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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Yep, it's inevitable that it will one day go. They're not attempting to keep covid out because it's already everywhere in Thailand so I have to wonder why they're bothering at all? This entire farcial procedure which has destroyed the tourism industry is not in place to protect the country from covid so why are they doing it? There must be a reason, there's always a reason I just can't imagine what it is until I begin to think about the Thai relationship with China, then I begin to wonder who's in charge and setting policy because this is not helping Thailand in any way whatsoever. Very soon pretty much nobody from Europe will be regarded as 'fully vaccinated' due to the period of time that has passed, what will they do then? Will they start insisting on quarantine again?
  2. In New York state you have the Bitlicense which is a protectionist system designed to funnel all economic activity from NY into a very few select exchanges who have this special Bitlicense. It's not a coincidence that all the licensed exchanges in New York State are local and influential, at least that's how it started out. So that's State level protectionism and cronyism. What you're seeing with Binance is national level protectionism, they want to keep the foreigners out. Why did the foreign owned Bitcoin exchanges in Thailand mostly shut down and get replaced with new Thai owned exchanges which are now partnered with banks? Same thing....different 'excuse'....
  3. At some point you bought it at market value and by that very definition you were the fool at that point in time until you sold. It doesn't matter if you paid onlt 10 cents per coin, you were the fool at that point as someone else cashed in. This is also how the stock market works. You can also bet on 0 in a casino. It's never going to zero, ever.
  4. Lets say that person who bought yours at $60k sells it to someone else at $80k later this year, are they still the fool then or does that status pass on to the next buyer or even revert to you? Obviously you were the fool who purchased it at $2k right?
  5. For sure they know, they announced that its going to be endemic which means they know for sure it's spreading like wildfire right now as the epidemic rages on - endemic is what comes after the epidemic. They know exactly what's going on. I believe they're quietly waiting for it to peak and then drop off like we're seeing in other countries, at which point they will declare that their strategy has worked and everything they did was a 'great success' and it will be pats on the back all around with bonuses.
  6. If there is ever a single rejection after payment based on a senior immigration officer being 'upset' or for any other reason whatsoever then it will destroy all trust in the system making it worthless. One single report of someone losing their money is all it will take to remove any trust in the whole system, it would completely collapse if this ever happened.
  7. That is a massive red flag and suggests that covid is indeed spreading very quickly and widely throughout the community right now. The true number of infections is going to be immeasurably higher than the detected number, by that I'm talking about hundreds of thousands per day, every day.
  8. Exactly what kind of loan are they applying for and from whom?
  9. He's lucky he didn't have a small bag of drugs in his pocket or he'd be looking at a far longer prison sentence. The priorities of the courts here are very clear and murder is nowhere near the top.
  10. They won't - they will of course be paid more as it's not a minimum wage job. This is how a small change can affect an entire economy - it's also the reason why it won't happen.
  11. Don't even bother speaking to agents or lawyers about this - most of them don't appear to have any clue what they speak about. Step 4 is, I believe made up, once you're approved the visa insertion is a certainty. Apply directly to thailandelite.com via email and ask them all the questions you have, tell them what the agent.lawyer said to you and they will almost certainly confirm that he has no idea what he's talking about. You can apply for the visa by sending a few forms in by email along with some passport scans as email attachments and they will either approve or deny your application - once it's approved then it's approved - all you need to do is make the payment and collect it. It sounds to me like you're taking advice from someone who has no idea what he's talking about - so better to check directly with Thailand Elite.
  12. In percentage terms that's a huge rise and it will no doubt bring many other workers who already earn about 500 to 600 Baht a day to only slightly above the minimum wage - so they will demand an immediate pay rise and they will no doubt get it. So there will be a knock on effect all the way up the chain. I'm going to be very surprised if this happens, certainly on the proposed scale.
  13. Lol, this is really going to make them feel welcomed. You couldn't make this up - it's sewage.
  14. Yes, in fact it was previously reported that it's simply not possible to extradite a Russian National from Russia, something to do with their constitution and it will never happen. If that changed then it's a major change and I really don't think anything is going to change.
  15. That's what I read. All restrictions will end, no more self isolation, nothing - it's apparently being treated like any other cold, before the end of February. Maybe they will 'fine tune' the regulations but from what I'm reading it's business as normal again. I believe due to devolution that there may well continue to be separate rules in Wales and Scotland but who really cares about them
  16. This is the bit that will change over the course of this year, some countries will lag by many months In the UK we already see all restrictions being removed by the end of February which is just 3 weeks away. For the more backward thinking countries it will take longer but they're not going to want to miss another high season - this is why it ends this year unless a new 'variant' which is measurably far worse.
  17. When there's zero restrictions things will return to normal. Until that day comes then it's not happening. I think it will happen sooner than most people think - as in this year.
  18. The only thing far fetched about the 30k number is that it was as low as 30k.
  19. Dream on, if they taxed foreigners on their foreign income this place would become a ghost town with only 'the skint' remaining. Why do you think many people actually live in Thailand? Think of oil and gas workers, people who have many millions invested in foreign stock markets. Do you actually think any of them pay local tax on their foreign profits? This also applies to Thais who I am assured take every advantage of the rules.
  20. Like I mentioned in my post above, the proposal from a few years back suggested that the tax on anything 'crypto' would also tax foreign earnings and apply to previous years profits. That is what they were talking about going after at the time but we're talking a good few years ago now and many such proposals disappear along the way to legislation - like the withholding tax proposal - that's now gone, I wonder if the foreign / previous year profit thing has now also disappeared.
  21. When you send 'documents' you don't need to list what they are..... For a passport we're talking DHL or Fedex
  22. Does this apply like all other earnings tax? Specifically only to profit made inside Thailand during the current tax year? Lets say I sold 10 Bitcoin for about $500k on December 20, 2022 in some foreign country and then had that $500k wired to my account on January 5th. some of it would be profit from the previous tax year, or indeed profit accumulated over many years of simply holding the coins and not selling or trading them at all, profit from abroad. Had that profit been made from any other source (like I cashed in half my Apple shares after a very profitable split) in a foreign country then I believe it would not be taxable as the profit was not deposited in Thailand until the following year. The reason I ask this question is that it was 'proposed/announced' a few years ago by someone in charge of making new rules that because 'blockchain is global' then the tax would cover all global income on crypto - that would be one massive exception to the existing rules. This is an important point that requires clarification.....
  23. Literally making it up as they go and caught red handed. I wonder what the fine was for having more than 30, who it was paid to by anyone who was fined and where that money (if any was collected) is now.....
  24. If it was 'seized' then how did it find its way into the market, who sold it to who and at what price? ...and most importantly - where's all the money now?
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