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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. On 10/27/2016 at 9:23 AM, Keesters said:

    I hope they manage to find the pickup and CCTV images.


    I am amazed at how people ignore emergency vehicles here carrying on as if they weren't there or sneaking in behind them to try and take advantage of them speeding/jumping lights etc.


    But then I've heard rumors that emergency vehicles also use the siren and lights when it's time to go off shift or to lunch.


    RIP the unlucky lady.


    Nurses get well soon



    I always do my best to get out of their way but ambulances always seem to have their sirens on.  I suspect just to get to their som tum quickly.

  2. 7 hours ago, Jeffrey346 said:

    The best plan is a TMobile 30 day SIM.. 1000 minutes and unlimited data for $30.


    7 hours ago, suzannegoh said:

    T-Mobile is good but check on compatibility of your phone or tablet before you go.  Some devices sold in Thailand will only give you 3G speeds when connecting to T-Mobile's 4G LTE network, others will drop all the way back to GPRS speed, and still other (generally newer) devices will give you full 4G LTE speeds.  3G speeds are generally good enough for me but you probably won't be happy if it turns out that you can only get GPRS speeds.

    Great, thanks all.  Found the shop one block away from my hotel, easy to go and get it when I get there.  I have the iPhone 6+, it worked fine when I was there last time for data, so shouldn't be a problem.  IF not there are a ton other options.  Want that 4GLTE though!

  3. Hi all


    I will be going to the States in a few weeks for about half a month, and would like to get data.  Last time I was there I was usually somewhere that had Wifi so I would use Skype or Line to make my phone calls and internet.  There were a few days however where I needed it but didn't have wifi access, so did the data roaming deal through True.  True charges 500 Baht/day for unlimited access, which is fairly outrageous, but I sucked it up and used it for a few days.


    Just wondering if there is another cheaper way to get data in the States by applying for it here first, or whatever.  I'm sure this has been covered before in the forum but I went a few pages back and couldn't find anything.  Your advice would be appreciated!

  4. 1 hour ago, chiang mai said:


    "as everybody has a phone on them these days".


    I don't carry a camera phone that connects to the internet, I use a simple 3G phone that has no internet capabilities, that way I don't spend all my time time looking at sh*t when I could be doing something useful, like talking to people face to face during the most of the day rather than surfing whilst eating, walking, taking a dump, driving, etc etc.


    BUT, I did happen to keep the receipt from the Dukes, just to prove I wasn't being supportive without a reason. :post-4641-1156694572:

    I would find it strange not having internet on my phone.  And I still talk to plenty of people.  I was on Koh Tao last week and the internet there was awful, so I didn't use it much, was kind of nice....

  5. 2 hours ago, Strange said:


    Whats the staff got to do with anything? Im talking about the chickenshits that doped food to rob people. Dont care who it is. You are defending it like its normal and we shouldn't be pissed. 



    3 continents? Dude I been everywhere. Ill eat a chicken sandwich in Bagdad International Airport no problem. Quit defending this. 

    It sounds like the person was offered food from a stranger though, unless I'm misreading it.  


    I've heard the trains in Italy are notorious for guys offering you some wine and then stealing everything you have when you pass out from the drugs they put in it.

  6. Modern 'teachers' don't even like the name 'teachers'.  We are facilitators of knowledge.  We present, challenge, encourage creative thinking, support self-directed inquiry.


    Most Thai teachers see knowledge as way to gain power, to control.  Thai schools are little fiefdoms.  I suppose all schools are to a point, but Thai schools are especially so.  


    This is why most Thai teachers oppose new thinking in education, they will lose their control.  So sad.

  7. On 10/3/2016 at 11:06 AM, damo said:

    I see overweight men in my gym work hard and are still overweight. Not understanding the mechanics is part of the reason. The same men also walk past all the cardio equipment as they make their way into the weights room. Go figure, the basic elements are not eating less and moving more, its eating right and exercising smart. Big difference.

    The best cardio is about 30-40 minutes getting your heart rate up to a point where you can still talk but you are breathing hard.  That's the fat burn zone.  They also say after about 20 minutes you have reached your peak level, anything after that is for toning or fun. Weights also help you lose weight, building muscle burns more calories overall.

  8. On 10/2/2016 at 7:25 PM, manfredtillmann said:

    17:50 mins ... you need to get them out by moving more or eating less...

    and with - or without all the science - that is what it all boils down to. and always has. and always will.

    that's why lazy and self - indulgent people are fat.

    I'm a BIG fan of exercise and moving.  But it does little for weight loss.  That's 90% diet.

  9. On 10/2/2016 at 4:52 PM, robblok said:

    Real interesting.. the guy is entertaining. 


    But he said.. eat less move more and keep breathing... Im sure that won't go down here well. :D

    I agree with that.  But I would add, eat less of certain things.  It will help you to control your hunger.

  10. I travelled extensively around Mexico, and loved going to the markets or shopping in different towns.  Each had unique food, things to buy, etc.


    I find in Thailand everyone just sells the same thing.  Had a guy trying to sell me his 'wine'.  I took a sip and it must have been 40% sugar.  Yuck!  I love dessert wines, like berry wines, but this just tasted like canned grape juice with an extra 10 spoons of sugar thrown in.

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