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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Indeed, however you haven't profiteered until you sell it at a massively inflated price - which clearly hasn't happened yet. Has anyone considered that they might simply have retained enough stock so they can continue to supply their regular customers who rely on them? That would be good supply chain management to maintain a large enough buffer stock in case there's any delivery issues, a contingency plan if you will.
  2. Why? Is there no free market operating in Thailand?
  3. Oh dear, looks to me like this agent has really screwed you over and sat on your application for months before submitting it.
  4. What about my room full of technology, I don't want anyone seeing that, that's definitely something to hide. Got a large safe full gold, cash and other valuables? -You'll want to hide that as well so you're not attacked and robbed blind by people cutting their way through your walls in the middle of the night. If you're broke and live in a bedsit it's not that you've got nothing to hide - you've got nothing, period.
  5. Somchais Razor : "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice"
  6. You're renewing a passport and VFS global sent your visa to the UK? The above is clear as mud and it sounds like you've got the message mixed up. Looking at the time periods it sounds like they have sent your new passport from the UK to Bangkok on Jan 16th, in which case you should have it next week. There's no way VFS global sit on a passport application for 2 months before sending it off - it's processed instantly - then it takes 2 months in the UK - then they mail the new passport to Bangkok - if I applied in November I would be expecting the new passport to arrive right around now which lines up with your dates here but this talk of 'visa sent to the uk' adds confusion. When I renewed my passport last year the above sequence of events happened exactly in the timescales you have and I got my passport about 7 weeks after VFS global processed the application.
  7. No, it's not worth travelling anywhere right now unless you really have to.
  8. Yes, it looks to me like they're getting back to where they left off before the pandemic. There must be some real pent up anger among those who work there after allowing people to stay so long. Whatever they do, it always backfires on them in some way...I can't wait to see how this one turns out.
  9. Interesting, it goes into a little more detail here : https://cryptobriefing.com/bangkok-billionaire-taps-binance-for-new-crypto-exchange/ I guess after Binance came under fire last year in Thailand they've found a way back in.
  10. Lets face it, this is prison for children and based on the quoted age range, babies.
  11. Nah, it's all about any profit at the time of sale. Merely moving them around generates no profit or loss. If they wanted to kill crypto stone cold dead in Thailand they could alter the VAT laws and tax every purchase transaction. That would end it in one day.
  12. You can use a Thai exchange for the convenience of easy buying, you don't need to ever sell anything on the Thai exchange....it's a big world. Prediction : literally everybody will do the above.
  13. I believe COVID is a 'notifiable desease', so this isn't going to happen unless the WHO change the way things operate for the whole world - which they won't.
  14. You're missing something. You don't need a tax id to not pay any tax on money deposited a year (or more) after it's earned. So keep all your money and investments outside the country and transfer it in as and when you need it. I've heard tales of people who do large transfers right around the first week of January, the reason being that it's unlikely you earned it in the current year and almost certainly wouldn't need to show any proof if audited but those were Thai tax payers, they were foreigners but also in the Thai system and had companies and locally taxed salaries paid in Thailand. So you can stay here for a very long time at the moment without having any kind of tax number. That might change in the future but who knows. If there are no rule changes then sure, I see no reason why you can't just do this for 20 years. I was speaking to someone a couple of years back and I mentioned that I last paid tax back in the 90's and he said he's never paid any, now this guy was well into his 70's so he's spent the last 50+ years without paying a penny in tax and he too lives in Thailand and has done for a very long time. There are some people who can benefit (quite a bit) from paying tax in Thailand, those who have to pay a sometimes far higher rate in the country where their money originates, if they can prove that they're going to be taxed in Thailand then that money won't be taxable in the origin country - this is something people who come from the Scandinavian countries tend to do based on what I've heard, they can pay far less tax on pension payments I believe. So the visa is nothing to do with taxation and long may that last, if they come looking for tax off me then I think my days of remaining in Thailand would be numbered. I've been here well over 10 years and spent more than half of those on the Elite visa.
  15. Mexico made a recent change at the national level but the individual states have various restrictions - however you can get it easily.
  16. It will likely only be temporary anyway but if her hair is falling out as well then a repeat procedure might not be worth the bother.
  17. It's hard to imagine the kind of emty headedness required to construct a burger and forget to put the main ingredient in.
  18. They're doing a good job of making sure Delta continues to circulate at the moment. The only way they get rid of that is by allowing Omicron to 'push it out' - and there's no way they're going to do that. China has the same problem, they will never admit defeat to a mere virus but in the end they will be defeated by it. The longer it takes, the more will die from previous circulating variants.
  19. They need 'AI' to process that simple requirement? The mind boggles. I have no doubt this will be a complete disaster, they should try hiring someone with actual intelliegence rather than rely on the artificial kind.
  20. I had to get one for a Kasikorn account once.
  21. If they tax it then people will just use another country to do their business in, it's really as simple as that. If you want to kill the industry in Thailand then taxation is the way to go. I note that they're doing something similar with the stock exchange which I also expect to go to <deleted>.
  22. It's becoming increasingly normal for youngsters to collapse with stoke and heart related symptoms in the last year.
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