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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Indeed, Omicron appeared out of literally nowhere. The investigation into the origin of Omicron will run for as long as it takes, if it takes decades then that's how long it takes - they will find it in the end.
  2. Laughable system, once word of this gets around and by that I mean printed in every newspaper in Europe the tourists will abandon Thailand.
  3. I don't think so, he's 88 years old, not everything works as usual when you get to that age. If you get to that age, most are gone long before that. I wouldn't be too hard on the guy
  4. Yes, a very good question, why are they doing this? Why is anyone doing this?
  5. Pure deflection and an attempt to rebrand and remove the link to China. Why are Chinese scientists in Wuhan meddling with bats from South Africa?
  6. That's more than 5% of the population, there's nothing rare about that. This suggests to me that the Doctors are untrained morons.
  7. There's zero chance that this isn't about money, who gets it and how much they get.
  8. I'm from the UK, do you think the FACTA regulation affects me in any way? Because I can tell you that it doesn't and I don't care about it one bit, I'm aware of it only because I know some Americans. This is what I mean when I say the rest of the world will continue as normal. Nobody cares about FACTA, it doesn't exist for nearly everyone on the planet.
  9. Well it's not one of the requirements to get the TE visa, never was unyway. Did you by any chance apply at an agent instead of going direct to them?
  10. They're been preparing to look into issuing this executive order for months now, still nothing and it doesn't actually exist yet. I suspect they're going to clean it up - there's a lot of complete and utter scams out there - that's what they're going after. In fact it would suit me if they banned all but a small handful of the many thousands of complete and utter garbage that's being traded - they're pure pump and dumps. Naturally the rest of the world will continue as normal and not care what happens in the US.
  11. If you don't pay it then there will be no account opened if you don't have all the documents they demand. This documentation requirement seems to disappear if you buy the insurance, people have been complaining about this for a long time.
  12. Surely the danger is over now he's been arrested? Unless of course he's out on bail.....
  13. A pandemic ends when it becomes reclassified as endemic, doesn't mean the disease has gone, eventually it will be added to the list of common colds. They didn't expect SARS to disappear back in 2003 but it did and hasn't been seen since.
  14. Interesting, I thought that area would be the last to reopen. Personally I've decided not to go to any bars at all until this pandemic thing is well and truly over. I'm not much of a 'barfly' anyway and generally only went out once every week or two so it's not like it makes much difference to me, but some people I know go 'down the pub' literally every single day - without fail, they were hit hard by the pub closures. I always wondered what they do sitting in their little studio apartments all day with nowhere to go ????
  15. Will you continue to say the same when central banks issue their own crypto currencies? Because in a way you will be right, the central banks make money out of thin air all the time and have done for a very long time. The only difference between a central bank digital currency and one of the 'mined' crypto currencies is who's doing the minting - all money comes out of thin air.
  16. On a lighter note, France who are now recording 500,000 cases per day have decided to allow English tourists back into the country.... I wonder if when Thailand has 100's of thousands of cases every day they will still insist on this absolute nonsense of a system? My guess is that yes, they will.
  17. The ending of a pandemic is as inevitable as the starting of one. It's just a matter of how long it takes between the start and the end. Based on what I've read about history they seem to last for between 3 and 4 years and we're into year 3 right now.....
  18. If they do anything different to China I will be mildly surprised. Not massively surprised but mildly surprised ????
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