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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I must have been lucky, every file I have wanted to watch, it handled OK. The were all TV shows or movies downloaded via torrents.

    Air Video will convert/play mkv and mp4 files with no problem.

    yxplayer, odplayer, and now cinexplayer are all a little hit and miss. They are streaming much better than earlier versions but I find the audio sync gets out of whack with many files. But some work great. Just depends how they were encoded from the beginning. True, Air Video still works great.

  2. To be fair the chap that wrote the remark that you refer to has admitted it was in poor taste and had the decency to apologise, something you don't see very often on here, and I for one respect him for it.

    Let's just hope that this case is solved quickly and that those who perpetrated the crime are found, tried, and convicted to the full force of the law. Hopefully Thai enforcement agencies will take the case serious and not turn a blind eye for whatever reasons there could be to do so.

  3. The murder happened while Mrs Bunnak, or Fon Hyde, 32, the wife of the deceased, was out shopping in Hua Hin market buying some items in preparation for merit-making on the upcoming Thai religious holiday of Asanha Bucha Day.

    haha what a sweet, pious devoted wife. If she was the planner of this act may she rot in hel_l.

  4. The quickest way to take care of the problem is to make all prostitution illegal. Wait, it is illegal already in Thailand? They why are there so many hookers everywhere you look? Oh, lots of hungry policemen and politicians and mafia to feed their immorally ravaenous materialistic appetites.

    And no bust here and there is going to curb the underage flesh trade. Where one is taken out there are three to take his/her place. And for every foreigner busted there are 100 Thai men gleefully plunging into underagers, going completely unnoticed.

    Go ahead and do what you want, but know that paying for your sex only perpetuates the problem.

  5. Last week, I portrayed a scientist in a Brand's Chicken Essence TV commercial. Before the filming began, I was told that I would be using an Apple iPad as a prop. I told the production house that they did not have to pay me - just give me the iPad. I was given an unmarked prototype Android tablet with a screen one-half the size of the iPad. It was a real piece of cr@p, and I insisted on the money instead. According to the production house, the tablets were purchased in Shenzhen for less than 3000THB.

    There been more than a few people who have scoffed my iPad and told me about how they are going to China to pick up something just as good there, for a fraction of the price. I ask them to please bring it in once they get it, I would love to compare! So far, I'm still waiting! I would almost be curious enough to have them pick me one up, if it was just a couple thousand baht, but I imagine that they are all crap, espeically compared to the iPad.

  6. How safe are the chemicals used to make the rain?

    Would consuming the artificial rain have any detrimental effects on health?

    Are they using silver iodide? If so: "Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the EPA, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and as a toxic pollutant. Chronic Exposure/Target Organs: Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce "iodism", which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss of weight and general depression may also occur. Chronic inhalation or ingestion may cause argyria characterized by blue-gray discoloration of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic skin contact may cause permanent discoloration of the skin." (From Wikipedia).

    Are you trying to make my King looks bad?

    Easy there, cowgirl, just stating the facts. Nobody is being made to look bad or good. You can put your head back in the sand now.

  7. In 1955 the King became the world's first to hold a patent when he invented the original 'sandwich' rainmaking technology, in which two planes seed warm and cool clouds at differing altitudes, causing vapour droplets to form and fall to earth as rain. He continued his rainmaking research and earned further patents, the most recent in 2004.

    How and where did he learn this? Did he get a meteorology degree? It's all quite technical, surpised and impressed by his omnipotent knowledge of the world.

  8. I'm sure the king's efforts are appreciated by all, including the scientific community. Nevertheless cloud-seeding programs have been undertaken in many countries for many years, with inconclusive results... at best. In a lengthy article on the subject in Encyclopedia Britannia, Thailand is not mentioned once.

    It is time to ban and block Encyclopedia Britannia for not telling the truth.

    Everyone here agrees 100% that "Royal Rain or Fon Luang" is a process developed by our Thai King, and there is a patent under his name.

    Care to disagree?

    The Thai answer to disagreements....censorship! No wonder so many Thais have such low critical thinking and independent learning skills..

  9. If that is the picture they were showing all over the news, the 'boy' looked between 22-25 years old. Don't know about you, but I consider a 25 year old a man.

    I agree the 'boy' in that photo looked around mid-20s. But that is not the accuser. It was a framed photo in Mr Pletnev's house which the media, following the police into the house, seized on with their accustomed glee. It clearly showed the two wrapped up to the nines, so was certainly taken in a cold climate. I don't know who that young man is, but I feel sorry he has been dragged into this case.

    Yeah, that's the only guy I had seen in a photograph with him, I did not know they had one of him and the accuser.

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