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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. He should have bought a baton for protection as the police have abdicated any responsibility for the roads.
  2. So the Thai guy had a weapon in his car (for protection). Are these batons permitted to all drivers? With no police force in Pattaya, I witness 100 traffic violations an hour each time I am forced to venture out on to the roads. Should all farangs who know how to drive, buy one against the 90% of Thais who have no idea their car is already an offensive weapon?
  3. So lots of camera footage; witnesses; car reg. Let's see how long Pattaya Plod take to nail a pretend policeperson among so many others.
  4. Sounds like a typical Thai junket with lots of pretend-people gorging themselves on lobster and champagne. Meanwhile on the roads ...
  5. In the absence of a police force I'd like to apply. I am a retired teacher during those happy days when I could practice my table-tennis forehand smash, (still playing at 82) using a size 9 gym slipper.
  6. 1st FIVE downloading from TPB as I write.
  7. SOP for anything they may take a fancy to. My son has a persistent cough (living in Bangkok) and relatives sent him some Lockets (a sweet made with honey). He ended up paying hundreds before they would release them.
  8. as are most residents in every soi in the land. A sure sign of a Banana Republic when such animals are allowed to roam wild, attacking children; pedestrians; cyclists; causing accidents; urinating/defecating everywhere, whilst health conscious Thais still wear masks!
  9. The aim is to get a week's/month's work out of them then invite Immigration in to avoid paying wages for that time.
  10. the total amount of compensation for delaying the investigation.
  11. The local police maintain there is no prostitution in Pattaya.
  12. He can't own a house as I discovered to my cost.
  13. It works on my estate. There are few buyers near a yapping dog.
  14. Does this mean the Indians have finally got the message? Does the photo show the back view of Mr. Shen walking necklacely along Pattaya Prom?
  15. I believe this practice exists in UK on the eve of the latest must-have phone. Some folk are paid to queue all night so the buyer can get his full-night's sleep. The moral here is NEVER come between a Thai and his Thaimely food. (Pun intended.
  16. Of course police do have to work sometime. Mainly it is smoke and mirrors; to fool the gullible into thinking they are the bulwark against crime. (It seems to have worked in your case.) How many drunks are caught; how many pay their 'fines' on the spot? How many Mercedes are allowed through with a salute? It's not just me. Check above how many other contributors are not wearing rose-coloured spectacles.
  17. All six episodes of 'The Diplomat' S2 available.
  18. A quick arrest. Who knew there were 50 officers in Pattaya police force?
  19. I've got deja-vu. Wasn't this the case where a cop heard the suspect's name in a hospital where the killer's mother was called out over a tannoy?
  20. I've been here 20 years and whilst I can't remember what happened last week, certain stories remain in my memory. I remember a Thai politician urging Thai women to marry farangs. I remember Anutin calling us 'dirty farangs'. I also remember someone important saying Thais would not commit such heinous crimes against other Thais. I've searched for 20 minutes to find the source in vain before I decided I don't have to prove anything to you. Maybe I'll try a search on ThaiVisa as it used to be.
  21. Thanks for the link. SpeedProviderSizeUser TestID 10/31/24 8:18:59 am146.48 Mbps 18.31 MB/s3bb100 MB THFviI3vrBg -Download 10/31/24 8:18:07 am384.6 Mbps 48.08 MB/s3bb166 MB THLGmW77746 - Upload This with 3BB. I torrent all the time. Are the above results Good or Bad?
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