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Posts posted by transam

  1. actually what i meant was i met my wife in a bar and i lost all my money, all Thais are money grabbing %%^&*&****ers ,ok so now we can get you back into your reality zone.

    Ok close the thread mods its a waste of time obviously

    Nooooooooooooooooo, happy for you both :), wish heard more of the same but a bit of fun in between the serious posts are always a treat.

  2. There is a pill to tell your brain not to respond to stuff that makes you giddy. Can't think of the name at the mo but they work. Good for big hang overs too.

  3. I had terrible dizzyness a couple of months ago,think it was an inner ear infection

    from the swimming pool,but I also have high blood pressure, lyeing in bed I could

    not turn over to my left side,if I tried it was just like I was falling through the bed

    into the abyss,a really horrible and frightening feeling, a bit like drinking too much

    Broon Ale, if I remember correctly from my younger years

    take care Worgeordie

    I have had that for 20 years. Put down to Psoratic arthritis affecting my inner ear bones. :unsure:

  4. well respected TV member Naam would know.You seem to have a few things in common.

    the OP did not really specify his requirements that's why i try to cover all eventualities.

    -a cook for tasks which i don't have to specify (min 8 years experience preferably with diplomats)

    -a maid for day-to-day housekeeping and laundry

    -a batman for polishing his shoes, filling up his hip flask when going to the beach and/or serving drinks at home

    -a masseuse or depending on personal inclination a masseur

    -a gardener for lawn, bushes and trees who can start and operate a lawn mower

    -a gardener for his orchid house (min B.Sc. Biology)

    -a driver for his Bentley (assuming he drives the Ferrari himself)

    -a handyman (M.Sc. mech. eng.) for small house maintenance

    -a dog handler

    -a butler who handles all the servants

    You forgot the gardener must speak 3 languages. :huh:

  5. I don't see it that way.

    First, money you carry is not income, it is your property.

    Maybe you just found 10000 EUR in your late grandmother's mattress (and no there aren't any taxes to pay on that small amount), and there are many many other legal sources for the money that don't produce a paper trail.

    A written contract is not required if you sell your car (and no, this is not income!).

    Or how about "I saved these 10000 EUR in cash over the last few years by putting cash into a box, to spend on whores during my six months holiday in Thailand"!

    It is the police state's wet dream to make it compulsory for any transaction of 100 EUR and above to be settled over a bank account!

    Trading in cash is not a crime and stop making it look so.

    Second, people cannot be asked to prove that everything they carry on their person is their rightful property and that the money has been declared to the tax office.

    It is the police's job to prove any wrongdoings before seizing property, not the citizen's duty to always show to any small power-hungry civil servant where their money and valuables come from.

    And 7500 EUR or even worse, 1000 USD as mentioned above in the thread are ridiculously low amounts.

    50.000 USD or above, I could understand, but 1000 USD?

    "prove the dosh is yours" ... "or we take it away from you"

    interesting concept... because if I cannot prove it is mine, it belongs to the government, right?

    that's just plain wrong and not the way a country that upholds the rights of its citizens should work.

    If you are talking about your late grandmother's mattress or the car you just sold, I agree, they are (or were) your PROPERTY.

    Sorry to say that even if you did find, get or earn any form of money, ie. paper bills, cheques, bearer bonds, coins or whatever, despite being your property, it is still called INCOME and is declarable and liable for taxation as such. You didn't have it before but you have it now... so prove where it came from. That's not a fanciful 'police state' mandate, that's pretty much the economic model of most modern and developing countries. I have never said anywhere that cash trading is criminal. However, most criminal activities tend to work in the cash-only domain; think money laundering. Think of one cabbie saving up his undeclared for 3-months of beer and skittles in Pattaya. Then think about dozen of them doing it. Then there's all the dozens of cabbies each from Germany, Slovenia, etc..

    The police, regardless of the country of jurisdiction, do NOT have the remit to investigate where the money came from. Having said that, if you had a huge wedge in your underpants, you will be investigated. However, there are laws they enforce that places the burden of proof of ownership on YOU. What part of proving the cash is yours is so bloody hard?

    PS. I am not saying cabbies are dodgy (or Germans or Slovenians). The OP threw up that occupation and it seems to have stuck. They could be chippies, sparkies, plumbers or Peers of the Realm.

    Inheritance of such a small sum is tax-free in my country, and not subject to tax.

    and you left the car sale out, which is not income.

    Then I think if someone is found with a large wad of cash in his underpants that yes, he should be investigated, but the cash shouldn't be stolen from him. But the "large wad of cash" should certainly be more than a couple thousand EUR.

    However, there are laws they enforce that places the burden of proof of ownership on YOU.

    I guess you understood that I am against such laws.

    Regarding movable assets, bearer is owner.

    Imposing the burden of proof of ownership on citizens is a dangerous route for a state.

    Plus I have some input on the tax systems' effects on society, but this would be off topic in this thread.

    Just don't forget that the government should work for the citizens, not against them.

    But what if someone is claiming benefits, working on the side and having nice holidays at the tax payers expense with wads of unexplainable cash. :huh:

  6. Maybe you should wait until you have 1 million baht, and buy a new vehicle, at the same price as everyone else pays, and not screwed.. Until then, cruise on a bike as the vast majority of Farangs do. :)

    I hope you succeed with all of your personal issues soon. You can't survive here very well, otherwise ;)

    Really have to agree with this. A new, say, even a Honda Civic, is a much better value than a used BMW/Mercedes. Buying a used car in Thailand is just like anywhere else--you have no idea the history of that vehicle. And being a newbie know-it-all with zero Thai language skills probably has the used car dealer foaming at the mouth.

    By the way, I don't understand why some farangs would come to Thailand and feel the need to own a top end Euro vehicle, but don't/can't cough up the cash to buy a new one, so end up buying a used one. Is it a status thing? I had a friend from Canada who bought a used Volvo and the thing was a piece of crap. He finally got himself a new Japanese vehicle and could kick himself for wasting time with the used Volvo.

    As for this comment from the OP...."This forum seems to be the only thing I can trust at this point and I really need the help." I about choked on my coffee after reading that. I'd say if the OP could speak Thai, he'd solve about 90% of his "communication" problems. The other 10% is just attitude calibration.

    Volvo ''crap''. :shock1:

  7. The truth of what matters with a large age differential is your state of mind " If you don't mind , it don't matter "

    If you do not like it , lump it , just look the other way , as the gorgeous lady said to the dwarf " Keep your nose out of my buisiness "

    In a nutshell. :)

  8. Good luck to you then thanks for getting personal about reading and comprehension, though clearly I'm not the one with the deficit.. That'll be that then, when you've spent 42 years in the States and understand the market there we can take this up again on equal terms..

    Except by then I'll have another couple of decades experience so on second thought maybe not..

    :rolleyes: Calm down Warps.

    That post somehow portrays a lack of calm to you :huh: ??? Your on the drink again aren't you <_< ??

    Yes :drunk:

  9. Good luck to you then thanks for getting personal about reading and comprehension, though clearly I'm not the one with the deficit.. That'll be that then, when you've spent 42 years in the States and understand the market there we can take this up again on equal terms..

    Except by then I'll have another couple of decades experience so on second thought maybe not..

    :rolleyes: Calm down Warps.

  10. it states on the form that you n eed to declare anything over 1000 euro,s . does that mean my wife can take say for instance 5000 and i can take 4,999 and not have it confiscated ?

    10,000 euros or the equivalent thereof.

    There's no problems with splitting cash between you. However, if one or either gets randomly stopped... well you know there will be two people sweating now. Chivas has already stated he gets minimal support paperwork from the bank 'just in case' and still you ask? If the declaration form gives you 2 lines to explain the origin and it's use, why on earth start talking up that you work hard for your (undeclared?) income and are a highroller? Why attract attention?

    You have been around the block long enough now to have bank accounts in UK and Thailand. This concern with a paltry 35 pound bank fees on several THOUSANDS of pound bank transfers and suggesting that's it worth the risk to stuff it all in your underwear at the airport.... give us a break sir.

    Does the'd' in your moniker stand for drama by any chance? You seem to seek it frequently.

    tut tut, more b/s , i ask a simple question and i get a barrage of abuse from you , if you have nothing constructive to add then shut your trap.

    But the thread does read like your a mini-cab driver that cannot put money in a bank cos it's undeclared taxable income and you come to LOS to spend it every few months. Yes/No

    It's so easy to take your UK debit card to a bank in LOS and transfer money and get it in your hand in cash. :).

  11. Where is the curry place you talk about??

    There are some shops in old town ubon you can look at ( those 3 blocks north of the river and east of the bridge).

    The weekend market tween Big C and Makro is useful.

    Chatuchuck (?sp) Market in BKK would be the mother ship though.

    I will have to get round that bit more thoroughly . I have found the bakery supplier there and a turbaned fellow who does excellent curries with japati . Where aboots did ye see the old curiosity shoppe ?


    Yeh, where is the Indian guy, please. :D

  12. I just do not see the majority of men.......whatever they say on Tvisa.........whatever their age.......going into the places they frequent....... and when being approached and engaged in conversation by a stunning 20 year old.............sending her on her way with a request for somebody over 30.......who has an interest in writing, painting and photography.........but of course I may have it all wrong..


    You are right. Any 100% guy would feel nature take over. :D

    But for some here who sound past it when they have a long way to go to be a senior is really funny. Think l will call them viagra guys. :lol:

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