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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. There are some reasons why wealthy retirees or foreign company owners would relocate to Thailand The laws for taxation attract people who like to pay less tax, it gets complicated but it can be done and quite easily, especially if you're not from the US.
  2. I'm not sure if this Army school is counted inside the 60 in Hua Hin or the larger provincial number of 98 cases. Either way, out of 98 cases in the province the vast majority of them are coming from government run institutions in the area. This is not a good sign at all, if the government controlled entities themselves can't stop it from spreading then there's zero chance that the civillian population will be able to do so.
  3. This will please the hotel association, it's something they've been attempting to get for many years now. Well now they're getting what they want but virtually nobody's coming so they can all go bankrupt together.
  4. I think you might be on to something there. It's inevitable that there will be a massive outbreak of COVID later this year and it looks like they're going to allow a bunch of tourists in so they can blame it on the tourists.
  5. There's only one thing that will significantly increase once restrictions are removed - the number of COVID cases.
  6. What we're seeing is a symptom of governments not believing that the vaccines work effectively. It's kind of hard to tell until we look back on the numbers in a few years time so I guess almost every government in the world is proceeding with draconian restrictions which devastate their economies just in case, Thailand is no exception here. They started dreaming up these quarantine schemes very early on in the process.
  7. How long do you think they can maintain that in Europe this year? It was all fine and dandy this time last year too. I think you're going to be in for a big surprise in 4 to 8 weeks time when the lockdowns begin again.
  8. I blame the supplier, nothing to do with the recipient.
  9. If you believe Phuket is some kind of success story then for you everything must be moving along nicely right now ????
  10. That's not what it says on the comment on the article....how many 5 star hotels are there in Hua Hin? I nearly needed an emergency hotel check in myself yesterday due to a power cut but it ended after about 5 or 6 hours so I didn't bother in the end, came close though....
  11. They're detecting 30,000 to 40,000+ cases each and every day in the UK, a largely vaccinated country. If they're going to open up here they should expect at least the same, if not many more due to lack of vaccination but I'm getting the feeling they already know and accept this inevitability because there's no possible way they don't know what's coming... There's zero chance that they don't know what's coming. They're just not talking about it.
  12. Looks like it's a second military outbreak that's happening now. The previous outbreak that I'm talking about was at this place - 100's of infections 'Military/police training base Rit rou chai, Pa la U (ค่ายฤทธิ์ฤาชัย)'
  13. They're here every weekend, I saw loads of them last week, most of the cars on the road had Bangkok plates. While Bangkok is in a 'dark red zone' Hua Hin should be too. They had many 100's of cases in the military run training center where the police train over the last 10 days, reported elsewhere - is this a different training center to the one where the police were training?
  14. Apply for a new passport right now, there's still plenty of time to get it in place before you need to extend. If you leave it until the last minute and by some chance your country goes into an 'unexpected' winter lockdown then you won't be getting one and you really don't want to be in that situation as it involves returning to your home country. Act now!
  15. This shift you speak of has happened nowhere else in the world. It's not going to happen here either.
  16. Yes, I was talking to my mother this week, she usually comes to Thailand for a couple of months each winter. She said that she's not going anywhere until there's no longer any restrictions, quarantines, forms to fill out and tests to do. If they require anything other than turning up at the airport and getting on the plane she simply won't go, even if it means she never travels again and she was very certain about this. She's not going to be the only one who won't put up with any of this nonsense, she's had her vaccines and will gladly take any offered boosters along with her flu shots if needed and as far as she's concerned that's the end of it....
  17. Yes, I tried to buy another separate computer here in Thailand but there was nothing available last month, I guess the situation is 'fluid' and depends on exactly which model / brand you want. In Europe (Belgium) I recently waited about 2 months for 4 Xeon Golds, similar wait with big hard drives (18 TB enterprise drives), they're available now but at higher prices and in limited numbers. The concerning thing here is that these high end expensive components are not going to be stuck on ships like the cheap low end kit, I believe it's all air freighted around the world....
  18. Sure, it's easily done, just go to a proper computer store and have them custom build one for you, I have a high end workstation, essentially about the best money could buy but it's 2 years old so I've got a 2080TI in it. You're going to find it difficult if not impossible to obtain at least some of the parts right now, especially that graphics card at the moment due to the 'global shortage' and I believe the 3090 isn't generally available yet anyway - just try to get pricing / availability on one and you will see what I mean. The prices have hiked and there's pretty much zero availability. There's also a chip shortage so you may struggle on the CPU and motherboard as well. If you truly want to bring it with you then a well known high end system builder in the US is Puget Systems - they specialise in the best of the best and will know the supply situation for everything. Google them. Local to me in Hua Hin is invadeit.co.th who will build any custom system to your spec and ship it to you or you can collect it if you're nearby, there are component shortages in Thailand as well.
  19. If they do open then it will fail so there's little point until all these restrictions are removed. Isn't there still a 9pm curfew in place right now? Why?
  20. Oh, they will pay the price for years to come. If they opened the airport to everyone tomorrow virtually nobody would come for the purposes of regular tourism. You will no doubt get a bunch of 'snowbirds' over the winter but regular tourists - not a chance.
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