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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 10 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

    Right now the police are out in force and have half the road blocked off at Sukhumvit Soi 5. Nothing to do with road safety; more to do with revenue raising. Busy writing tickets for taxi drivers and motorbike taxi drivers.

    Very busy the last couple days around the Ramintra area.  Poo Yais need some holiday mad money I guess!

  2. If you go to Tops they have plenty of pre-cooked grilled or baked meats, beef, chicken, pork fish.  Have a piece of meat and you can make your own salad at the salad bar.  Get vinegar and oil for your dressing.  Keto is pretty straightforward.  Also paleo is definitely not keto, well, it can be, but in many cases it is not.


    Stick with green veg, meat and eggs, if you want some cheese or cream go for it.  Macademia nuts are a nice snack.

  3. 4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Would be great news if they produce strawberries with a taste.

    Again and again I tell the wife/family DON'T buy strawberries.

    They won't listen and make a sour face after tasting.


    They will always be an occerry fields asional treat.

    So I don't worry too much about this.

    And I better don't think about the daily diet :sad:

    I come from the American PNW.  Worked the strawberry fields as a kid and know what real strawberries should taste like (some the size of my fist).  So far have only had non-flavored super sour berries here.  Yuck!

  4. 12 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

    well she initiated it, but she could not remember it. 


    not discrediting the lady in this case. but there should be laws protecting the man as well. 

    Of course the correct thing for him to do would have been to take her to a safe place where she could sober up.  But think where you are, and if by chance the woman was being sexually aggressive with him, well, it's not the West and the locals don't know the rules that the Westerners follow, so......



  5. Just now, Moonmoon said:

    had an incident myself before. went to a party with a few female friends.  party really hard, drank too much.

    woke up in the morning with my female friend beside me. she was very distraught. but she did not went to the police or anything. 

    In the States now having sex with a person who is intoxicated is grounds for a rape accusation.  So as horny as someone may be by no means should you have sex (this only applies to female drunks afaik).  Outside of America, well, it's different rules.  Will be interesting to see if the medical report indicates rape or consensual intercourse.

  6. 12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    I'm not saying they are correct, but I certainly share their doubts.


    It's a very odd story, so odd why would anyone make it up?


    However, as I say that final paragraph suggests they really haven't investigated it to any depth.


    And if you're thinking the BIB can't win with me. 


     You would be right.


    Personal experience of them has created a rather large reservoir of distrust.

    The biggest thing that is weird is how they made a ton of money off the incident, which was not needed.  Or why she did not have  ticket home (and her excuse was weird and unbelievable).

  7. 51 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

    Get your foot off the gas! You are making a lot of assumptions here about the case and the people commenting on it. She should leave the country not because she's done anything wrong, but because what good would it do her to stay? The police suggest up to 2 weeks before they make their next move. In the meantime, where does she stay? What does she do for food, money etc? She should go home to her family where there's care and support. She can always come back if she needs to.

    As well, it would be the same in a Western country - the case would not be ready for at least a couple weeks.  Why expect it to be somehow fast-tracked here in Thailand?

  8. 1 hour ago, farcanell said:


    Yer... sort of like post traumatic stress blocks things out of your mind... it's a natural way for your body/ mind to cope, much like other instinctive behaviors, like fight or flight


    im sure a lot more holes will be filled, as she recovers and gets psych treatment


    Wonder what whe'll do with the 10 grand she got our of caring contributors?  Somehow I doubt it's going to therapy.

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