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Everything posted by transam

  1. I just don't take any chances, take a couple of photos and print them off, easy, and could save "trips" hassle..
  2. That mower would cover my lawn.....................................????
  3. That's not an explanation for those interested in the topic, ol' chum...????
  4. Many years back I bought a mower with Honda GXV160 engine for about 14k, at that time the only shop I could find that sold them. The shell rusted away in short order, no primer before painting, the handle was of such poor material it snapped off, but the engine is still A1. I still have it, stripped it down, stripped the paint off, cut rust out and patched the shell. Primered with special metal paint, then can sprayed red. Local metal railing's workshop bent to shape a new handle out of stout tube, new cable, old style throttle lever from Lazada, works a treat. Sooooo, unless you are a bit of a handyman, I would avoid a cheap mower even if it has a Honda motor....
  5. Lefty guesswork, it is all you have, but that's OK, I am used to it.....????
  6. The thread is about the leader of the Blue Party, there is no other credible Party that I could associate with at this present time....????
  7. Obviously I don't, but the actual infection figures between you and me point to one thing, I have not had C19, you have 3 times. I think most would think it is you that doesn't understand.... ????
  8. I said I dismiss most media stuff, I didn't say I don't read it or watch it, there is a difference, though The Guardian and The Independent do provide a good laugh with their near ant-everything, lefty stance....???? Sunak in my opinion is an opportunist, he has an agenda to get the PM job, doesn't need money, and looks after his own, the better off, as in his leaked video, was it Tunbridge, can't remember. Whereas, Liz comes across as someone who will sit down and think things through, not jet off to a spread in the USA for weekends. But, it is my opinion, which in the bigger picture of things is totally useless and irrelevant.....
  9. Well, where is your Sunak trashing then....? You, posted until 2024.... One nation Tory, what's that all about, this thread is about Truss and Sunak, not wandering off onto other stuff. I post when and how I want, I don't need you or any other lefty telling me otherwise, sunbeam............????.............????
  10. We will soon find out, won't we...........???? I dismiss most of the media stuff, they all have to earn a few quid to keep things going round in circles, otherwise, no job....... So it seems you want fishi Rishi for the job, as you and others keep trashing Liz.. Can you tell me why, after all, the thread is about two Tory contenders......? ????
  11. Well no, my daughter-in-law just had a miscarriage over it, I told them to stay away from Pattaya....................... ????
  12. Tell the ordinary Joe they have scrapped the fine, they may not know, they maybe just being cautious on a run in wiv a fine waaaaay bigger than no crash hat....
  13. Our lad and his wife in LOS are 25, her sister and husband, baby of 1 year all have C19, they went down to Pats for a few days.... They are all jabbed, except the babe, they are all not feeling too good. Covid is alive and well doing the rounds.
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