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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 8 hours ago, Thechook said:

    That's not the way it is sold in the brochures and other media campaigns.  You have beautiful crystal clear seas, white sands, beautiful  smiling women in traditional thai dress, food sunshine and pics of happy smiling and friendly taxi and tuk tuk drivers helping foreigners and returning thier wallets.

    Every country does the same thing for their tourist brochures.  Nice try.

  2. 14 hours ago, hdkane said:

    not blaming the victim 100%...but when will people and women in particular realize that thailand is not a land of smiles...and that the men can do most anything here with impunity...if i had a daughter, there is no way i would allow her to come here...and if she chose to visit, i would caution her of the real dangers that may await her if she ventures out at night...

    Well that's kind of nonsense.  I have had plenty of women friends visit Thailand in my 26 years here.  None have ever had any problems whatsoever.  Why?  Because they didn't leave their brains at home when they came.  They would be responsible and wary of their environment and situation and maintained control of their faculties to avoid being taken advantage of.


    Please let's find the bastard and give him full brunt of the law.  But what you wrote above is just not true and shame on you for your sweepingly racist view of Thai men.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    What are you saying , give me a break if someone things thailand is a better place to work then were they come from most be bad back home .

    Because I would not work in a 3 rd world country at all , unless I am being paid to work here from my country back home .

    I worked in one of the best cities in the US, and had a good job, before moving here.  Because of my training and skill I do very well here with my own business.  I have lovely creative staff and the stress level is 1/4 what I faced in the US.


    Have you worked here?

  4. 1 hour ago, sheldoncollier said:

    I have so many female friends who lived in Thailand for years, and they continue to say "I felt very safe in Thailand" when asked by others about safety in Thailand. I don't understand it. The stats and the news do seem to agree with this mentality.

    It is very safe.  I bet those girls aren't wandering around the streets alone at 3am blackout drunk either. That's not safe for any person any gender.

  5. 2 hours ago, smew said:

    Poor young lady, travels alone and heavy drinker, she better change her lifestyle somehow 


    At the very least, if she is going to drink to blackout, make sure she has friends with her that will get her home safely or take her back to their place.  People with drinking problems ofte times don't think that far ahead however.  


    In the West, the bartender would cut her off before she got that blasted.  Here you have to use your own wits.

  6. 13 hours ago, daveAustin said:


    Not smart, but unfortunately there are certain quarters here that will read that and say she deserved it... much like the esteemed PM and his distasteful comments on pretty women not being safe in bikinis.

    I would never say she deserved it and I hope they catch these guys and they receive the full brunt of the law for their crime.


    I wish also that tourists would take time to understand the dangers as well of wandering around Thai streets blackout drunk in the middle of the night.  Is this something they would also do in their hometown?  I think anywhere in the world you risk injury or worse if put yourself in that position, man or woman.

  7. 3 minutes ago, optad said:

    I am not criticising the police. Did say their reputation has bearing. It is not good. But given her predicament certainly , I would, did, leave. No benefit staying, reporting. GEt home


    I agree, it's her prerogative to leave.  But where did her return ticket go?  that's what I can't figure out.  It's a bit like that farang on the island who sent a distress signal to his dad when in reality he just wanted to party a little bit longer.  We will never know what really happened, but she didn't help by not giving authorities a chance to check on her story and investigate.

  8. 1 minute ago, optad said:

    You weight up costs. In her case you just leave. Is she asking for anything? Nup. It is just a report. Take it on face value for once.


    Unfair to criticize the police if she didn't even give them a chance to question her story and help her through her testimony.  But I'm sure that's how she wanted it.  Now she can say whatever she wants about them, but it doesn't really matter.

  9. 2 minutes ago, optad said:

    So  if your daughter got on the phone to you stateside and described what happened last night, what would your advice be?


    Well I would be on the next flight over to get her.  Not setting up a gofundme account.  Beg borrow and steal money.  


    Possibly her parents are used to her hijinks and let her figure out what to do.  Perhaps they were in on the scam....they go half and half on the gofundme money?

  10. 8 minutes ago, optad said:

    Thai police should do their job. My point was that if the Thai police were 'integral' you just take the issue to them. I have been 'mickeyed' and robbed [dec 2000] and know it is easier to just leave. I no idea if this girl is fabricating stuff but to say that you would trust Thai police as you would elsewhere in world given she might be telling the truth is just dumb.


    I know the police get a bad wrap in TV but I have had a few legal issues that required trips to the police to give evidence, etc., and they have always been nothing but kind and cooperative.  I suppose if you assume they are going to take advantage of you before you even meet them then that's what you have set your mind to be on them.

  11. 5 minutes ago, optad said:

    Thai police should do their job. My point was that if the Thai police were 'integral' you just take the issue to them. I have been 'mickeyed' and robbed [dec 2000] and know it is easier to just leave. I no idea if this girl is fabricating stuff but to say that you would trust Thai police as you would elsewhere in world given she might be telling the truth is just dumb.

    She didn't even go to the police though.  She thought all the police were after her because of the hallucination she had in the room about a uniformed guy, before she jumped out of the window and laid in the bushes for 6 hours (without them pursuing her?).  Rigggghhhhhhttttttt.

  12. 49 minutes ago, z42 said:

    I think we all know how the investigation will end up. Denials, defamation suits mulled, and no actual investigative work whatsoever... If what the American girl said took place actually did then I have the utmost sympathy because any investigation will go nowhere sadly


    It's not like she gave any clear evidence for them to work with.  It all seems very sketchy on her end.  Kudos to the police for attempting to find some shreds of evidence in her very flimsy account.  I'd reckon she got blackout drunk and wandered out in the street, probably fell down and then didn't know how to explain it to her family.  Oila came up with this idea then all of a sudden she doesn't have a ticket home?  So gofundme comes to the rescue with the aid of fox news to get suckers to donate.

  13. 18 hours ago, Charlie1 said:

    I noticed that many Thais try to speak a not understandable "American English". They should be taught only by UK native speakers - the teachers, I mean.

    I've known plenty of Native UK teachers that I can't even understand when they are speaking to me.  Americans as well.  What Thailand needs is competent English teachers period.  No need to get nationalistic about it (though I sense you are trolling so...).

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