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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. Did you bother to watch the video. AAC is the cheaper option. Specially trained workers? BS. any worker who can lay bricks will take less than 30 minutes to cross train on AAC. Different tools, yes. Difficult tools, no. Rendering is exactly the same process as on bricks just a different base coat and less render needed due to the smoother finish of AAC. So anyone who can render bricks can render AAC and in less time. None of this is rocket science though you seem to be determined to make it seem as if it is. Not in deepest Issan round here No problems with all the houses round here. Constant cracking? No. Use the correct AAC glue, no problems. Cracking is never down to the infill material, it’s always poor foundations.
  2. It sounds like a rather risky plan, carry a load of cash in the hope you can get a card issued to use here and pay the cash in, or transfer money in the hopes you will get a card with no problems. It certainly could happen the way you want but it’s not a plan that is guaranteed to work. I hope you have a backup to that one.
  3. I can virtually guarantee that you must have both the old passport and new along with the expired card. Also my experience is that depending on the card you may be unable to get a new atm card at a different branch. However if you can still transfer money as you say why bother with an ATM card. Just transfer all the money and abandon the account.
  4. The thing with them is that though the items are higher priced they are not expensive just higher quality. Naturally you can set similar but lower quality cheaper.
  5. Every mistake you make is probably good, every breath you take is incredibly bad. I would look to someone like Leo Laporte of the TWIT network at twit.tv he has been a broadcaster for years and later a podcaster since 2005 you can be sure that the microphones he uses do the job he had an episode specifically on microphones https://twit.tv/shows/know-how/episodes/217 it’s a bit dated however microphone technology is mature and virtually all you get is “hair and makeup” changes to entice you to boy something “new” noise cancelling tech is virtually the only way headsets are improving.
  6. That is completely untrue. AAC blocks are vastly faster to lay than red bricks, while they both need string lines to ensure they are not out of plumb and that the courses are level due to the size, accurate square faces and the thinness of the glue AAC does not go out of plumb easily. An AAC block layer can be trained in very short order and when given the correct equipment is at least 3 times faster than a brick layer. ( under 3 people 3 hours vs 5 people for over 6 hours) If you have ever tried to disassemble an AAC block wall that used the correct glue you would understand that your claim has no basis in fact. All of that doesn’t address the ease of cutting chases, fire resistance, sound transmission, and heat transfer all of which are much better with AAC than red brick here is a video produced in India however that makes no difference to the labour, though the costs will be a little different not by that much
  7. You will find full details of my build in a thread titled “Workshop and house, Non Sa-At ½ way between KK & Udon” on a website specifically targeted at building cool Thai houses, most of your questions have been discussed at length there, it is non commercial so no competition to this site. my user name is the same.
  8. There are also the movable exterior fins where they change by time of day. you can see them in Vientiane.
  9. That is the wrong place to get advice on IR blocking film. Automotive tint shops specialises in that. The real problem is that the most effective film that has good light transmission while cutting IR by 90% is extremely expensive. You should also look at low-e glass as that is almost certainly better value
  10. To add to the fun 5G will switch off when you get too close to airports in some areas as the ILS ground distance radar has problems with the 5G frequencies interference, this is true for the USA frequencies. It maybe that it’s true in other locations.
  11. Are you sure it’s the DNS server? If so then it’s easy to configure to and or if you don’t like Google then. however is much more likely to be the DHCP server that’s resetting the connection.
  12. Your post is confusing and seems to be both wrong and confused. entry requirements are ONE of the following; certified fully vaccinated (2 or more) OR a certified professional ATK test administered within 72 hours of flying (negative result) OR a PCR test administered within 72 hours of flying (negative result)
  13. Stressed? No. A 5/15 meter can quite happily supply 25 amps all day long, however it is out of the guaranteed accuracy range & if inaccurate it will be reading more power consumption than is actually being used.
  14. from the Thailand Pass site only requirements are either proof of vaccination or RT-PCR/Professionally administered ATK test
  15. That is true for the UK. But you may have noticed we are not in the UK and UK rules and laws have no meaning here. If it is a pre pay number and there are not enough funds to pay that is the finish. No default, no court.
  16. While I don’t use WhatsApp/Messenger/Telegram. I do use et al ie Skype and anyone with a phone number can receive calls from me May 6, 2022 08:24 2022-05-06T08:24:38+00:00 44300xxxxxxx United Kingdom Call 0.02300 00:53:39 1.30000 USD here is an example of a call that was a little under an hour at a cost of $1.30 it was to a UK land line number but the cost to the USA is the same at ฿0.71 per minute June 23, 2022 08:23 2022-06-23T08:23:06+00:00 44779xxxxxxx United Kingdom Call 0.10000 00:19:02 2.09000 USD this is to a UK mobile so is much more expensive at ฿3.9 per minute I don’t know the cost to a us mobile Other apps have a similar way of charging.
  17. Why would you have any cash in the Apple Store? I’ve used 3 apple stores almost since they were first available and have never had any cash balance. I also have different Apple IDs 1 each for USA, U.K., Japan which I switched to Thailand
  18. Your comment did not clarify. It didn’t make clear that you actually understood what a public area is and is not, neither did it make clear what you actually meant. Private businesses can enforce many different rules, your options are to follow the rules or go to another business. Though you can try being a Kevin (Karen’s brother) and see how long it takes for the BIB to turn up.
  19. You are getting confused between concrete and wood. Concrete cures at a uniform rate however thick it is, wood dries from the outside so seasoning is given as a time per inch of thickness.
  20. You should really understand the difference between public and privately owned but accessible to the public. Neither 7/11 nor Central are public areas they are both privately owned businesses, as such they can require masks if they want. My guess is that they won’t
  21. Ground is always needed, an RCBO is not a replacement for ground. There are faults that will not trip an RCBO that can kill. So simple answer add grounding and an RCBO / RCCD but get a real Electriction if you can, as it is perfectly possible to make it more dangerous if you get things badly wrong
  22. Where is this place? It is a chain supply store and is in most cities
  23. The standard term in the UK is PAR or PSE In the us it is S4S the US can also be S1S, S2S, S3S as well DAR is a Jonny come lately term and usually has a slightly different meaning
  24. The sizes quoted are the rough sawn and the rough sawn sizes will vary a little as they are sawn to size when wet so shrink a bit. The PAR (planed all round) size for a 2 x 4 is 1 ½ x 3 ½ However you can get the wood yards to take off less if you ask. if you really want 2 x 4 PAR it will have to come out of a larger size and the saw mills don’t cut to 2 ½ x 4 ½ so it will be planed from a 4 x 6 so quite a lot will be planed off. Also rough sawn or PAR is all raw material
  25. Use a better quality pad, the 3M VHB ones do not come off.
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