffee???)

    THEN...a week or so after the op...there emerged new research which shows--not suggests--that old guy's sperm is VERY likely to produce kids with chromosome damage.

    Now...I've also seen all the lovely kids with the stereotypical old fathers in Carefoo too.

    So what?

    According to available research...a significant number of those same kids will develop schizophrenia and other disesas...long after Paw has croaked.

    In their late teens.

    And maybe only the wife is available to handle the dreadful results.

    The evidence is available to anyone who cares to Google "chromasome abnormalities in elderly men's sperm.'

    FWIW...whereas 40 was considered an acceptable age for sperm donors...that age has been lowered to 35.

    Life is full of risks and the stuff you mention, and can happen to youngsters too. My wife's Thai friends have had to deal with many catastrofies, and NOT age related. :)

  11. ^ hahaha not really.

    We've been married for three years now, and yes! my wife still dotes on me. I'm a very lucky man.

    Of course, I dote on her a little bit too.

    As for showing signs of affection in public. I remember when we first met (Seven years ago), we were on our first date, and she told me not to hold her hand when we walked in the street, because she didn't want anyone to think she was a bargirl.

    Now, it's her wanting to hold my hand all the time.

    Yep, been there. Now my mrs makes a point of giving me a cuddle when people call just to show there is a different life too Thai life. :)

  12. You are all youngsters. I had my first child (she's now 16 months old) at 58 years old (wife was then 35). Always wanted one but my first wife (married for over 30 years and together for 20 of those) did not for medical reasons.

    My daughter is wonderful, my wife is a great mother and it's fantastic to have the time, money and energy to see her grow up in a secure and comfortable environment.

    I have no problems if you think that is too old or disgusting or whatever. Thankfully there is no law against it and I plan on sticking around for a lot longer than the average western male (let alone Thai male) does in a relationship.

    Good stuff. :clap2:

  13. I check a couple of times when I had mine i.e. 3.0 4D-4 auto 4x4.

    Steady 90 -100 occasional 120 - 130 an 8 day round trip averaged knat's over 12 km for 1ltr.

    Around the houses and it ticking over waiting for the Mrs going in and out of shops 9 -10.:D

    When I chipped it, seemed much the same taking an average on Km to ltr bought.

    Agree with that. :)

  14. As time goes on and history can be more explained we know that Saint George was not English. Seems Syrian, so l wonder if he is just a myth in the UK, as a super hero but not a native, perhaps a hero of his own home land. :huh:

    Are you a teacher in Tower Hamlets or Haringay....you bluddy colonials know nothing, just coz you aint got no history dont go spoiling ours :D

    Hmmmm, sorry but l am 100% English and my ancestors paid taxes to the crown way back in the 11th century. BUT a simple google of St. George will reveal all. :)

    I knew it...come on...Tower Hamlets or Haringay???:) ...Google :bah: .

    The bacon butties sound nice

    With a dash of HP sauce, count me in. :D

  15. As time goes on and history can be more explained we know that Saint George was not English. Seems Syrian, so l wonder if he is just a myth in the UK, as a super hero but not a native, perhaps a hero of his own home land. :huh:

    Are you a teacher in Tower Hamlets or Haringay....you bluddy colonials know nothing, just coz you aint got no history dont go spoiling ours :D

    Hmmmm, sorry but l am 100% English and my ancestors paid taxes to the crown way back in the 11th century. BUT a simple google of St. George will reveal all. :)

  16. As time goes on and history can be more explained we know that Saint George was not English. Seems Syrian, so l wonder if he is just a myth in the UK, as a super hero but not a native, perhaps a hero of his own home land. :huh:

    Good excuse for a p!ss up, though.

    Absolutely, l have already started. :drunk:

  17. My GF is 43 years younger than me, how about you guys ?

    A better question would be, what does a couple with a 43 year age difference have in common?

    The answer is easy, nothing. With the possible exception of you being interested in her feminine wiles, while she is interested in your bank balance.

    Think YOU are totally missing the point and should get a girl friend and give your wrist a rest eh. :lol:

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