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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It would appear that the "Democrats" tactic of trying to stay in power through the legal system rather than the ballot box isn't really working out. How ironic that the "Democrats" are causing untold damage to the electorate's faith in the Democratic process. Let's hope these hypocrites get their comeuppance.
  2. To use an analogy from the movie Deliverance the American public is currently staring at the creepy kid playing the banjo (who bears a striking resemblance to Joe) and wondering whether to continue with the trip. Maybe it is easier to just carry on? Deep down they know it is ill fated. But they dont know whether to say something. Will they continue like Burt Reynolds and his buddies? If they do, expect the same result. The American public will indeed be squealing in the forest at the hands of Joe's associates.
  3. Squeaky bum time. It was always going to be difficult to pin this all on Ghislaine Maxwell. Lots of machinations right now within the stars and stripes of corruption (to borrow a phrase from Mr Biafra).
  4. Good to see the Danes respecting their royal family and their culture. They also do a good job protecting their borders. Much respect to Denmark. The simps of Europe could learn a lot from you.
  5. What a time to be alive . No wonder California is facing such an exodus. I have friends there who tell me its almost impossible to ride dirtbikes there legally and the green taxes are out of control. Growing up I used to aspire to live there due to my love of motocross, hiking, surfing etc. I spent some time there in the late 90s and loved it. The deeply authoritarian "liberals" have pretty much ruined the place for the average man. Just goes to show how left wing Authoritarianism and climate alarmism can ruin even the most beautiful of places. Sad.
  6. Correct. Unfortunately the Democrats are not big fans of Democracy, especially when they are losing in the polls and have such huge inside influence over the American legal system. Neither are they very liberal, or progressive for that matter. That's the problem with self definition. You tend to use labels that you wish to be, rather than those which you actually are. I suspect this attempt to subvert democracy will backfire spectacularly as it did with the the "Social Democrats" following Brexit.
  7. Indeed. But they need to be careful. If Chinese social media finds out that the killer of the young Chinese mother got off scot free it will be another blow for what is left of Thailand's reputation in China.
  8. Once again the "democrats" are trying remove the right of Americans to democratically vote for their preferred candidate. They are neither Democratic nor liberal. They are deeply authoritarian and intolerant of people with alternative views. Do not be fooled by them.
  9. Yes he should be stripped of his titles IMO. Nothing to do with an alleged, unsubstantiated interaction with the lying teenage prostitute though. He offers nothing. Same as the dumb prince and his Instagram loving wife. Get rid of the trash.
  10. Unsubstantiated gossip. A biased opinion. If you have any proof of any of this please post links. Otherwise as per forum rules please do not suggest it is factual.
  11. By all means. Until that happens and Andrew is subsequently convicted of something, maybe you should stop throwing around unsubstantiated, inaccurate and insulting terms like paedophile. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if someone called you a nonce or a rapist with nothing to back it up other than a deep seated hatred of your family/class/wealth.
  12. Yes she was a prostitute by her own admission. She also acquired other girls for sex on behalf of Maxwell, by her own admission. She stopped her feminist crusade for young girls after receiving 16 million dollars. She is a real gem, it seems. It was never proven that she slept with Andrew, and if she did it was never proven that Andrew paid her. So it would appear that you have nothing other than your hatred of the royal family.
  13. While I share your disgust at paedophilia and probably exceed your level of disgust, I am afraid you are deliberately conflating 2 very different issues to slander Prince Andrew. This was obviously and factually not paedophilia. You do not "bow to my superior knowledge", you are simply wrong and I am right. No definition of paedophilia includes consenting 17 year olds, whether the 17 year old is a criminal sex trafficker or not. The age of consent in the uk is 16. No crime was committed. This was not paedophilia. It was not even illegal. Weird? Maybe but lots of people engage in weird, legal, sexual behaviour. Your disgust at the age difference is no different to someone who is disgusted by 2 men having sex. You might find it disgusting but it is legal. She consented. She was of legal age. Maybe you should address your own prejudices? You seem a bit out of touch and bigoted.
  14. I'm sure the timing of the Supreme Court's ruling will be arranged to cause Trump the maximum amount of damage. The politicization of the legal system in the US continues unabated. It will fail though. Trump will defeat Biden. Stamp it.
  15. Yeah I'd rather they kicked Harry and his wife out, they've done more damage to the Monarchy than all the rest combined with their claims of racism that they are too spineless to even admit they made.
  16. Go smoke weed in Indonesia, then when you go to jail tell them it's legal in Thailand. It doesn't matter what "most countries" do, in England the age of consent is 16 so no law was broken. At 17 in the UK you can drive, smoke, have sex, join the Army etc. People mature a lot faster than in "your day". This sex worker knew exactly what she was doing, she even recruited more girls for Maxwell so she was the trafficker, not Andrew. You can't even get your terminology correct. Pedophilia relates to pre-pubescant children. 17 is not pre-pubescant. It is not illegal. While you attempts to claim the moral high ground by siding with a sex trafficking prostitute are revealing, they have no basis in the law. Even if he did sleep with her, he did not break the law. Once again, 17 is not a child. The age of consent in the UK is 16. You're like a homophobe who says two men having sex is disgusting, then when someone points out it is perfectly legal you say "well it damned well shouldn't be". Do I find the 23 year age gap between them a bit weird? Yes I do. But I dare say there are members on this forum with wives with a similar age gap. I do not judge them. They are breaking no laws, same as Prince Andrew didn't. Try not to be so judgemental. Your hatred of the Monarchy is clouding your judgement again.
  17. She was a prostitute who by her own admission acquired other girls for Maxwell. If you want to criticize sex traffickers, start with her. 17 year olds (not 16 as you claim) know the difference between right and wrong as courts find every day. You keep making excuses for the sex trafficking prostitute though... https://news.met.police.uk/news/three-teenagers-jailed-following-murder-investigation-477342
  18. The Muslim gangs often have underaged girls coerced into sex against their will. Sometimes gang raped. Guiffre was of legal age and a willing participant in the alleged activity. You'd have to have a fairly warped mind to equate the two.
  19. If I had a PCX I'd put it under the seat. I don't find it ruins the look of my 899. Those locks are pretty small. You wouldn't even notice it and if you're that worried they are small enough to fit inside the pocket of a motorbike jacket.
  20. Nice try Bud . I'm not supporting anything of the sort (as you well know). Having sex with a willing 17 year old in the UK is not even illegal (assuming he did, which is an unproven allegation). https://lawstuff.org.uk/police-and-law/age-of-consent/ Guiffre was a prostitute who was a self confessed acquirer of children for sexual purposes herself, that's how 'innocent' she was. So by deliberately mis-characterising her as an innocent victim, it would appear it is YOU that is vigorously defending the sex trafficking of children, not me.
  21. Totally agree. Although the likes of Virginia Giuffre were not kids, they were young sex workers who themselves helped to recruit others for sex. Of course, Guiffre painted herself as a naive victim once she saw the dollar signs (around 16 million of them I believe). That's a bit harsh on Markle. Besides, she preferred working on the yachts (allegedly).
  22. I always lock mine to the bike, even if I'm using one of my cheaper helmets. It's not the cost, it's just annoying and inconvenient to have them stolen, having to ride home through busy traffic as a farang without a helmet in BKK, makes me stand out like a sore thumb looking like a right idiot, risking head injury, dust in the eyes, getting pulled by the cops etc. Only takes 5-10 seconds to lock it if you keep a coiled combination lock wrapped around the frame somewhere.
  23. I have a Shark carbon Speed-R. Great helmet, light, comfy, looks good. I say go for it.
  24. Yeah Monica was quite hot at the time, especially compared to Hilary. I was getting serious MILF vibes at the time. Unfortunately, Bill was also found to have used the "Lolita Express". https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9789355/Bill-Clinton-took-TWO-trips-Jeffrey-Epstein-Ghislaine-Maxwell.html I wouldn't be at all surprised to find him named.
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