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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. It's all so fun! After they finished planking did they threaten to burn Bangkok to the ground again?

    Yes maybe a symbolic burning of Central World again to remember the reasons they demonstrated ?

    I can just hear the conversations of the mindless Reds " Uh!!!! Why did we demonstrate ? What are politics ?................................Are I know we got money from Mr T .

    If we can get more money from Mr T maybe we can set fire to more buildings "

    Trouble is the red shirt rice farmer mob don't give a hoot about public or private property, since they don't have anything themselves. They would prefer to take the 500 baht a day from Thaksin and do his bidding, even if it means holding their own babies up in line of fire, or burning and destroying things that are not theirs.

    I would feel worse for them if I didn't know many rural families that actually invested a bit in ensuring their children stayed in school and helped themselves to rise out of poverty. Many more though, I have discovered from first hand experience, don't want to make the effort to improve their own lives, but are content to sit around idly and if they can latch on to a patron massah, and will whore themselves out and do just about anything for one of them fancy purple bills.

    As long as the hierarchial system is deemed acceptable in Thailand, this will go on. Maybe several decades down the line things will change. Of course by then Thailand will be part of Vietnam, so it won't matter.

  2. r3875088840.jpg

    An artist creates a fake wound for an anti-government "red shirt" protester playing dead in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011

    And in the same breath the Red Yobs claim the dem's choice of using Ratchprasong on Thursday fort heir demonstration as disrespectful to those who died there last year. I suggest they all go mass planking off a boat in the Chao Phraya river! A test to see if they float or not.

  3. It would be fun to watch! Abhisit --- speaking clearly and addressing the issues .... Yingluck stammering and saying "but when my brother picked me to head AIS and when my brother picked me to head PTP as party list #1 ...."

    Thaksin thinks, PTP ...... succumbs?

    Yingluck was afflicted or likely to be afflicted with a stammer......................

    I don't care about the stammer, I just want to see her CRY after the first hard question!

  4. Poor old deluded Bungalow nights. He with the picture of of the fragrant Miss Yingluck as his avatar. I hope he has shares in kleenex, he must have got through a few boxes in the past few weeks! Does he really believe what he is posting here? Is he a Thai or a Falang? My guess is a Falang who is being pussy whipped by his red shirt wife/ girlfriend. Whatever, maybe he should look at his dictionary,( if he has one), look up the word 'Gullible', then go and look in the mirror!. All will then become clear. Maybe!

    What, you mean that is not the real Ms. Yingluk?

    Not sure, but whoever is using her likeness here is committing defamation and impersonation with every post! Why is this allowed, TV?

    I thought fraud was illegal even here in LOS...

  5. Too bad there isn't a stronger libel law to protect former PM Thaksin, who was illegally removed from office and who was previously elected by the largest and widest margins in free Democratic elections in Thai history, from your baseless, unprovable, inaccurate and mendacious statements.

    Everything he mentioned came straight from the mouth of the little dictator himself. Wake up!

  6. Yes, I know people who work at Centara hotel, I asked the question

    after having seen some shocking pictures inside Central World before

    it was lit on fire. The answer was opposite of what most people believe.

    I tend to think that the red buffalo leaders who repeated told the red buffalo herds it was time to (1) burn down Bangkok, (2) kill yellow shirts, (3) derail the BTS, (4) invade and kill people in hospitals, and otherwise destroy Bangkok as having a 100% motivation to do exactly what they did to Central World. Thinking otherwise defies logic/common sense. Looks like and smells like a buffalo, it is a buffalo!

  7. However, if he does come out victorious here, then it's going to be a dark day for all of us in Thailand, both Thai's and farang. I see a future Cambodia, with a Thaksin, Hunsein family party at the disputed temple!!! The fat cats having champagne while the countries go down the proverbial toilets.

    And knowing Thaksin's extreme disdain for the most exalted members of this fair country, there could be some very tense moments coming up.....get ready for a power play deluxe!

  8. The country needs to adopt a long-term strategy on the teaching of English. In my experience, English is taught on a hit-or-miss basis. The language needs to be taught systematically and it needs to be used. It needs to include all the skills, reading, listening, writing and speaking.

    I spent many years as an English teacher here, and still work in schools, but as an administrator. I have found that those students who do well in English either enjoy learning it, or for some reason see how good English skills will help them to reach their dreams. If a student here can't make a connection somehow to what they are learning, then it just comes down to learning enough to pass the test, and never actually internalizing the subject. That's why you can take a student with 8 years of English studies and often times they can't even have the simplest of conversations with you. They were never taught why it is important to learn English or to keep it in their long term memory.

  9. I have a blender so I guess I could easily make my own.

    Thos yogurt drinks are 30% plus pure white sugar or corn syrup. Buy some plain yogurt, and then get some blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, a banana, etc from foodland and make yourself a real drink. Foodland also sells soy flour for pretty cheap, in the gran section of the store, you can add a little of that if you want some protein. That dutchmill stuff is posion.

  10. i wonder if the governments of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are

    going to 'crack down' on the main abusers of children, the native men

    from those counties themselves?

    <_<, try never. So many monks and teachers here, Thais, who abuse boys and girls, and almost always walk away scot free. In the papers all the time.

    Also, Christ-pimpin' organizations like World Vision consider a 'child' to be anybody 23 years old or younger. That way they can grossly inflate their numbers and get more funding for thier deluxe condo living in the Sukhumvit and Silom areas. Believe me, I've know several people who worked for that organization....what a gravy train!

  11. Not knocking Thailand but this post is unbelieveable--55555555555555555 :lol: 10 mins bags and immigration, that isn,t luck--thats something in itsself-----you Must be on TAT payroll....If this is real-you are 1 in 40 million ???? busses -good--if not full-(airport Jomptien) taxis NO see picture here--normal chaos

    I always get driven in and picked up, but I have to say the last 8-10 times in the past three years that I have used swampie have been really good. Never a wait for more than 10-15 minutes in any line, usually much less. Only concern is when these 'pursers' try to take over my cart as I go through arrivals, and when I tell them in Thai I don't need it they dissapear.....but other than that no problems whatsoever.

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