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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Hi All

    Well, I have had my iPhone 3 now for over 2 1/2 years, and it has served me well. I believe the time has come for me to get something different, and am quite interested in going Android.

    The Samsung Galaxy S looks very nice! Are there better phones than that in Thailand? I will look around a lot, and have been eying some Motorolas and HTCs online, but don't know if those companies officially have models out here in Thailand. Are the Evo 4G and the Droid X available here?

    If you have any recommendations for phones in Thailand of the same caliber as the iPhone 4 or the Samsung Galaxy S, I would love to hear it! Most preferable would for me to be able to trial run a phone for a couple weeks, but I know that is not possible, so I would appreciate local reccomendations based on my criteria.



  2. Most descent Thais would not be seen dead in Pattaya , All Abuse of people women or men at any age for sex is wrong , I take it many people (falang) can speak Thai. When you know some of these so called low life hores and prostitutes you will find some genuine people . many do not want to be there and are there because of circumstance. So who is worse those who use them or them for being there.

    That being said, you can get hookers of all ages and genders absolutely everywhere in Thailand. Pattaya, Cowboy, Nana, Patpong are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg as far as prostitution goes here. I live in a pretty much all Thai part of Bangkok, on the outskirts, in an area where middle class gated communities are in the majority. I could walk 30 minutes in pretty much any direction from my housing estate and easily find hundreds of prostitutes if I wanted to (the thought skeeves me out to no end however). Just they way things roll here in LOS.

  3. As a child in the 50s we got caned, but it wasn,t for bad behaviour really, it was for treading on rose gardens, or fighting in the playground, or talking in class. Our discipline was taught from a baby, not hardly verbal, a look from dad was enough to put fear into you. IT'S got to be taught at HOME, correction-with love, right and wrong, the black and white, the good and the evil,--I used to hear parents say if you don't behave i'll go and get a black man-or a policeman. That is not good-but in them days it worked.

    I got into just as much trouble as the next kid, but my parents never had to resort to physical punishment. Time outs and groundings were enough for me. Many of my friends who were physically punished on a regualr basis by their parents became fighters, as they saw violence as being a reasonable way to get what they wanted. My parents taught me to think about my decisions, rather than whip me because of my decisions.

    As such, I find physical abuse of children as sick and sadistic, and in my many years that I taught never had the need to resort to that kind of behavior.

  4. 1 I use Daniusoft Ipad video converter (19 tax) to convert from avi to Ipad optimised MPG4 on my PC

    Seems to have a little loss of visual quality.Perfectly acceptable

    I converted a batch of movies during night

    Why pay for a program to convert files? Handbrake (Google it) does it perfectly, and is FREE!!!! :)

  5. Hi, got a nice little Mifi portable wifi device, up to 5 devices can hook up to it at once. It came with a TOT card that has 2gigs on it...just wondering after that is finished what you all feel the best deal is for pre or post paid cards, considering cost and speed. Thanks

  6. Laksi IT plaza, formerly Laksi plaza, is a very pleasant place. Oodles and oodles of laptops...but not sure if they have what you are looking for. Also, Fashion Island's IT center on the 4th floor is quite large now, they have everything. Plus nice wide clean aisles, and if you get there fairly early and on the weekday, not too many people!

  7. If you have an iPhone, you can download one of many apps that radiostations, many for free. I like "finetune" myself, it is like Pandora, you put in a name of an artist you like and it searches out music that would fit that feel of music....magical. then buy a pair of speakers here at a Panthip like place for about 400-500 Baht for a nice little setup, plug your phone into the hotel's wireless, and you are ready to rock! If you have a smart phone different from an iPhone, I'm sure it will have some kind of streaming music app.

  8. No jail time and a tiny fine in the case of a Red beating up an old, small PTP man



    Red-shirt Actor Given Suspended Jail Term for Assault

    The Criminal Court handed down a suspended one month jail sentence and a 2,000 baht fine to a pro-red shirt actor for assaulting a Pheu Thai Election Director for Surat Thani province.


    -- Tan Network 2010-10-05


    Hey, hey!, hold it right there!, wasn't this bozo caught carrying and distributing weapons for the Red Shirts during the May riots???

    Another Red leading the way to peace and harmony, ack ack!

  9. With the size of my music collection it takes about 15minutes to open... and my base unit is not exactly slow either ;)

    iTunes always has been (and probably always will be) bloatware :)

    Your computer must be pretty old...? My main library of songs, on a samsung 500 gig hard drive now, fills up about 300 of the gigs. Itunes opens it nearly instantly, maybe 10 seconds....I agree, Itunes is a pretty big program for what it does, but I find it full of really great features.

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