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Posts posted by transam

  1. As time goes on and history can be more explained we know that Saint George was not English. Seems Syrian, so l wonder if he is just a myth in the UK, as a super hero but not a native, perhaps a hero of his own home land. :huh:

  2. Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

    I believe that some Thai girls are actively targeting this sector.

    Another thing I like about Thai girls that are 20 years younger than me, is that they never say "soooo".

    I would also take this opportunity of congratulating GM1955 on the longest running troll post this week. :rolleyes:

    Think your right but good fun though. :)

  3. I don't think any of us would date/marry/live with a woman 30-40 years older than him and

    'love' her the way the Thai ladies do 'love' us... I think that answers the OP more than sufficient....

    Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

    A large amount of women suffer significant personality changes at that point in their lives (and I have never heard anyone claim these changes were for the better) often the changes are permanent.

    This is why men rarely date older women, aside from the fact the women can no longer reproduce.

    Men on the other hand, are fairly consistent throughout their lives, and although some people would agree with me but want to add 'consistent basterds', at least you know what you were getting.

    Men can also father children throughout their lifetime.

    Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

    Sounds like your a young guy/gal with a problem. Get over it, cos you have a life time of many hurdles in front of you. :)

  4. Think most are in agreement here that every individual has their own life and their own decisions to make in life which is of no concern to outsiders.

    Next thing will be why has that good looking guy married an ugly lady, or visa versa. :rolleyes:

  5. Hi Kata, you said not to use on wet paved road, but can we use it on rainning days on asphalt road? And should we come into a complete stop to engage 4x4 stick shift? There are some models where you can push a button while driving below 100km/hr. I have not driven one yet but intend to get a hilux 4x4 soon.

    You can engage/disengage on the move up to 80KMH, no button, a manual shifter which is problem free as might be the case with a solenoid operated shift.

  6. 2008 and up has vehicle stability control, better brakes, l hear lighter steering and brakes are used to control traction rather than limited slip diff's, so really a different animal. Also 17 inch wheels.

    Engine virtually the same with a different type VN turbo, HP up a bit. Fuel consumption difference, don't know but mainly depends on your way of driving what ever the ads say.


  7. Corruption is a way of life here, a good luck attitude if you can get away with it, from top to bottom and it is expected and tolerated. :huh:

    Not just a way of life in those select circles, but embedded into the institutional character.....the OP naively suggested that there might be hope if the government would intervene. That would be kin to the foxes drawing straws as to whom would be watching the hen house.

    Correct, corruption (and lying, and cheating, and stealing) is embedded in Thai culture. Believe me, your best Thai friend of ten years will steal from you if given the chance. There is no moral base to this corrupt culture.

    Another lot of silly anti Thai generalisations.

    Surely none of you can actually live in Thailand with attitudes like that.

    There are good and bad in every country, every society, and if you have only ever come accross the bad in this country you aint been around much.

    Then perhaps you have not been here long enough. I have and seen it all.:huh:

    Here's a resent one for you. My Thai inlaws come up country for Son Gran, have a motor accident with some water throwers motor, called police cos not their fault but guess what, the throwers were village officials and my in-laws were out of town so it was their fault. :lol:

  8. Prey tell me what suddenly turns a man into ' An old fart ' when he turns 70 ? Some of us older gentlemen can give men of a lesser age , a good run for their money in the ' Customer ' satisfaction field , without the need of medication to enable us to stand up for rights of entry , so to speak .

    It is almost impossible to explain the wide range of diversity in human nature , what may be good for one causes others to get apoplectic , age is not even the only reason this happens , size , shape , packaging , ethnicity , morals , colour , gender , etc , also causes some people to get up on their soap box to spout off to who-ever is prepared to listen .

    Cool your heels , lower your voice , keep your opinions to yourself and allow others to get on with and enjoy life the best way suitable to them , you are nobody's keeper .

    +1, 100%

  9. I am no expert but I am now driving a diesel engined truck as against the higher reving petrol engines I have had before and it is clear that the power delivery is a lot different in that the power is a lot lower down the rev range. It might be better to choose a nice clear overtaking opportunity and go through in lower revs in fifth and floor it, rather than dropping down a gear and letting it over rev outside of it's peak power area. Just a thought and if you do try it and survive, let us know how it went !! As an after thought, turbos are pretty cheap here in Thailand or as other guys have suggested you can get your present turbo ( if it actually has one ) re- chipped and hopefuly you won't get caught wanting again. Good luck.

    The word you are looking for is 'torque'.

    Do the Mighty X's actually have a turbo? I just see most of them spew black filth.

    But seriously, what his turbo needs is a rebuild. Re-chipping the turbo does not make sense. The ECU can get another chip.

    When it comes to overtaking, the S6 does quite nicely :whistling:

    You do not re-chip the turbo, a ''cheap'' chip increases the injection pressure to supply more vaporised fuel to give more power. Dee ma. :)

  10. I've bought meat pies from a foreigner selling them bar to bar out of a basket before, they were pretty good. I would have given this guy's sandwiches a shot

    Right! And if the man`s pies are made from inferior products, has all the hygene technics of a dung beetle and gives you severe food poisoning or worse, who ya goin to call; Ghost Busters?

    Who ya gonna call. ?:lol:

  11. My wife and i are both 33, we have been together for 10 years now and married for 7. First baby on the way and our life could not be any better.

    Good luck to you dude.

    I'm not gonna get too involved in this "cat fight" re: age difference. Sure, I have a healthy disrespect for aging pervs who pair off with twenty somethings, but one day I too may become an aging perv.

    By the way, there's a sub-forum here on Thaivisa (family and children) where you can upload photos of your children. Check it out. Many half-thai half-farang children are really beautiful. I hope things work out well for you.

    I think ''Perv '' in this context really is the wrong word. Like your saying if you are old you should roll up and die. Life is life, your born to multiply, as long as you can, same as any creature on the planet, no boundary's as long as you are able. :)

  12. Corruption is a way of life here, a good luck attitude if you can get away with it, from top to bottom and it is expected and tolerated. :huh:

    If that is true then why are the people in the article complaining?

    Perhaps a north south different way of thinking but in Isaan that is the way it is. :)

  13. I suppose we should all be grateful. Imagine if the mothers stayed at home, and the aged relatives went to Pattaya to work in a bar...


    Does it make you queasy, imagining an eighteen year old young farang tourist skipping down beach road hand in hand with a wizened old witch from Isaan?

    No, my last UK wife was 17 years my junior and we were together for 25 years until the dreaded menopause kicked in. :bah:

  14. I am not sure that Thais consider it "dumping" the children. the mother is trying to make a living for the rest of the family. :unsure:

    Yes, staying at home and looking after your own children whilst earning a pittance is clearly not acceptable in some cases.

    Far better to leave kids with parents and move to a tourist resort and look for an old farang whilst 'working' in a bar.

    Leaving children with aging relatives is not exactly a new idea, or one unique to Thailand.

    In the west, modern thinking (only during the past 20 years) seems to be that only a child's mother is the right person to bring them up, I know many council estates in the UK where that idea really doesn't seem to be working very well.

    Here in Thailand, it has always been a more communal way of living and many Thais appear to believe that a relative can be entirely appropriate to raise their children for them.

    Several people on this thread seem to believe that only their way is the right way.

    One might come to the conclusion that these people are not really suited to living away from their home countries.

    +1, 100%

  15. Well I am 59 going on 60 soon, I was chatted up online by a young lady some months before my second trip to BKK last year.

    She told me she was 25 and I thought ok I cab chat you no problems and we chatted on line for some months. When I went to BKK she meet me at the airport and, well that was it, she has never asked for money or any thing else to support herself or her family. We have now been in a relationship for nearly a year.

    She is 22.

    Lucky sod, l am jealous. ;):D

    PS. Must add, not a big age difference with my mrs but she said if l crocked she would never marry a Thai man again. Think being beaten with a bottle by her hi-so husband just for being beautiful was enough.

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