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Posts posted by transam

  1. If you need company because you can't stand you're own, then look for a good looking Thai girl (speaks Engrish) that doesn't work in a bar and set yourself a challenge, it isn't expensive, you can trundle around looking in travel agents, restaurants, reception centres etc. for a nice girl who works during the day and off at night and try your luck, or go to English themed pubs like Queen Victoria in Soi 6 for male chat with farangs, or book an organised trip to somewhere where you'll be in a Group, so you can try something new with a load of others, for that try the travel agents again...!! They'll tell you what's on etc. so there can be lots of opportunities to do something else completely new and something to really look forward to...!! Good Luck...!!


    All of the above can be found in Pattaya New Plaza. Plus, always seem to find good company there, be it BG or farang.

    Try it.

    Also, don't stay in a soul-less hotel. Try a guest house in the Soi Buakhow area. Most of the owners are excellent hosts and you'll soon get to know the other guests who are invariably chatty.

    Good luck.

    Hello the pensioners!

    I guess the average age at "New Plaza" is above 60!

    So what, life ends when you are dead eh. :huh:

  2. Prey tell where did that happen??? :rolleyes: In every country there is those that wear rose colored glasses and want to describe every single act of someone doing what should only be the right thing and labeling it heroism which cheapens the real title and act of heroism.. I know what being a hero is as I've been one twice but never sought nor expected any recognition of same which by the way is what being a true hero is about..

    Until now I've maintained my modesty about it too but felt it necessary to mention due to the inability of some to comprehend the previous posts and how they relate to being a real hero..

    A true hero, in my eyes, would never describe themselves as such.

    Exactly which is why, until now, I never have, though others have..

    You seem to be missing the point. True heroes don't describe themselves as heroes... ever.. not even for the sake of making a point on Thaivisa. Why? Because they don't recognise themselves as such. You do. Twice.


  3. Hum , so what they have done is add a few stickers to that all ready "modified soap" , right? unsure.gif

    Great job! 555 biggrin.gif

    Sorry do not understand your reply, is it relevant?

    If you were a bit of a hotrodder you would understand. BUT if you are happy, that's all that counts. :)

    No mate have not got a scooby do what you are on about. would be happier if serious people frequented these forums!!

    Sorry you don't understand my post. :)

  4. Big difference between being a coward and being a fool.

    Sure is.

    Would you walk around with 30,000 in cash sticking out of your pocket?

    Some people would, or as good as anyway, as some people's psychological needs for self assurance reach pretty embarrassing levels.

    Coward or a fool, or living your life as you want, not cower to the low life's of this world. :)

    You can live your life walking in the shadows but me, hmmmm, what happens, happens.

  5. Hmmmmm, well, bumpy ride, try tyre pressures :), but it is an off road ride.

    Looked at my bush, 3-4 inch diameter, but only rubber on the edge that mounts the body hole. The actual stuff that surrounds the column is foam, yes foam that is impregnated with silicone grease or rubber grease. My 2007 is fine, like new but suspect if a ride didn't have the correct grease amount it would dry out and break up.:)

  6. Big difference between being a coward and being a fool. Would you walk around with 30,000 in cash sticking out of your pocket? You obviously have no idea how these people operate. They don't ask nice.

    Why invite violence? It's not just you, criminals have been known to follow people home and if that happens you put others at risk.

    It can happen ANYWHERE on the planet, in London, UK there are Eastern Europeans doing the same stuff every day as a job going for stuff they CAN'T see.

    Buddha or not, here all of us are millionaires and so targets for your wallet, does that stop you going out, nooooooo, even though in your eyes '' they '' think you pockets are stuffed with cash. :huh:

  7. what is life about. ;)

    Mainly being content.

    If sporting your jewelery does that, then great. :jap:

    There you go again, picking words from my post, :rolleyes:

    A Buddha and chain is not jewellery in the true sense. I wear it cause my mrs wants me too. NEVER worn any jewellery before, except a ring, in my life. Like a wedding ring l wear the Buddha, and no asshol_e will tell me otherwise, not you, a thief.

    If a guy has a gun, l will call him sir and give it to him, if he has not then he must go to out-patience for his possible injuries.

    You want to cower to low life's then that is your decision, certainly not mine. :)

  8. Let's see if you still feel that way after you have it ripped from your neck. My friend had one (of much less value) ripped off while riding his motorbike with his wife on the back. It was just luck that he didn't wreck.

    If you think that dying is worth the risk than go for it. I have to agree with appropriate. People who walk around wearing gold are foolish showoffs and no one is impressed.

    Then be a coward all your life. ANYWHERE on this planet you can be killed for a dollar in your pocket, here, whether you wear gold or not, you are a millionaire and can be trounced on at any time. God, amazes me how many here cower, frightened to walk out the door, when your times up, it's up. :rolleyes:

  9. Shame you have picked bits from my post, try again with my WHOLE post. Naughty you. :)

    Well these are the only other parts:

    YOU, have just shown that if you saw me out and about that l am a show off, how wrong you are

    Actually (I might or mightn't hold that view, but) I'm more than likely correct, psychologically speaking. Most don't realise (or at least allow conscious awareness of) the psychological drives behind their actions.

    and this just shows YOUR and other peoples mind set. Sad really

    Of viewing others actions through basic psychological analysis? I'm not too sure that is 'sad really', but hey, if you say so.

    Yep, l say so.

    Everybody has a life and must do what they want. NOT what a psychiatrist book says. We would not have soldiers if your assumption is correct. Life is about risk from any angle.

    In the UK the IRA were planting bombs all over the place, my sister in law got off a London main station to go to work and one went off at the station. YES, she went to work the next day on the same train. Knuckle under then what is life about. ;)

  10. Anyone should be able to wear what they like (with the exeption of black socks and sandals and lycra cycling shorts) :) but i must admit i really cannot for the life of me see why anyone would walk the streets of Pattaya with a gold chain worth 30000 baht on display ,

    Weeeeell, perhaps some will knuckle under and dress like a tramp so as not to get mugged but for some, me, l will be me. :)

  11. Sorry chum but l don't give a shit what people think about what l wear,

    That would make you un-human, I'm afraid.

    l do not wear my Buddha to show off, far from it, it's what l want to do, simple really.

    Actually 'It's what I want to do', is not 'simple really'. There's psychological forces behind all one's actions, usually subconscious, sometimes forcefully so.

    Of course you may not be aware of this.

    Shame you have picked bits from my post, try again with my WHOLE post. Naughty you. :)

  12. The place for gold is in a safe.

    Can't stand gold jewelery. Pity the lad is so old, otherwise I'd have no pity. Want to walk around trying to show off you can afford a 30,000thb ( :D ) necklace, then som nam nah when someone tries to snatch it.

    Sorry but bit of a daft comment. Are we not free men to do what we want ?. Are you saying don't drive a Rolls cos it might get stolen or trashed by a jealous native. or take rings on your fingers. Come on, ANY country there will be low life's trying to steal your stuff but if you knuckle down and FEAR everybody then your life is worthless. My wife gave me a Buddha to '' Take '' care of me on a gold chain, l wear it all the time. If someone wants to try and take it, well fine, but l will not be controlled by scum, whether here or my home country. :huh:

    Nope, I find most people's need to wear gold (particularly in Asia) is rooted in need to show off.

    I find this trait rather disgusting in a person.

    But by all means, you are of course free to wear what you want. :rolleyes:

    Sorry chum but l don't give a shit what people think about what l wear, l do not wear my Buddha to show off, far from it, it's what l want to do, simple really.

    YOU, have just shown that if you saw me out and about that l am a show off, how wrong you are and this just shows YOUR and other peoples mind set. Sad really. :rolleyes:

  13. The place for gold is in a safe.

    Can't stand gold jewelery. Pity the lad is so old, otherwise I'd have no pity. Want to walk around trying to show off you can afford a 30,000thb ( :D ) necklace, then som nam nah when someone tries to snatch it.

    Sorry but bit of a daft comment. Are we not free men to do what we want ?. Are you saying don't drive a Rolls cos it might get stolen or trashed by a jealous native. or take rings on your fingers. Come on, ANY country there will be low life's trying to steal your stuff but if you knuckle down and FEAR everybody then your life is worthless. My wife gave me a Buddha to '' Take '' care of me on a gold chain, l wear it all the time. If someone wants to try and take it, well fine, but l will not be controlled by scum, whether here or my home country. :huh:

  14. Same as anything chum, new car, house, WIFE, once the honeymoon period is over then you need something new until you find love, not necessarily a lady, in your case a destination. Keep looking. :)

  15. The purpose of this legislation is to stop farang from living in Thailand and, in that repect, it is effective in much the same way as rip-off admission fees work in stopping farang from enetring temples, museums and national parks in Thailand. At the end of the day, Thais are the losers. Farang will always find women in other Asian countries or the former Soviet Union to marry. It will also increase the number of Thai women emigrating to Farangland. How many Thai women have 400,000 Baht in banks in Farangland. Most Thai women date farang because they think all farang are multi-billionaires and that money grows on trees in the lands of milk and honey that make up Farangland. Given that meeting sexy Thai girls is one of the main tourist attractions in today's Thailand, the Thai government certainly do know how to bury their tourist industry. Well done, politicians!!!.

    You haven't read resent posts have you. :lol:

  16. For those who are falsely claiming to live in the UK, perhaps making claims for benefits they are not entitled or for fraudulent purposes should at this time be extremely concerned.

    A UK resident must personally complete the census form and an agent will later collect it.

    Up to 5 years imprisonment, a £10000 fine or both is the penalty for not submitting the census form.

    If the person cannot be found, checks will be made and if discovered living outside the EEC will be extradited and face a mandatory 5 year prison term or could be imposed to serve the prison sentence in Thailand, a term of 25 years.

    Easily the most ridiculous thing i have EVER read on TV, & there's been a few..

    Must agree. About 5 years for murder let alone anything else. :lol:

    PS. Perhaps a few names of those peeps locked up can be posted here. :)

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