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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You appear to be hard of understanding. It has a perforated floor raised a few inches above ground level that keeps him cool and clean and away from ants/bugs. The door is normally left open so he is free to roam our 2500 sq. metre garden but he often chooses to sit in their anyway as it's the most comfortable spot. Then, when people (gardeners, builders etc) come to work for us we close the door so that he doesn't get in their way or injure himself on power tools, weed whackers, chainsaws etc. that are often left lying around. Quite a sensible approach if you stop to think about it. Would you be happier if I said I let him roam the village all day and night like all the other soi dogs to prove how friendly he is?
  2. Of course you can distinguish. Some dogs are bred to herd sheep. Some dogs are guard dogs, some retrieve game, some protect property or humans. Pitbulls were bred to fight dogs, but since that is mostly illegal now they are kept as pets and they are very loyal, fun loving animals. As I said, they were specifically bred to be human friendly as they lived with the dog fighters family and had to be handled during fights. Human aggression was considered a negative trait. There was no benefit to human aggression for a dog fighter, in fact quite the opposite. It would be like a Labrador that ate the pheasant instead of bringing it back to the owner. No good. Unfortunately they can fall into the wrong hands. If they are mistreated over long periods of time they can bite people same as any other dog can. But they are inherently people friendly.
  3. Wrong. They were bred to fight other dogs, not humans. In fact, the ability for them to live alongside their owners and their family in between fights was very important. As was the ability to be able to separate them from other dogs without being bitten yourself. Of course, if you mistreat them or don't socialize them, or encourage aggression towards people they can bite humans just like any other dog.
  4. I could leave him in the house while they are working, but he prefers to sit watching the builders and the other stuff going on around the farm. It's a hub of activity at the moment, no place for a dog of any kind to be roaming around. A comfortable, clean cage underneath the rose apple trees is just the ticket. If it gets too hot he can go in the air con.
  5. Out of respect for the builders I would put him in the cage anyway. Not everyone likes dogs trying to play with them when they are trying to work. Plus it's cool and clean in there, he often goes in there by himself when the door is left open.
  6. I would have thought that was obvious. There are builders there working with power tools. What type of irresponsible owner lets a dog walk around a building site in such circumstances? The cage is elevated a few inches from the floor with perforated flooring, allowing airflow underneath him and keeping him nice and cool and away from dirt, ants and other irritants. He hasn't got a heavy duty collar. It's called a harness and prevents skin issues around the neck in hot/humid climates. Maybe best you avoid dogs altogether with such a lack of knowledge/responsibility.
  7. Too many sharp objects, power tools etc. lying around. Every responsible owner knows that, I'd have thought it was obvious. Not good to have him trying to play with them while they are drilling, cutting etc. Plus he keeps falling asleep in the holes they are digging before they can finish them.
  8. Another clueless backyard breeder. Great dogs. Mine is currently watching (supervising) the builders doing our extension. Such a good boy. Handsome too
  9. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1384098/bbc-news-bbc-question-time-richard-sharp-bbc-chair-appointment-bbc-bias
  10. Seems pretty accurate to me. Why are the left always trying to control and redefine language to score political points? If someone assumes the word Thug somehow relates exclusively to black people I'd suggest they are the ones who need to adjust their own prejudices.
  11. Ah, the cultural enrichers showing us all once again the value of mass uncontrolled immigration. Repeat after me, "Diversity is our strength".
  12. I suggest they take a look at the BBC's Question Time first. Audiences and panels stacked with left wing bias. Not to mention the presenters.
  13. I am considering roses and a bottle of wine for those who approved Harry's.
  14. Wokeness and "Liberalism" are indeed destroying the West from within. Trudeau and Biden are absolute disasters for Canada and the US respectively. History will show the current period in a very dark light for Western Democracy. With the EU gradually destroying Europe, the West is in massive decline. The Strange Death of Europe is an excellent read for anyone with an open mind. Russia and China must be laughing their backsides off. All they have to do is sit back and watch the West self destruct, led by disingenuous politicians who betray their own populations for their own flawed ideologies and egos. Apart from that, we're doing great.
  15. Always amusing when leftists defend Muslim intolerance in the name of diversity and inclusion. 😆
  16. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to rate him after his upcoming second term?
  17. A brilliant presenter. Obviously the snowflakes don't like some of his jokes, but they can always change the channel (or get a sense of humour).
  18. I can imagine you at a pool party with Bill. Bill tells you his science. The pool is full of acid, he says. Then he jumps in, playing with his wife and kids and sipping a delicious cocktail. You sit outside, sweating in the sun and trembling with fear- warning everyone to stay out of the pool, quoting Bill's science. Bill meanwhile has the pool all to himself. Bill loves people like you.
  19. Here. How about we start with the EU's largest economy, The EU powerhouse. Zee Germunz? https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/german-economy-doing-dramatically-bad-economy-minister-says-as-government-prepares-to-slash-gdp-forecast/
  20. More trolling from you Chomps. It's a lovely day, I'll rise above it.
  21. I'm having far more interesting debates on other threads Ray. If you can drop the race baiting and trolling for 5 minutes you could come and join us. Try it, you might actually enjoy a break from all that negativity.
  22. Not really. Although I do live in Thailand so I'm kind of used to it. I wonder why you do if such things are so important to you. Having said that, I'd rather have dirty air and water than live under a socialist system where the state controls/regulates everything. However, the 2 are not mutually exclusive. It's possible to have clean air and water without the kind of state control that leftists try to push, thinly disguised as "saving the planet". A great start would be the elites setting an example with their own behaviour. Rather than continuing to pollute many times more than the average man and then preaching to them about their behaviour while trying to buy themselves a "free pass" with carbon credits and other such nonsense. Nobody with any sense takes that seriously. The more I see a "do as I say not as I do" from the likes of Gates, Obama, Swift, The Markles and other left wing virtue signallers the less I am likely to believe their intentions are genuine and do as they say. Having said that, my lifestyle is already effortlessly far less polluting than those charlatans, as someone who loves nature and has a farm with over 2000 trees, grows fish in my lake, enjoys riding motorcycles more than driving cars, grows many types of fruit and vegetables, doesn't enjoy long haul travel etc. I guess I am actually the opposite of those lefty hypocrites without even trying. One of many reasons I have so much disdain for them. I'd bet good money that my lifestyle is far more "green" than a lot of the preachy doomsday cultists on here as well. Which leads me back nicely to my original point. They aren't really doing it to save the planet, that is a ruse. They are doing it to promote their leftist ideology. As I said before, Global climate alarmism is an excuse for global socialism.
  23. You literally just proved my point Jog on Ray, go troll someone else
  24. Green taxes don't remove assets from the individual and into the hands of the state? Who knew? Climate based legislation does not remove freedom from the individual and give the state new increased powers? Who knew? You're right. This must just be one massive conspiracy theory! Of course it's more complicated than that. So to help you along your journey, here's an article to help you understand a bit more. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/02/07/how-the-green-elites-are-impoverishing-the-world/
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