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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Then that very department should be investigated because who could possibly issue an official yet unlawful land title except for the department of land. The government department and those who supervise its operation should be made to pay for this - ultimately the tax payer and government of the day is responsible for actions under their regime - who was running the country at the time this happened? Be it one rogue official, etc - someone on the corrupt side of things needs to pay up for being incompetent in supervising government officials unless it proves to be a simple faked document - which I'm pretty sure it's not as these are issued only at government offices and anyone making such a large purchase would surely verify everything down to the last centimeter during their due dilligence. There seems to be a very long history of corruption of employees being denied as the responsibility of the institution which they work for, be it some government department or a bank, etc. Why is it taking 10 years to sort this out? I have a very good idea why - nobody wants to take responsibility for the obvious.
  2. Yes, and when it found no food it chose violence instead 😂
  3. Were they black or dark red?
  4. The more you pay the more you get as with most things. For anything related to video it's generally down the the GPU and not so much the CPU
  5. I just extended my existing membership to the 20 year option, when I signed up there were 5 year and 20 year options. In the end I decided to stay longer term so got another 5 year and then the extra 15 years - total 1.5 million Baht. The lifetime option had long gone by the time I came along and I had not heard of it until the 5 year option came along. Still I'm all set until 2040 which will do me and it is very flexible especially if you do even a little bit of travel each year - even if you leave the country just once per year with the 1 year stamps you never need to extend in country but of course you still need to do the 90 day reports if you're in country more than 90 days. If you only stay for around 90 days then you don't even need to bother with them. Right now I'm traveling every 3 months so no need - just arrive and leave - never an issue.
  6. Both of the above are ponzi type schemes. It's the same in many countries. The collected tax is used to pay the current recipients. Now if you're capable of slightly advanced thinking you will realise that new payments are required to pay older recipients who used to pay into the system. Just like with a ponzi where new investors fund the payments to old investors. Many people will not see this connection. The UK works exactly the same as I'm sure do all the other countries with large socialised pensions and health systems. There is generally no huge fund earning massive amounts of profit every year saved up to pay for the future - it's all squandered on the whim of whatever leader is running the country at the time. So the ponzi analogy is correct in this case.
  7. Nothing, it's just a land mass, nothing more. It used to be more useful than it currently is due to tax regulations.
  8. Someone's tightening the screws here, if he wants out then he will leave one way or another.
  9. For brisk fresh air you need to go inside and make sure you set the AC low a few hours before, especially if it's a large room. You get used to it after a decade or so, I don't even notice the humidity any more. I mean I know it's hot when walking around but the humidity used to feel like breathing steam or something like being in a sauna, the one with water - not any more though, that sensation disappeared long ago.
  10. Until you reach 50 your more immediate problems will be visas.
  11. Maybe now the Chinese tour groups will be allowed to resume?
  12. Yeah when something similar happened to me I went down there and said - I know it's here - get it. They took me in the back and there were racks full of mail, after about 5 or 10 minutes they found it and handed it over. I was a little surprised, in the UK they would just tell you to go away.
  13. Sometimes you need to go to the local delivery office and make enquiries - then perhaps they can get things moving for you.
  14. Looking at my app settingd I've set it to allow 500k Baht per day in transfers - I paid for an Elite visa extension with this app once. But then it mentions something about a 'Face Per Transaction' limit which is 50,000 Baht - I've never had to use that before but I think it was introduced after I did the visa renewal payment. To send the 500k Baht it just wanted the pin and worked immediately. It also has a quick pay limit which is set to 0 - I don't even know what they is
  15. I see, so they can travel visa free so long as they get the visa 🤣
  16. Lol, I bet he's popular now wherever he is
  17. Well I'm off to Cambodia again, short 1 hour flight, I'm going twice this year for a little over 3 months each time. Definitely going to minimize my tax.
  18. Yep - you're getting ripped off far more than citizens of other countries do.
  19. This is what the US Embassy said 2 days ago on Friday - who do you choose to believe?
  20. Yes, that's right. As the recent alert from the US Embassy points our - the last time they deported a bunch of these guys back to China there were bombings in places frequented by Chinese. Will it happen again - in my opinion yes, it's just a matter of time.
  21. They simply want to know if you have any foreign tax residencies. If you're from the US then the answer is yes, you do - even if you haven't been there for a very long time. If you're from almost anywhere else and have resided in Thailand full time for years then you won't have any other residencies as they tend to be based on actually staying in the country for a certain number of years. If on the other hand you don't actually live in Thailand full time then they're going to want your foreign tax id numbers so they can report your balances every year like CRS mandates.
  22. It you're flying you need to leavea minimum of 4 to 5 hours before departure - depending on road works, etc. I've been hopping over to and from Cambodia a few times recently and the 'airport run' is a complete pain - takes far too long and you have to build in contingencies just in case of extra traffic Normally you end up sitting there in the airport like an idiot with nothing to do for hours - if there's no traffic. The worst part - my flight time is only 50 minutes on these trips!
  23. Is it ever the other vehicle drivers fault and therefore their insurance pays for the hospital bills or are you on your own every single time?
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