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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. Yes absolutely sure. I have spanner’s in my tool box that prove the point. No, they are not poorly made. Yes, they fit the nuts they are designed for perfectly. Yes, they are marked with the same fractional markings Yes, the sizes with the same fraction marking are different sizes. No your example does not prove your point it just shows that the maker did not mark the spanner correctly as AF or W Yes the auto industry has seen the light even in the USA and they use metric fasteners and have for decades. my tool box has the spanner’s I needed over 5 decades ago to work on my Tiger 100, Norton Commando and a number of Japanese models, including a Honda CB 400 a 4 cylinder bike i colour coded them, blue is metric, red is AF and grey is W.
  2. Just to be pedantic there is no inch value per se, there are several thread forms that have spanner’s with inch markings on them but they are all subtly and annoying different so a ½ AF is different from a ½ W and then you have the BA ones as well with just numbers and one of those is a virtual exact metric 6mm
  3. Incorrect assumption, I have a verity of sizes some are an exact imperial size, some metric. However you would be better advised to get plumbers adjustable pliers rather than mechanics ones. These go to 70mm these are reversible but limited to about 40mm
  4. There are many (probably most) Farcebook company pages that are virtually inaccessible without an account. I have little interest to doing work to stop being the product. I didn’t say that I don’t have a Farcebook account just that I don’t use it. I do have an account that has virtually no personal data on it and used it with 1 friend/contact to exchange pictures when overseas because SWMBO could only use it. It is virtually moribund now. I agree that Farcebook is not 100% useless or evil, just mostly evil, partly useless and an incredible time waster
  5. While it’s certainly possible maybe probable that high end windows laptops are approaching the Mac lineup some may exceed them, there are plenty, probably the majority that come nowhere close. Of course they are very much cheaper. However there are no cheap slow apple laptops at all. So the competition depends on how you define the market, for power efficiency using about ¼ of the power with virtually no fan noise seems difficult to compete with, but then you may have other criteria. The thing that basically stops people switching is familiarity as for many it’s just too much work to learn a new system. The M2 models do not have a release date for Thailand, almost certainly not next month going by previous releases. You can order and get a U.K. delivery date of end of July ~ beginning of August. Thailand is not available to order yet.
  6. Did you actually read the rest of the post? Do you recognise gentle irony in posts? In case you missed it and to be absolutely clear. Yes, a section of 2.5sq mm wire is a fuse. Though in a ceramic tube filled with sand to absorb the flash when it blows. Of course it is not suitable as protection of any domestic supply that I know of. No I neither know nor care what the rated protection of the supply that such a fuse is designed for. Neither did I suggest that in the installation pictured it would give any protection. it is much better than the equivalent cut length of a nail that is often used in place of a clip in fuse when bodging a supply Of course it will be against almost all electricity supply company rules to change main supply fuses, it may even be illegal in some countries. It’s quite likely that the same rules apply in Thailand, though as is usual here rules are differently enforced or not enforced at all
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