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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 1 hour ago, chiang mai said:

    Tourists who don't know and tourists who are a little bit afraid can be forgiven for spending too much in Bangkok, many cities in SE Asia can be daunting at first glance to the inexperienced traveller or to those who have only travelled in "safe" and "familiar" countries before. So the likes of the Sheraton Radisson and Le Meridian do a roaring trade on the back of such people whose vacation bills are far higher than they otherwise might be. It is those same visitors who return home and tell everyone, including us on TVF, my but Thailand isn't cheap any more.


    Yeah I'd agree.  Dig a little deeper and get just a bit off the beaten path and there are fabulous hotels for a quarter the price of the big name brands.  That's what I convinced my luxury oriented friends to do, find a nice place on the BTS line that was away from the tourist area and they got extraordinary deals for a fraction of the price.

  2. The last couple months I've had 2 sets of friends come visit, and I hosted them around here and in close provinces to see the usual and some unusual sites and such.  I had a great time and it really is inexpensive, like the article says.  One set of my friends love comfort and were raving about their hotels here in BKK, where they got luxury treatment for under 150USD a night.  Great meals in very nice restaurants for under 20 bucks a person.  You have to look at it from their standpoint that in comparison to almost anywhere else they have travelled in the world (in comfort) that BKK won hands down.  It also helped that I love good restaurant experiences and took them to places that are really special but don't gouge you.


    My other set of friends, while not backpackers, were just a little above that.  They also found great clean and friendly digs for about 50-60 bucks a night and just the same, lots of great meals for under 10 bucks each (if not a dollar or so in many cases) plus being able to see all the sites via BTS, taxis, my car :) etc.  


    Sorry if I sound like a travel agent for TAT, but it was my first experience in going out 'like a tourist' in quite a few years and I had a really good time and felt proud showing off this city with so many things to do and so many friendly people.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, doctorbobo said:

    We expect to pay for our lady and ourself when we go out to eat but when there is a crowd of people enjoying a meal we should not let them try to get a free meal because we are falangs. It should be  made clear by our lady to the rest of the people that we are paying for our portion of the meal otherwise one may find  that  they are being  made a chump and the Thais are taking extreme advantage of the situation. It doesn't matter that we can, or can not afford to pay, this is a scam to take advantage of falangs.


    I found this out the hard way when a gf and I first went out to eat and we brought  her dad along. Little did I know that  our seafood meal was going  to include him ordering  additional crabs to take home when  we left. The  next time  she asked me if we could go to a Thai restaurant for a romantic dinner and she brought a sister and a brother (who was actually not a brother but the boyfriend of her sister). Of course mom and dad came along and  before you knew it there were 7 of us there to dine for what I was told would be a romantic dinner.

    I made sure to select a nice table upstairs for our meal and after half-way thru the meal, I excused myself to use the bathroom and made a brisk exit and  hoped they enjoyed finishing their meal and picking up the check.


    Not much of a gf if she is taking advantage of you like that.  Or that you would do something like that to her.  In a sincere relationship you would be able to talk to her about this and she would show respect to you, and visa versa.

  4. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hmmmmm. The people complaining about someone happy to pay for his friends' dinner probably pay way more than they have to for loads of things. It's not about the money as long as one is happy after. Being EXPECTED to pay is a different thing, and that is what this thread is about, not some guy enjoying himself.


    I am talking about expectations as well.  I guess it also depends what you are expecting from the relationship.

  5. 4 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    It`s Thai etiquette that the dumb Farlang pays the restaurant or bar bill.


    Well known scam in Thailand: Farlang gets a date with a Thai lady, she arranges a venue for them to meet. She greets her Farlang date at their meeting point, within a few minutes her friend turns up, then followed by more of her friends who are only too happy to meet the hapless Farlang. They decide to hit the town, food, drinks and festivities, Farlang pays for the entertainments throughout the night, then later he goes home alone thinking what a great time he had.


    Well, I don't have experience hooking up with that kind of lady.  In that kind of situation you are trying to get something from them, and they from you.  Experiences I talk about are where there is already friendship/relationships in place of some kind.  You situation is just everyone trying to take advantage of one another for something or other.

  6. 1 minute ago, ThailandLOS said:

    Yes it's certainly in accordance to Thai etiquette to pay for everyone else's (Thais) dinner. It's also a custom to tip at least 30% in such situations.


    Breach of etiquette is regarded as extremely rude by said Thais.


    Not at all.  When I was one of the younger members of my group (all Thai except me), I was never allowed to pay.  Once in awhile I would sneak over and pay before others could stop me, but that was not met favorably.  Etiquette is that the elders or boss pays.  Now that the whirlwind of time has put me into an elder/boss position, I do pay (and I enjoy paying).  


    Also, I have no idea where you get this 30% tip rule.  Most Thai people I have ever know will not tip more than 40-50-100 Baht no matter what the bill comes to.  Where have you been expected to tip 30%?  I am genuinely and sincerely curious.  


  7. 1 minute ago, Chalard said:


    True...  I have a hard time trying to pay a bill when out with thai mates.....


    1 minute ago, kenk24 said:

     Sam, this guy does not look like he has any money problems... and he looks like he is enjoying being generous with the money he does have - why not?


    Look at it this way - - lets take a flight of fancy for a moment... how much money would it take for you to feel rich? Would a million pounds make you feel good? Now double it - my guess is you might not mind if the in-laws came along or your wife's best friend - and if the bill was 1500 baht for a night out, you would be glad to pay... I think you would be a generous guy - - though it would seem like nothing to you. 


    But, you would not feel like a clown or sucker - you would just feel appreciative that you hit the lottery or whatever and could enjoy and share your good fortune... 


    Nicely said.  


    Akin to what I said, it is all about your attitude.  Of course, if you feel you are being ripped off, then you will have a negative reaction.  If you like being generous and enjoy making people happy (and can afford it), then why the heck not have that experience?

  8. 11 minutes ago, brling said:


     Sad, very sad, that you are trying to defend this disgusting act. If the thread is too negative for you, then avoid it, dont try to justify it.


    Why did you cherrypick my original posting to fit some point of your own?  I wrote:


    "A sad and morbid affair.  To those trying to make this something that only happens in Thailand however, please know that it is not something peculiar to this country only.  Unfortunately rape by a family member happens all over the world."


    Where do you find me defending this guy?  And why do you malign my original text to fit some weird racist agenda you have?  My points were that (1) yes I agree this was a horrible thing and (2) don't try to make it out like this only happens in Thailand, but it happens all over the world (familial rape is endemic in many cultures, not just in Thailand).  


    I get sick of people acting like these kinds of horrible things only happen in Thailand by Thai people.  It's racist and inaccurate.  Your racism only exacerbates the situation and polarizes the focus people really need to have to solve the problem.



  9. That's too bad.  I had a complete opposite experience....all application online done efficiently.  Came exactly when they said and installation done in less than an hour.  Blazing speed with no interruptions now at all for 2 months.

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